Monday, January 16, 2017

Why isn't this top news?

Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele's frustration as FBI sat on Donald Trump Russia file for months
Christopher Steele, the former MI6 agent who investigated Donald Trump’s alleged Kremlin links, was so worried by what he was discovering that at the end he was working without pay, The Independent has learned.
Mr Steele also decided to pass on information to both British and American intelligence officials after concluding that such material should not just be in the hands of political opponents of Mr Trump, who had hired his services, but was a matter of national security for both countries.

Got it. The GOP has deemed too many Americans having health insurance a bigger crisis than a foreign government meddling in our elections.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Welcome to America, where we can celebrate a man who fought racism on a Monday & inaugurate a racist that Friday.- John Fugelsang

I'd like to thank all the white men who are taking time out from their busy day to explain to black people the history of civil rights. - Tea Party Cat

Meanwhile, Trump Has Really Pissed Off China
Two Chinese state-run newspapers are warning President-elect Donald Trump against putting the “One China” policy up for debate.
"If Trump is determined to use this gambit in taking office, a period of fierce, damaging interactions will be unavoidable, as Beijing will have no choice but to take off the gloves," wrote China Daily, an English-language newspaper

Skinheads and Hippies, Piccadilly Circus, 1969.

Republican Shenanigans

GOP congressmen starting to be swarmed at town halls by GOP constituents who FINALLY figured out the ACA they love is the Obamacare they hate. - Kurt Eichenwald

GOP Wants To Fully Legalize Gun Silencers. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
The GOP has just risen to a whole new level of crazy. Last week, it introduced the Duncan-Carter Hearing Protection Act of 2017, sponsored by Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) and Rep. John Carter (R-TX). The bill removes gun silencers from the scope of the National Firearms Act of 1934, and refunds the $200 transfer tax to applicants who purchased them after October 22, 2015.

Trump questioned President Obama's legitimacy based on a racist lie.
Lewis questions Trump's legitimacy based on verified intelligence. - Jesse Berney


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I'm thinking the use of the phrase "peaceful transition of power" is code for "please shut the F up while we set up our dictatorship." - Erik Bransteen

Rock The Voter News

Trump: "There is no conflict of interest. My sons will run my businesses as independent of me as my administration is independent of Putin!" - Tea Party Cat

Karaoke machine backs out of preforming at the inauguration. - Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

I love Meryl Streep.

MSNBC to Preempt Trump Inauguration with Rerun of Obama's. - Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile, Science Believers Are Facing Reality
The British Antarctic Survey is to pull all staff out of its space-age Halley base in March for safety reasons. The highly unusual move is necessary because the Brunt Ice Shelf on which the research station sits has developed a big new crack.

Make sure to post all of your anti-Trump tweets this week.
Because by Saturday, the authorities will classify them as 2nd degree felonies.- Erick Bransteen



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Coast of Kau'ai, Hawaii. That's me at the top of the picture waving at you, obscured by clouds.
Not. But I wish it was.


Friday, January 13, 2017

Back in the USSR

Donald Trump has persuaded Republicans to doubt the intelligence on Russia's hacking
Donald Trump this week finally came around (kind of) to the intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in hacking in an attempt to influence the 2016 U.S.

Trump had paid staffers at his press conference cheer and clap for him. He still thinks he's campaigning. It's just so damned unseemly. - George Takei

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Good news!  Trump says the Russians who control him claim they don't control him, so that's the end of that!- Tea Pain

Yeah, Sure, Let's Tell China To Stay Out Of The South China Sea
Chinese state media has taken aim at Rex Tillerson, President-elect Donald Trump's pick for secretary of state, after he suggested a more aggressive strategy toward Beijing in the contested waters of the South China Sea.

Republicans Had 8 Years To Come Up With An Obamacare Replacement
Senate Republicans launched their effort to repeal and replace President Barack Obama's landmark healthcare law early Thursday morning, approving a budget blueprint that they've dubbed the Obamacare "repeal resolution.

Welcome to America, where people who call themselves Christian are praying that millions will soon lose health care.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Not fair to compare Obama's farewell address to Trump's press conference.  That's like comparing apples to corrosive festering tumors.- John Fugelsang

Paul Ryan Is Trying To Spin Himself Out Of This Self-Imposed Chaos
Speaker Paul Ryan is urging the GOP-controlled House to pass a 'critical first step toward delivering relief' from President Barack Obama's signature health care law.

Meanwhile, in our nation’s capital, our elected officials had a late night of work. After seven hours of debating, they voted to approve a resolution that would rid the country eventually of Obamacare. Can you imagine, the senators finally worked until 1:30 in the morning, and it was for this? How would Congress like it if we all met in the middle of the night and voted to take THEIR healthcare away? -Jimmy Kimmel


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Women's March Is Going To Be Yuuuuuuuge!
City parking permits for 200 buses are being sought for Inauguration Day. The number for the Women's March: 1200.

Far more parking permits are being sought for buses for the Women's March on Washington the day after inauguration than for the inauguration itself, D. C. Council member Charles Allen said Thursday.

That awkward moment when terrorists attack the US because Trump has the FBI busy hunting down everyone who didn't like or retweet him. - Tea Party Cat


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Biz/Tech News

So Donald Trump endorsed L.L. Bean on Twitter — because if anybody represents the rugged great outdoors, it’s a spray-tanned germaphobe who goes to the bathroom on a gold toilet. - James Corden

Military Industrial Complex Is Having To Tighten Its Belt
Emerging from a meeting with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower in New York on Friday, Lockheed Martin Chief Executive Marillyn Hewson told reporters Friday the Bethesda-based defense giant is close to a new contract deal that would cut the cost...

63 degrees in NYC in January but it's ok because our new president who can't spell says climate science is a Chinese hoax.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Barrier Lake Kops, Austria. A great place to bring your drone.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

The FBI Needs To Be Investigated, Namely Comey, And A New Election Must Be Held.

If true, this salacious dossier on Trump was gathered by a very experienced intel man, Christopher Steele, hired by Republicans opposed to Trump before he won the nomination. Let that sink in. 

Below are the last two paragraphs of an article by the Guardian.

...In the US presidential campaign Steele was initially hired by a Washington DC political research firm, to investigate Trump on behalf of Republicans opposed to his candidacy. He was kept on the assignment after Trump won the nomination and his information was circulated to Democratic party figures and members of the media, Reuters said.
Eventually he began dealing with the FBI regarding the dossier, sources told Reuters, but he became frustrated at the bureau’s slow progress and cut off contact. The material then circulated in political and media circles before ultimately making its way into the public domain.

So the FBI Director, James Comey, knowing of this dossier decided to intervene in the presidential campaign days before the election inferring that Hillary's emails were once again a problem.

How many more dots need to be connected that there was direct interference by the FBI and Russia all in favor of Trump?

UPDATE: Justice Dept is going to "review" the FBI

I am taking the day off. My friends have come by to paint the inside of my house. 😊

Peace and love to all.