Wednesday, January 11, 2017

RICO Laws. Just throwing that out there.

Trump drops ‘no new deals’ pledge
'President-elect Trump should not be expected to destroy the company he built,' a Trump lawyer said Wednesday.

Trump has literally melded his personal businesses with the US government and has announced a pathway for foreigners to submit bribes. - Ryan Lizza

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Hope you enjoyed Obama's speech. You won't hear anything so cogent and kind for a long time. So, with complete sincerity: THANKS, OBAMA. - Stephen King

Trump's 1st Fully Orchestrated Press Conference
Donald Trump took questions from the media Wednesday for the first time since he was elected president on Nov. 8. And he quickly put to rest the idea that his rapidly approaching presidency would fundamentally change his tone, style or basic approach ...

Trump says fighting ISIS is "Number one tricky."
Which happens to be the name of the service he ordered from the Russian call girl agency. - John Fugelsang

I Wonder What Revenge Trump Will Take Out On McCain
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) says he delivered a dossier to FBI Director James Comey late last year containing unverified claims that Russia had gathered compromising information on President-elect Donald Trump.

Republican Shenanigans

"I guess I'm not so gross after all."
--Anthony Weiner
- Andy Borowitz.

The best part of the new Tump leak will be how everyone giggles when they say the word 'leak.'- John Fugelsang

That reminded me of a Soviet press conference. More speakers than questions, more flags than answers.- Garry Kasparov


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Rock The Voter News

"To Joe Biden, the scrappy kid from Scranton who became Delaware’s favorite son: you were the first decision I made as a nominee & the best" - President Obama

I Guess That Trump Will Remove Hillary's Name 
Hillary Clinton made a rare and low-key return to Washington on Tuesday for the ceremonial opening of a new exhibition and museum area at the State Department that will be partly named for her.

FBI had both "Russians have blackmail info on Trump" and "There are irrelevant emails on Weiner's laptop."
Guess what they publicized.- Dante Atkins


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Biz/Tech News

Rightwing pro-torture corporatist who threatens press that don't portray him flatteringly frets about Nazi Gemany.
Satan hi-fives Roy Cohn.- John Fugelsang

Tillerson Is In Vlad's Back Pocket
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) asked Rex Tillerson point-blank whether Vladimir Putin was a war criminal — and Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state blinked.
“I would not use that term,” said Tillerson, the longtime chief executive of Exxon Mobil who was awarded the Kremlin’s Order of Friendship in 2013 .

I'd like to publish a photography book of very recently born babies and call it 'Not Cute Yet.'- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

After such an ugly day, I wanted to look at Claude Monet's "Water Lilies."


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Grab her by the nipples

Trump Pushes Republicans for Immediate Repeal of Obama Health Law
President-elect Donald J. Trump pressed Republicans on Tuesday to move forward with the immediate repeal of the Affordable Care Act ...

Unless he undergoes a miraculous rehabilitation, Trump's chances of committing high crimes and misdemeanors while in office are roughly in the 100% range.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam Trump

Under Trump's administration the phrase "bi-partisan" will mean any consensus reached between the GOP and Vladimir Putin. - Tea Pain

Ties Between Trump Campaign and Russia?
The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee said Tuesday the panel’s ongoing investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election should look into possible coordination between the presidential campaigns and the Russian government.

Lying that Trump never mocked a reporter's disability is the new lying that Trump never asked Russia to hack Americans.- John Fugelsang

Trump's Torture Plans Are More Fodder For ISIS Recruiting Videos
A group of retired officers is telling President-elect Donald Trump not to bring back torture for terrorism suspects, The New York Times reported.
The Times reported that 176 retired officers, including 33 four-star generals and admirals, sent a letter to the president-elect cautioning him against bringing back waterboarding and other torture methods.

Jared Kushner has come so far. His father was a convicted criminal, and now he's going to be working for... oops, never mind this post. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

I worry that Trump's obsession with Meryl Streep is distracting him from more serious issues, like Alec Baldwin. - Andy Borowitz

I will put some South in your mouth.

Jeff Sessions Thinks Chain Gangs Are Perfectly Proper
When Alabama became the first state to bring back the use of chain gangs in 1995—a horrific remnant of Jim Crow—Sessions, as Alabama attorney general, defended it as “perfectly proper.” (The chain gangs were scrapped after a year because of a federal lawsuit.)

Congratulation to Jeff Sessions on being named Grand Dragon of the Department of Justice. - Jeff Tiedrich

GOP Healthcare Plan: Send flowers to your funeral.

What Republican Health Care Plan?
Republicans are preparing to take a major vote this week aimed at repealing Obamacare -- but the drumbeat of concern within GOP ranks about the lack of a replacement is growing louder.


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Rock The Voter News

Old School Republican Kicked Off Plane For Whining
He's no longer in the U.S. Senate, but Al D'Amato still knows how to make a speech.
The former lawmaker got escorted off a plane Monday night in Florida, as shown in several social media videos, apparently after complaining about a pre-takeoff delay. 


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Putin led a complex cyberattack scheme to aid Trump.  Let's have the election again.- Bette Midler

Biz/Tech News

Trump claimed DC dress shops have run out of dresses for his inauguration. A lie! And ladies, if you do go, I suggest you wear metal pants.- Bette Midler

Donald Has A Chinese Friend!
Jack Ma, the billionaire founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, strolled into Trump Tower on Monday to talk to Donald J. Trump about a plan to create 1 million U.S. jobs - or that's how they sold it.

Congratulations to Janet Jackson for having a baby at age 50! When I was 50, I wasn’t even strong enough to push a child out of my way. - Bette Midler



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Amazing blue footed boobies in the Galapagos Islands.


Monday, January 9, 2017

Trump Directs Hate Tweets At Meryl Streep So We'll Forget About Russia

Trump Hits Back At Meryl Streep In Early-Morning Tweetstorm
Donald Trump on Monday continued his morning ritual of publishing several tweets responding to his critics, this time lashing out at actress Meryl Streep, who criticized the President-elect in her speech at the Golden Globes award ceremony on Sunday night.

"Mr. Trump, we need you in the situation room."
"What is it?"
"An actor said mean things about you, Mr. President."- Will McAvoy

The celebrity president-elect doesn't like celebrities because he is not part of the in crowd. Sad.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Since foreign hacking is no whoop to Trump fans, surely they'll be cool if the Chinese decide to act as a pro-Democrat Super PAC in 2020. - LOLGOP

Sure, Let's Piss Off China So Our Inflation Will Go Through The Roof Followed By A Recession
China reiterated its opposition Monday to any contacts between U.S. officials and Taiwan's government following a meeting between Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Gov. Abbott of Texas...

I'm starting to wonder whether Trump could really defeat ISIS, since he was completely trounced by Meryl Streep. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Conway: Don't go by what Trump says, go by what's "in his heart"
Kellyanne Conway asked CNN host Chris Cuomo why he refuses to give President-elect Donald Trump “the benefit of the doubt” when Trump says he did not mock a disabled reporter during the presidential campaign.

Kellyanne Conway wants us to "look into Trump's heart" which is easy to do, as he's so thin-skinned most internal organs are visible. - John Fugelsang

Although he has not yet been sworn in, it seems as though Trump's Presidency has gone on forf-ckingever. - Andy Borowitz

Why Lie About Frigging Gowns, Trump, Why?
Retailers in Washington, D.C. are disputing President-elect Donald Trump's claim that "all the dress shops are sold out" ahead of his inauguration later this month.

Mitch McConnell Inflates Throat Pouch In Show Of Dominance Over Fellow Congressional Males - The Onion


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Rock The Voter News

Obama signs executive order relocating Congress to Guantanamo. - Andy Borowitz

Obama And Michelle Are Getting Out Of Dodge
President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama plan to leave the nation’s capital after Donald Trump is inaugurated as president on Jan. 20, White House press secretary Josh Earnest announced Monday.

 "When I'm wounded I go after people hard, okay? And I try to unwound myself." - Donald Trump


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These intelligence briefings are Trump's idea of hell: an hour of nothing but facts.- Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

If Jared Kushner can do for America what he did for The New York Observer our nation will be a blog within 3 years.- John Fugelsang

McDonald's In China Sells Control To China
McDonald's is selling off most of its China business in a deal worth as much as $2.1 billion.
Citic, a massive Chinese financial firm, is taking the majority stake in McDonald's (MCD) operations in mainland China and Hong Kong.

"The strong guys are gentle, always. It's only weak guys who come on strong." –Keith Richards



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Dolomites are a mountain range located where Italy and Austria collide. This photo is of the Val Di Funes (Valley of Funes).
