Friday, January 6, 2017

Addressing Election Hacking Woes

Trump calls Russia hacking allegations a 'political witch hunt'
Donald Trump and his team are newly lashing out at the idea that Russia tried to tip the election in Trump's favor, with the president-elect himself labeling it a "political witch hunt" just ahead of his highly anticipated intelligence briefing on ...

If @hillaryclinton must attend the inauguration, I recommend she wear a big, warm Russian hat and swig from a bottle of Stolichnaya. - Joan Walsh Tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Three Hundred Million Americans Now Enrolled in Trump University. - Andy Borowitz

How The Brits View Trump
It is not unprecedented for political leaders to fall-out with spies. But a row has never before played out so publicly - with rival pronouncements over Twitter and in front of Congress.

Julian Assange Must Be Irony Free
In a Friday tweet, WikiLeaks slammed the CIA for leaking information to NBC.
"The Obama admin/CIA is illegally funneling TOP SECRET//COMINT information to NBC for political reasons before PEOTUS even gets to read it," the tweet read.

Only two more weeks until I replace Obamacare with Trumpdoesntcare.- Fake Donald J. Trump

Republican Shenanigans

We need guns to protect ourselves.
GOP: Makes sense.
We need Planned Parenthood for affordable screenings to protect ourselves.
GOP: No.  - OhNoSheTwitnt

Trump Just Doesn't Pay His Bills, Simply Put.
President-elect Donald Trump’s hotel in Washington, D.C., allegedly owes over $5 million in unpaid bills, according to a new report.
A third lien was recently filed against the Trump International Hotel, The Washington Post reported Friday, claiming about $2.1 million in unpaid fees after two earlier filings claimed over $3 million combined.

Why doesn't Trump self-fund his Great Wall if he's so sure Mexico's going to pay the money back later? No US bank would lend him the money. - Richard Hine


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Rock The Voter News

Maybe if we change the name to Manned Parenthood the GOP won't want to defund it. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Trump To Leave Embassies Leaderless. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
President-elect Donald Trump is breaking with precedent by demanding that politically appointed ambassadors leave their overseas posts by Inauguration Day, a report by the New York Times stated...The president-elect has taken a stand to not allow any of President Barack Obama’s political appointees to continue beyond inauguration day.

"Being your First Lady has been the greatest honor of my life, and I hope I made your proud." - Michelle Obama Tweet


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Obama Offered to Let Trump’s Grandkids Have Sasha and Malia’s Playsets, Trump Said No
CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller noticed something unusual during one of this final trips to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue while it is still the home of Barack Obama yesterday.

Biz/Tech News

When you lose on the new Apprentice show, Arnold says "You have been terminated!" and then impregnates your housekeeper. - Michael McKean

Tick Tock
A vast iceberg, expected to be one of the biggest ever recorded with an area almost the size of the U.S. state of Delaware or the Caribbean island state of Trinidad and Tobago, is poised to break off Antarctica.

Actually, I like man buns but I thought this was funny!



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Rifle Mountain Park, Colorado. I am assuming the photographer was not speared by any falling icicles.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Revenge shall be mine says the Trumpet

Trump considering plans to restructure intelligence agency
President-elect Donald Trump is considering plans to restructure and slim down a top U.S. intelligence agency, a person familiar with the discussions said Thursday. The move comes after Trump questioned the intelligence community's assessment that Russia interfered with the presidential election on his behalf.

If Twitter goes down, American foreign policy will have to rely on skywriting.- Conan O'Brien

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Nobody is accusing President-elect Trump of hostility to all intelligence gathering. He profited enormously from the work of Russian spies. - David Frum

Nothing To See Here. Move On.
More than 150 financial institutions hold debts connected to president-elect, analysis shows.

Why does Trump again and again and again take it upon himself to be Vladimir Putin's defense lawyer? - Sen. Tim Kaine

Republican Shenanigans

Make America Sick Again - brought to you by Prayer Against Care. - John Fugelsang

Fox & Trump Unite
Rupert Murdoch moved swiftly and unexpectedly to fill the void opened up by Megyn Kelly’s departure for NBC. Thursday morning, Fox News announced Tucker Carlson is taking over Kelly’s 9 p.m. slot. Carlson’s ascension to prime time is significant in several ways, the most crucial being this: It’s another sign that Murdoch is pushing Fox News in a more pro-Trump direction.

Call me a Hollywood elitist, but I think it's unconscionable that the richest country in the world would go back to bankrupting the sick. - John Legend

Ineligible Electors? Why, Of Course.
At issue are charges that many of those who voted for Donald Trump were ineligible to serve as presidential electors because they either didn’t live in the congressional district they represented or because they held elective office in states legally barring dual officeholders.


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Rock The Voter News

Because nothing says "small gov't" conservative like gangs of old white men telling you what you can do with your uterus.- The Baxter Bean

Republicans Want To Shut Down Democratic Cities
After consolidating power in Washington, D.C., and state capitals under President-elect Donald Trump, Republicans are moving to prevent large cities dominated by Democrats from enacting sweeping liberal agendas.
Republican state legislatures are planning so-called preemption laws, which prevent cities and counties from passing new measures governing everything from taxes to environmental regulations and social issues.

We simply cannot afford to spend $80 billion annually on incarceration. - President Barack Obama

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Biz/Tech News

The only thing Donald Trump has in common with his supporters is that they've all chosen to reject intelligence. - John Fugelsang

GOP Lining Up Their Ducks To Deal With Pesky Federal Employees
House Republicans this week reinstated a procedural rule created in 1876 that allows lawmakers to cut the pay of individual federal workers down to $1

When God closes a door, throw a chair through a window.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A beautiful agate that looks like a scene out of "Pirates of the Caribbean."


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Trump Sends Russia His Love

Trump sides with Assange, Russia over US intelligence
President-elect Donald Trump is freshly questioning U.S. intelligence assessments of election-season hacking, appearing to side instead with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and Russia in comments that are rattling the American spy world as well as ....

Who do you believe?  The folks that found Osama Bin Laden, or the guy hidin' at the Ecuadoran Embassy in London from rape charges in Sweden?- Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

6 years ago Trump wanted to give Julian Assange the death penalty.  Today he's thinkin' more like the Congressional Medal of Honor.- Tea Pain

China Tells Trump To Stop Tweeting Before He Gets Us All Killed
Donald Trump’s claim that Beijing isn’t doing enough to rein in rogue state North Korea, cautioning the U.S. President-elect not to “escalate” an already tense situation on the Korean Peninsula through his liberal use of social media.

Republican Shenanigans

Arnold Schwarzenegger as new host of 'Celebrity Apprentice' proves Trump was wrong about which particular immigrants are taking our jobs. - John Fugelsang

Republican Wants To Eliminate Supreme Court From Interfering In Obamacare Repeal
Rep. Steve King (R-IA) hates Obamacare so much that he doesn't even want the Supreme Court to cite its own major Obamacare cases in future opinions, according to a bill he introduced Tuesday.
The bill itself list the names of major lawsuits the Affordable Care Act has faced at the Supreme Court and bars them "from citation for the purpose of precedence in all future cases."

I'm shocked the GOP is replacing decent insurance for millions with tax breaks for the rich. But we're 2 ticks of history from being serfs.- LOLGOP


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I bet the reason both Clintons and Bushes are going to the Inauguration is to watch Putin drink a glass of water while tRump takes the oath.- Will Durst

Rock The Voter News

Trump has gotten more credit from the media today for things he didn't do than Obama has gotten in 8 years for the things he did. - Daily Twix tweet

Democrats Pushing For Investigation Into Russia
Senate Democrats are doubling down on their push to create a commission to probe allegations that Russia meddled in the White House race.
Democratic Sens. Ben Cardin (Md.), Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), Patrick Leahy (Vt.), Tom Carper (Del.) and Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) introduced legislation on Wednesday to create the independent pane

White House Running Out Of Paintings To Cover Spots Where Obama Has Punched Through Wall. - The Onion


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Republicans to Replace Obamacare with Death. - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

BREAKING: Trump nominates APPROVED rubber stamp as SEC chief to regulate Wall Street. The stamp is currently the property of Goldman Sachs.- Tea Party Cat

The Man 2nd In Line For The Presidency Disagrees With The Almighty Trump
House Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday called WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange a "sycophant for Russia," just as President-elect Donald Trump was on Twitter promoting Assange's interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity.

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure you can't stop a nuclear missile by tweeting at it. - James Corden


How I feel when I think about Trump


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A flying lizard or a Draco Lizard. I wouldn't touch it. But that's just me.
