Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Republicans are greedy and stupid. Thank God.

After backlash, House GOP backs down from plan to gut ethics office
After an intense backlash, House Republicans on Tuesday reversed their move gutting Congress’ independent ethics watchdog group.

House Republicans held a secret vote during a secret meeting on a national holiday in order to eliminate their independent ethics watchdog - igorvolsky tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Barack Obama's 1st act in 2009 was signing Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. 
Speaker Ryan's 1st act in 2017 is eviscerating House ethics. - Col. Morris Davis

The Russians, the KKK now and the Mafia. Ay Yi Yi.
President-elect Donald Trump rang in the new year together with Joseph "Joey No Socks" Cinque — a convicted felon with ties to notorious Gambino crime family boss John Gotti, a recently released video has revealed.

Republican Shenanigans

So millions rejected a woman allegedly not transparent & ethically challenged ... & elected a party w/no interest in transparency or ethics. - Michael Chen

Meanwhile. Trump Questioning Ethics Of Homeland Security
President-elect Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Homeland Security whether any immigrants' records had been changed for any reason, according to a Reuters report out Tuesday.

Watching rich Republicans cheering the thought of 20 million people losing their health insurance tells you all you need to know. - Kona Lowell

1,000 Law School Profs Say No To Sen. Jeff Sessions
A group of more than 1,100 law school professors from across the country is sending a letter to Congress Tuesday urging the Senate to reject the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.)


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Good news, Trump supporters: Trump may be taking away your healthcare but he is letting you keep your guns, which will come in so handy when his shredding of environmental protections gives you cancer. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Nailed It!
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) says the House Republicans' vote Monday night to weaken the chamber's ethics watchdog was “the dumbest fricking thing I’ve ever heard."

Hey @SpeakerRyan, a liar who defrauds w/his fake University, mocks disabled people and grabs women by the pussy is upset with your ethics.- John Fugelsang


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Biz/Tech News

Repealing Obamacare - because uninsured Americans showing up at emergency rooms on the public dime is the socialism y'all have dreamed of. - John Fugelsang

When Republicans in Congress tell Americans to give up their government healthcare, the correct response should be, "You first."- Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Happy Anniversary, Spirit! #Mars Rover Landed 13 Years Ago Today. Illustration/NASA


Monday, January 2, 2017

U.S. Troops Helping Baltic States

U.S. Lending Support to Baltic States Fearing Russia
VILNIUS, Lithuania — Dozens of United States Special Operations forces are now in the Baltics to bolster the training and resolve of troops who are confronting a looming threat from Russia, and to enhance the Americans’ ability to detect Moscow’s shadowy efforts to destabilize the former Soviet republics.

In 2016 we learned that when America fails history's big IQ test it set the desk on fire, does a victory dance and screams 'stupid desk!' - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Vladimir Putin would never make Donald Trump wear lipstick & a skirt but damn he could if he wanted. - John Fugelsang

Jan 20: Trump places his hand on a book he hasn't read + takes an oath he won't keep: to protect a constitution he doesn't understand.- Tim Hess

Is that Hillary?
The Endless Crucifixion Of Hillary
President-elect Donald Trump’s press secretary pick questioned Sunday whether Hillary Clinton will be “punished” for what he said were her attempts to influence the election.

2016: a great year for people who hated Hillary more than they loved America.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

The GOP didn’t become a party that is 90 percent white with 98 percent white elected officials by accident.- LOLGOP

Trump Has Own "Intelligence."  Dismisses U.S. Intel And Its 200,000+ Employees
Donald Trump has routinely dismissed United States intelligence reports that the Russian government used two major cyber attacks to disrupt the 2016 presidential election and help him win the White House. At various times the president-elect has cast the claims of Kremlin involvement as “ridiculous” and “just another excuse” for Hillary Clinton and her allies. Now, days after President Barack Obama hit Moscow with a series of retaliatory sanctions for its alleged efforts to influence the election, Trump is claiming that he knows “things that other people don’t know,” and that he’ll share those revelations early this week.

Let's just all vow to treat the new president with the same respect as he treated President Obama.- LOLGOP


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Rock The Voter News

Plot of upcoming Air Force One remake: Gary Oldman character is welcomed onto plane and the President tweets about how smart he is. The End. - Frank Coniff

President-elect Donald Trump plans to move forward with business ventures in Indonesia, which pose questions of conflicts of interests as he prepares to take office. 


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Biz/Tech News

A Vatican McDonald's?
Catholic cardinals apparently deserve a break today - and now they can get one at a controversial McDonald's that has opened a football field's length away from the Vatican.

IMPENDING DRAMA ALERT: Wait until Trump's Narcissistic Personality Disorder collides with the slow realization Putin never really loved him. - Mrs. Betty Bowers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

An East German border guard offers a flower through a gap in the Berlin Wall on the morning it fell, 1989. I feel for the Russian people and the horrible leaders they have had.
