Friday, December 30, 2016

Russia Threatens to Expel Diplomats, Then Backs Off

Russia Threatens to Expel Diplomats, Then Backs Off
MOSCOW—President Vladimir Putin said Russia wouldn't expel any U.S. diplomats in response to the Obama administration's decision to kick out dozens of alleged Russian operatives, in an unexpected decision designed to repair relations with the U.S.

So how much more aid and comfort does Trump and his minions have to give to the country that hacked our election before it kicks in as treason? Maybe hammer and sickle tattoos?

The U.S. has expelled 35 Russian diplomats. In retaliation, the Russians are making us keep Donald Trump. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Will the 2nd Republican President in 50 years be forced to resign for breakin' into the Democratic National Headquarters?   Discuss.- Tea Pain

Will It Be Tillerson Or Manafort To Place A Kremlin Bug In The Oval Office?
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's choice for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, will have to explain his relationship with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at his confirmation hearing, senior Republican senator John McCain said on Thursday.
McCain, who is chairman of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee, also called President Putin "a thug and a murderer".

Nuclear weapons are not a game. They are not a toy for the petulant + ill-informed to boast about in tweets. - Dan Rather

Republican Shenanigans

"Trump's call to "get on with our lives" shows he's into his role as Putin's Poodle. Can't wait to see Vlad take Donald for his first walk." - Bette Midler

Nixon would be proud that the GOP is finally arguing "You're allowed to break into the DNC & cover if up if it doesn't swing the election." - LOLGOP

Journalists Beware
A Washington Post reporter met with the FBI and an outside security consultant after receiving a death threat in October. 
David Fahrenthold broke the story of President-elect Donald Trump’s “Access Hollywood” tape, in which he brags about sexually assaulting women.
Shortly after the story was published, he writes in the Washington Post Magazine this week, another Post reporter got a death threat for Fahrenthold, prompting the newspaper to hire a former counterterrorism official to consult with him on security.


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

I guess Putin figures, "What could I do to them that's worse than electing Donald Trump?" - LOLGOP

Republicans Are Really Traitors And No One Cares
Republican Rep. Trent Franks (Ariz.) blasted President Obama Friday for imposing new sanctions on Russia, arguing that Obama's "primary motivation is to delegitimize the election" of Donald Trump. 


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Biz/Tech News

I like when politicians give tax cuts to corps that sent US jobs overseas, then say high taxes are driving jobs away. - John Fugelsang

Trump Rewards Guy Who Called Hillary The C Word
According to Politico, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is scheduled to show up at Mar-a-Lago this afternoon to talk with Chief Strategist Steve Bannon and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus about the job. If Miller’s name sounds somewhat familiar, it’s likely because you remember him as the guy who sent a tweet days before Election Day calling Hillary Clinton the dreaded c-word.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sometimes you just have to let go! Happy New Year and thank you all for another year online.

Hugs and Peace To All.

Thursday, December 29, 2016


New MSNBC Ad Campaign Frames Morning Joe as Place to Get Breaking Trump News
It looks like MSNBC is going to use the reputation of its flagship morning program as being extremely cozy with the incoming POTUS as a selling point.
A new ad campaign by the network is framing Morning Joe, hosted by Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough, as the place to get breaking news as it relates to Donald Trump’s administration.

Remember when we all thought the internet was awesome because it gave everyone a voice? haha good times - goldengateblond

So true, but I'm back.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

4 out of 5 anonymous Twitter trolls say taking a break from online hate for Christmas is a sign of weakness. - John Fugelsang

China Erects Trump Statue
What do you get when you cross the year of the rooster with the year of Trump?
A "yuge" statue.
A giant rooster sculpture, sporting the President-elect's signature hairdo and hand gestures, has been erected outside a shopping mall in Taiyuan, in China's northern Shanxi Province.

Donald Trump is Jesus to American followers of Jesus who've totally rejected the teachings of Jesus. - John Fugelsang

Meanwhile, Back At The White House Where Adults Are Occupying It Till January 20
The Obama administration is preparing to announce, as soon as Thursday, a series of retaliation measures against Russia for meddling in the US election, according to American officials briefed on the plans.

Republican Shenanigans

Hey don't tell the White Genocide folk but Planet Earth is proof that God really really really believes in Multiculturalism.- John Fugelsang

Trump Pats Own Back
Donald Trump's tweeting has spurred a new hashtag after the President-elect thanked himself in the third person for recent improvements in the economy.

Historians studying photographs from four decades ago have come to the conclusion that the U.S. must have believed in science at some point.- Andy Borowitz


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If he had been allowed to run again, Obama would have beaten Trump by seventy IQ points. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Trump Can't Wait To Do This
A Kazakh man was given a 3-year sentence in a penal colony after he was found guilty of insulting Russian President Vladimir Putin on Facebook. 


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Biz/Tech News

Trump to Cancel Agreement Between Subjects and Verbs - Andy Borowitz
What Is Going On In Silicon Valley?
The cost of living in northern California is so high that children headed to school the next day must spend their nights struggling to find a place to sleep. That’s because one-third of Silicon Valley’s schoolchildren are homeless.

I wish to apologize to Trump supporters who were offended by my posting earlier tonight that Obama created 15 million jobs. I should have included a warning on the post indicating that it contained math.- Andy Borowitz

It is becoming increasingly obvious that David Bowie has established a better alternate universe and is populating it selectively one-by-one. - Miss Texas 1967

A Drone Mothership?
Amazon has been awarded a patent for a giant flying warehouse that acts as a launchpad for drones to deliver items within minutes.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Mount Hood, Oregon kissing the clouds.
