Friday, December 23, 2016

Love from AllHatNoCattlle

I will be back online the day after Christmas. 

Hugs to all and to all a good night.


Thursday, December 22, 2016

How I look and feel every morning since the election

Trump's Businesses Could Be Tripped Up By A 2012 Insider Trading Law
President-elect Donald Trump insists he can do all the business deals he wants while serving in the White House, but a 2012 law barring insider trading by government officials could make doing so a lot more complicated.

I didn't post a new edition yesterday because I was suffering from morning sickness all day...aka depression.

The Secret Service prevented a nation of Trump voters from taking a shot at a black president, but Trump is still bringing his own security.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

The situation in Europe is the most fragile in years. Fortunately, the US has a game show host with a glaring personality disorder to handle it.- Andy Borowitz

For the next four years, we will be experiencing a reality show called Moron Island.- Andy Borowitz

Speaking of reality shows...📺

What we are watching is Trump being the "Hollywood Director" of his own reality show. Live and in living orange color. He orchestrated the media and magically turned conservatives into comrades to elect him President of the United States -- oh, and a little help from the FBI for the dramatic crescendo.

How long can his charade last? And what could possibly, if anything, bring him down?

If China doesn't bring him down first, I think Trump will bring himself down. Hopefully in the form of a full blown meltdown on national TV. He's a nasty, cocky pussy grabber behind the scenes, much more so than in public. I would love to see that tape Tom Arnold has.

Trump still hasn't divested himself of his financial interests, he is still in violation of owning the DC Trump hotel, the conflicts of interests are too numerous to list. Oh and that nepotism thingy.

Hello, he's going to be sworn in in less than 30 days. I doubt he will fully divest himself, if at all or he would've done it by now.

Only 10% of NYC voted for Trump and that's from the city who knows him best. 

He's always been a horse's ass. Now he's our horse's ass whether we like it or not.

Giddyup, Democrats, giddyup.

We’re about to get back to the “Republicans wreck the economy” part of our standard political cycle. Just finished “Dem saved the economy" part. - Dan Yelin

Republican Shenanigans

GOP Immigration Plan: "We must make America somewhere no one wants to live." - Andy Borowitz

Doesn't Sound As Though Prince Charles Is A Trump Fan
Britain's Prince Charles said on Thursday the rise of populist groups across the world had deeply disturbing echoes of the fascism of the 1930s, and warned against a repeat of the "horrors of the past" to prevent religious persecution.

I am not "boycotting" anything. I choose to not patronize chefs who tacitly support deporting half the people they've ever worked with.- Anthony Bourdain Tweet on Trump's restaurants

Overheard: How can you tell Trump is lying? KellyAnne Conway's lips are moving. - George Takai

 Click here to meet C.W.


Obama Throws Wet Fish At Trump
The Obama administration is removing dormant government regulations that some immigrant rights and civil liberties advocates feared could be used by President-elect Donald Trump to establish registration requirements for immigrant Muslims

Rock The Voter News

Want Proof Of Russians Hacking Of The DNC? Here It Is.
Malware used in DNC hack is the same as software used to hack the Ukrainian army, indicating tight link to Russian intelligence


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


You'd think by now that "is Trump lying?" would be the FIRST thing the media asks itself in any situation. But no, they keep getting played.- Jeff Tiedrich

Biz/Tech News

Republican Presidents & Their  Recession Problem
Outgoing President Barack Obama did preside over an economic downturn in his first six months in office - one he inherited from his predecessor, Republican George W. Bush. John F. Kennedy took office just before a recession ended...

Snow In The Sahara?
The Algerian town of Ain Sefra, deep in the dry, hot Sahara desert was hit by a freak snowfall on December 19. It's the first time snow has fallen in the region in 37 years.

In 10 yrs I'm opening a lower-back tattoo removal clinic called 'Mom, What's That?' - John Fugelsang


Thank you for stopping by today, I hope you had a good time! 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Oh, here's a photo of Moscow. I imagine we'll be seeing a lot of Russia in the future.
