Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The FBI Interfered In An Election. Isn't that illegal??

‘I am appalled’: Attorney who sued to release FBI’s Clinton warrant says it shows no probable cause
...“You will have to ask Judge Fox, or the agent in charge (whose name has been redacted), or Director Comey, why they thought they might find evidence of a crime, why they felt it necessary to inform Congress, and why they even sought this search warrant,” Schoenberg said.

If Russian hacking was so important, Hillary should've emailed it to Podesta so the media would cover it when Russia posted it to Wikileaks.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Trump thinks goading China is like calling Cruz ‘lying Ted.’ Just fun, right? Not how  China sees it. He won’t learn that until too late. - Evan Osnos

Let The Pardons Begin!
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich suggested that Donald Trump could pardon members of his administration who break the law.

Putin sought revenge because Hillary favored democratic uprisings against Russian interests. *He took her down. - Tina Dupuy
*with Comey's help

Republican Shenanigans

The Electoral College met to cast their ballots for president and vice president. It’s the first college Donald Trump has gotten into without a letter from his father.- Seth Myers

Trump Makes Nice With Mexican Billionaire
Donald Trump invited Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim to dine with him at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach this weekend after targeting him during the presidential election as a puppet-master pulling the strings of the “corrupt media."
Trump described the meeting to the Washington Post as “a lovely dinner with a wonderful man.”

Rex Tillerson: The Krem de la Kremlin. - Lizz Winstead


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Trump wants to know why nobody asked about Russian hacking before the election. A) They did. B) They did. C) Donald, where are your taxes? - Bette Midler

Rock The Voter News

President Obama recently said that he and Donald Trump most likely have different definitions of political correctness. And just as likely, different spellings.- Seth Myers

Trump Must Pay $25 Mil Before Inauguration 
The settlement submitted to a federal court in San Diego indicates Trump is personally guaranteeing that $25 million will be given to the plaintiffs’ lawyers by Jan. 18, two days before his inauguration.


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Conservatives have always been wrong about a lotta stuff, but for them to be wrong about everything, it took the Internet. -  Tea Pain

Biz/Tech News

So far Donald Trump’s cabinet picks have a net worth of over $14 billion. So hopefully, Trump’s plan to balance the budget involves calling a meeting and then just passing the hat around.- Conan O'Brien

Divest Or Impeach?
As Donald Trump inches closer to the Oval Office, much has been said about how he will unwind himself from the dealings he's made in his glass office about 200 miles north in Trump Tower....

Health officials say there’s a new trend of women using marijuana during their pregnancy. Which explains why this year’s most popular baby name is Funyuns.- Conan O'Brien



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sean Connery signing a coconut for a little Jamaican fan on the set of Dr. No. 1962.


Monday, December 19, 2016

Why of course Trump tweeted something stupid over the weekend

China's State Media Has Been Mocking Donald Trump's 'Unpresidented' Tweet
China's state media has again questioned the leadership qualities of U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, gleefully highlighting the misspelling of the word unprecedented in a tweet he sent responding to the seizure of an American underwater drone by the...

Expectin' Republican electors to "do the right thing" today? If they "did the right thing", they wouldn't be Republicans, now would they? - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It's delicious irony that the same group that claimed Obama was a Muslim voted for the first Russian president.- Tea Pain

Trump Bringing Own Security Team, Just Like Cheney Did,
In a remarkable break from precedent, Donald Trump plans to bring members of his longtime private security team with him to the White House...

Ayatollah Khamenei Addresses Tehran Prison Mess Hall During Annual Press Correspondents’ Dinner. - The Onion

Republican Shenanigans

Trump reminds you not to trust Obama, FBI and CIA, journalists, Muslims & women who've accused him of doing what he says he does to women. - John Fugelsang

A Mobile X-ray Device To Kill Muslims?
A New York industrial mechanic convicted of attempting to produce a mobile X-ray device intended to kill Muslims has been sentenced in federal court to 30 years in prison.

Pussy Riot should offer to play the Trump inauguration. I'd actually watch it then.- George Takai


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The fact that an idiot like Trump is about to be elected with three million fewer votes than his opponent is a defeat for both math and spelling.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Pres Obama says were going to be a browner country.
Is he talking about skin color or the color of the alt-right's shirts? - Erik Bransteen

Only 29% Of Republicans Aren't Commie Pinkos!
Poll: 55% of Americans (86% of Democrats and 29% of Republicans) say they are bothered by Russian election hacking..

I understand the impulse to blame Putin, fake news or any number of other culprits for electing Trump. But the fact is, before the general election even happened, millions of primary voters decided that an idiotic reality show host with a glaring personality disorder was a worthy nominee for the White House. The buck stops there. #Sad - Andy Borowitz

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Biz/Tech News

And it turns out that two separate Russian hacking groups named Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear were targeting the DNC. It’s confusing, ’cuz “Cozy Bear” and “Fancy Bear” are also Trump and Putin’s nicknames for each other.- Jimmy Fallon

Boeing Workers: Don't Worry About Layoffs For Too Long Because Trump's Gonna Need Lots Of Planes To Deport 11 Million Immigrants!
Boeing is warning workers that more layoffs may be coming next year, in a move that was not completely unexpected. The news came in a joint message from vice chairman Ray Conner and the CEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes Kevin McAllister....

Santa isn't white.
Santa is not black.
Santa is Chinese.
And I know this
that's where all the presents come from.- John Fugelsang

Ha ha - T-Rex



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I saw this beautiful photo of Grindelwald, Switzerland and thought of Yvonne.


Friday, December 16, 2016

Drip drip drip

Podesta: 'Something is deeply broken at the FBI’
A top aide to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said Thursday the FBI’s response to Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election shows the agency is “deeply broken.”
“The more we learn about the Russian plot to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign and elect Donald Trump, and the failure of the FBI to adequately respond, the more shocking it gets,”...

I find it interesting that the CIA confirmed the Russians hacked the election while the FBI is still standing around stepping on its ________.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Ukraine experienced 10+ cyber attacks lately. Targets include state railroad co,finance ministry & treasury-Ukraine State Security tells CNN.- Ivan Watson tweet

Obama's Opening Salvo To USSR Russia
President Obama vowed that the United States will “take action” in response to Russia's believed interference in the presidential election.
"I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing,”

Conservatives laugh at Obama's promise to go after Russian hackers.  You know who doesn't laugh at Obama's promises?  Osama bin Laden. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

If Trump makes it to the White House, the Russian hackin' will be "swept under the rug."  Perhaps "combed-over" is a better choice of words.- Tea Pain

Trump Inserts Knife. Turns.
Donald Trump's barnstorming tour across the states that won him the White House continues to feature far more taunts of triumph than notes of healing after a bruising election.
Thursday's rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, found the president-elect calling for the mostly white crowd to cheer for African-Americans who were "smart" to heed his message and therefore "didn't come out to vote" for his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

"Pope Francis has warned the media to stop spreading false information. Or as the media reported it, 'World's Top Rabbi Says 'Keep Up the Good Work!'" –Conan O'Brien

Uh, When Can We Start Saying We're Under Attack In A Cyber War?
A federal agency that helps states select voting systems may have been breached by a hacker.
The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) on Thursday said the FBI is looking into a possible attack on its web-facing systems.


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Dear Pres Obama. You have done so much. One last favor please: Save Us. - annie post tweet

Rock The Voter News

Well, Well, Well, Comey Broke Federal Rules In His Rush To Find Something On Hillary. Lock Him Up.
Huma Abedin, the longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, asked a U.S. judge on Wednesday to allow her to review a search warrant the FBI used to gain access to emails related to Clinton's private server shortly before the Nov. 8 presidential election...In their letter, Abedin's lawyers said she was unable to evaluate the issue as neither she nor Weiner was provided the warrant itself, despite federal rules requiring authorities to provide a warrant to a person whose property was taken.

James Comey was so anxious to pin down HRC emails, he missed the boat on the effing RUSSIANS hacking Dems and interfering in US election! - Bette Midler


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"According to The Washington Post, the CIA found that Russia interfered in the election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Experts say this is the biggest scandal America's faced for decades, and the biggest scandal Trump's faced since Friday." –Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

Since it's now clear that Trump simply wants to extract as much money from the Presidency as possible, taxpayers should just cut him a check for $40 billion to go away. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Is Forming His Own International League Of Criminals
Many of Trump's foreign business partners have political ties; some have faced allegations of criminal activity

Trump has modified his border wall proposal slightly, so that now instead of a wall with Mexico it will be tax cuts for billionaires.- Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Mailman N. Sorenson poses with his heavy load of Christmas mail and parcels, 1929. Chicago History Archives photo.
