Friday, December 16, 2016

Drip drip drip

Podesta: 'Something is deeply broken at the FBI’
A top aide to Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton said Thursday the FBI’s response to Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential election shows the agency is “deeply broken.”
“The more we learn about the Russian plot to sabotage Hillary Clinton’s campaign and elect Donald Trump, and the failure of the FBI to adequately respond, the more shocking it gets,”...

I find it interesting that the CIA confirmed the Russians hacked the election while the FBI is still standing around stepping on its ________.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

Ukraine experienced 10+ cyber attacks lately. Targets include state railroad co,finance ministry & treasury-Ukraine State Security tells CNN.- Ivan Watson tweet

Obama's Opening Salvo To USSR Russia
President Obama vowed that the United States will “take action” in response to Russia's believed interference in the presidential election.
"I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections, that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing,”

Conservatives laugh at Obama's promise to go after Russian hackers.  You know who doesn't laugh at Obama's promises?  Osama bin Laden. - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

If Trump makes it to the White House, the Russian hackin' will be "swept under the rug."  Perhaps "combed-over" is a better choice of words.- Tea Pain

Trump Inserts Knife. Turns.
Donald Trump's barnstorming tour across the states that won him the White House continues to feature far more taunts of triumph than notes of healing after a bruising election.
Thursday's rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, found the president-elect calling for the mostly white crowd to cheer for African-Americans who were "smart" to heed his message and therefore "didn't come out to vote" for his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

"Pope Francis has warned the media to stop spreading false information. Or as the media reported it, 'World's Top Rabbi Says 'Keep Up the Good Work!'" –Conan O'Brien

Uh, When Can We Start Saying We're Under Attack In A Cyber War?
A federal agency that helps states select voting systems may have been breached by a hacker.
The Election Assistance Commission (EAC) on Thursday said the FBI is looking into a possible attack on its web-facing systems.


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Dear Pres Obama. You have done so much. One last favor please: Save Us. - annie post tweet

Rock The Voter News

Well, Well, Well, Comey Broke Federal Rules In His Rush To Find Something On Hillary. Lock Him Up.
Huma Abedin, the longtime aide to Hillary Clinton, asked a U.S. judge on Wednesday to allow her to review a search warrant the FBI used to gain access to emails related to Clinton's private server shortly before the Nov. 8 presidential election...In their letter, Abedin's lawyers said she was unable to evaluate the issue as neither she nor Weiner was provided the warrant itself, despite federal rules requiring authorities to provide a warrant to a person whose property was taken.

James Comey was so anxious to pin down HRC emails, he missed the boat on the effing RUSSIANS hacking Dems and interfering in US election! - Bette Midler


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"According to The Washington Post, the CIA found that Russia interfered in the election to help Donald Trump win the presidency. Experts say this is the biggest scandal America's faced for decades, and the biggest scandal Trump's faced since Friday." –Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

Since it's now clear that Trump simply wants to extract as much money from the Presidency as possible, taxpayers should just cut him a check for $40 billion to go away. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Is Forming His Own International League Of Criminals
Many of Trump's foreign business partners have political ties; some have faced allegations of criminal activity

Trump has modified his border wall proposal slightly, so that now instead of a wall with Mexico it will be tax cuts for billionaires.- Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Mailman N. Sorenson poses with his heavy load of Christmas mail and parcels, 1929. Chicago History Archives photo.


Thursday, December 15, 2016

Trump Priorities: Angry Twitter Rant At Food Critic

Trump attacks Vanity Fair: 'Way down, big trouble, dead'
President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday blasted Vanity Fair, claiming the magazine was in "big trouble."...A recent article in Vanity Fair said Trump Grill — a steakhouse in the lobby of Trump Tower — could be the worst restaurant in America.

"Mom, tell me about 2016."
Well, honey, people were upset about a woman's emails so we let Nazis take over. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

At this point, the only way Trump's supporters will turn on him is if he does something crazy like praise a Muslim or respect a woman.- OhNoSheTwitnt

The Axis of Evil.
Aleppo Destroyed By Assad, Putin and Iran
Watching the fall of the ancient Syrian city of Aleppo has been excruciating. Civilians who survived weeks of intense shelling have reportedly been slaughtered by the forces of the Assad government as they have fled the battle zone, some shot in house-to-house searches. Thousands more are trapped with no food, water or shelter. “This is a message from someone saying farewell and who could face death or arrest at any time,” a medic wrote on a messaging service. The United Nations called the catastrophe a “complete meltdown of humanity.”

The anti-Semitic hate mail I just received did a lot to alleviate my fears of Russian-backed Nazis taking over the federal government. - Seth Masket

Republican Shenanigans

Trump built his political career on the racist lie that Obama was an illegitimate President. Plot twist: he's now the illegitimate President. - The Daily Edge

Trump Must Sit For Deposition Next Month
The federal judge presiding over a lawsuit Donald Trump brought against a celebrity chef who cancelled plans to open a restaurant in his new Washington, D.C. hotel has ordered the President-elect to sit for a deposition in New York during the first week of January.
D.C. Superior Court Judge Jennifer A. Di Toro ruled on Wednesday that Trump must sit for the deposition, which may last for up to seven hours

In order to get Donald Trump to meet with them, CIA repackages briefings to discuss threats in proximity to Trump Hotels. - Tea Party Cat


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If Russian hacking was so important, Hillary should've emailed it to Podesta so the media would cover it when Russia posted it to Wikileaks. - Tea Party Cat

Rock The Voter News

Wait until Trump supporters find out that Hanukkah starts on Christmas Eve this year.- OhNoSheTwitnt


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Biz/Tech News

Blaming Putin for Trump’s Victory Overlooks Role Played by Idiots, Experts Say. - Andy Borowitz

How Texas Corporations Take Care Of Texans
 Corpus Christi, a Texas Gulf Coast city, is warning its 320,000 residents not to use tap water because it might be contaminated with petroleum-based chemicals, prompting a rush on bottled water and the closure of local schools.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My friend Yvonne left this world last night. She was an extraordinary woman, unlike anyone I have ever met.

Yvonne was Swiss and grew up in hard times during the depression. After her basic schooling she studied nursing and became a midwife, she went on to help our boys in Vietnam courtesy of the Swiss government. The Swiss government also sent her to North Africa where she fell in love with Marrakesh in Morocco. Oh, how she loved Morocco.

She traveled many oceans blue and married a US Army officer and had two children and a grandson she all adored.

Yvonne spoke several languages. She settled in the northeast US for awhile and eventually moved to the Florida Keys where she continued her nursing, including trudging through waist deep water to help injured victims during hurricanes. That is one reason she left Florida for Costa Rica-- too many hurricanes. We often joked that we traded hurricanes for earthquakes and volcanoes.

Ten years ago she settled in Costa Rica and loved the beauty and adventure of the country.

I met Yvonne in 2012. I am a recent friend of hers. Her neighbors, Vicky from the US and Candy from Canada were so helpful to her. Her friends are like reading an international dinner menu. She adored Donato and his mother Ileana who are Italian and took such good care of Yvonne after her surgery and in the recent weeks. She missed her friend Christof who returned to France a few years ago but she still kept in touch with him. And I cannot say enough good things about Yerlin who had been staying nights with her the past few weeks.

One of my last conversations with Yvonne she told me how grateful she was for the loving care she received not only from the medical community but from her Tico friends and I will vouch for that. Costa Rica hearts swell with love naturally, but especially in a time of need.

My long time viewers may remember me posting photos of the time Yvonne and I got stuck on the backroad to Playas del Coco. Or her 80th birthday. Or the time I turned her onto Hawaiian pizza at the Portofino restaurant on Tamarindo Beach. Or our lunch at Capitan Suiz, an elegant resort in Playa Lagarto where the monkeys were dropping "things" on people. I will miss her laugh. Ah, Yvonne, I am not ready for you to leave.

Bon voyage, mon ami, bon voyage.

Je suis de tout cœur avec vous.


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Abracadabra. AllHatNoCattle is 16 years old today

Sixteen years ago I bought the domain name because I wanted my Florida vote recounted. I was horrified it wasn't in such a close election.  I never dreamed that sixteen years later our voting rights would have been so greatly reduced due to gutting the Voting Rights Act and the constant Republican interference in making it more difficult to vote in state after state after state. No wonder they won.

I feel under siege since the CIA said the Russians hacked into the Democratic National Committee, and more.

And the icing on Trump's cake is convincing America that Putin is our friend by a bunch of his billionaire buddies.

I need to take my AHNC antidepressant pill on her 16th birthday. Thank you everyone for keeping me sane. 😘


Did Russia Spy on Donald Trump When He Visited Moscow?
With the Washington Post's bombshell report that the CIA has assessed the Russian hacking of Democratic targets was done as part of a Kremlin operation to help Donald Trump win the election, here's an intriguing question: has Russian intelligence spied on the president-elect and, if so, what private information has it collected on him? A counterintelligence veteran of a Western spy service in October told Mother Jones that he had uncovered information—and had sent it to the FBI...

I can only imagine how YUUUUUUGE the dossier on Trump is and is neatly packed away in Putin's pocket.

Let's request that the Electoral College be allowed to see Trump's tax returns before they vote. You cool with that, @realDonaldTrump? - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Trump

GOP 1984: "Moscow is an Evil Empire."
GOP 2016: "This borscht is delicious." - David Corn

Trump Praised This Murderous Puke 
President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines said that as mayor of Davao, he had patrolled the city's streets by motorcycle looking for suspected criminals to kill.

AHNC Putin Flashback from 2008

Pantsuit Nation made it easy to ask for an inquiry into Russian election interference. Text INVESTIGATE to 526-86, follow the instructions.

Republican Shenanigans

Nice that Kanye found another giant ass to be photographed with. - John Fugelsang

Does His Ego Know No Bounds? This Is Nuts.
President-elect Donald Trump polled his audience at a rally Tuesday night on whether Time magazine should change their annual recognition of “Person of the Year” to “Man of the Year.”

The appointments of Ben Carson and Rick Perry suggest that this is not so much a Cabinet it is as an adult daycare center.- Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

Kremlin Names Trump Employee of the Month. - Andy Borowitz

Democrats and Republicans Agree: Russia Is Our Enemy

54 Electoral College members have asked for a intelligence briefing. The others passed because they've already seen Red Dawn.- Tea Pain

He knew this. He won't give it up
or his businesses or his tax returns.
Federal Authorities: Trump Must Sell DC Hotel
The President-elect has been warned by federal authorities that he will be in breach of a government lease if he does not revoke ownership of his Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. before Inauguration Day, Democratic lawmakers revealed Tuesday....If Trump refuses to do so, the letter states he would be given 30 days to address the issue, then be brought before a civilian tribunal that negotiates disputes involving federal agencies.


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Biz/Tech News

Trump team's answer to every question on conflicts of interest is:
"Who's going to stop us? The GOP Congress?! HA HA AHA HAHAH HA HAH HAH!" - LOLGOP

Wishful Thinking By Bill Gates
Billionaire and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates thinks Donald Trump has the chance to be like JFK during his presidency. Gates told CNBC Tuesday that he thinks Trump has the opportunity to establish “American leadership through innovation,” adding that ...

According to the 25th Amendment, if the President is incapacitated, the Vice President becomes the executive producer of “The Apprentice.”- Conan O'Brien


A toast to you, dear viewers for 16 wonderful years! I couldn't have done it without you.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This is me in 1997, 3 years after I got my first computer and 3 years before AHNC. And yes, that is a cigarette in my hand, a Virginia Slim Ultralight 100 to be exact. A friend on Facebook posted this photo she found last week.

Happy Birthday AHNC!
