Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trump's America

In Trump's America, 'pizzagate' could be the new normal
I was home with my family Sunday afternoon when an email arrived from a reader with a proposal. He wanted to lynch me.
“Rope, Tree, Journalist,” the man wrote. “Some assembly required.” To this slogan, made popular by T-shirts Donald Trump supporters wore at his rallies, my would-be hangman added his offer: “I will assemble for you.”

In just a few years, Trump went from trading insults with Rosie O'Donnell to starting a war with China.- Erik Bransteen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump and Flynn's sons are good reminder of why we got rid of feudalism the first time.- LOLGOP

Pentagon Wasted $125 Billion, So We Must Cut Taxes And Food Stamps!!!!
The Pentagon has buried an internal study that exposed $125 billion in administrative waste in its business operations amid fears Congress would use the findings as an excuse to slash the defense budget, according to interviews and confidential memos obtained by The Washington Post.

Al Gore says his meeting w/Trump was very productive & Trump says the entire meeting was a Chinese hoax.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Immigrants aren't trying to take away the retirement you've earned. Republicans are.- LOLGOP

Jump Trump!
WTF? Who Supplies Trump With All This Erroneous Info?
Boeing on Tuesday responded to President-elect Donald Trump's criticism over the cost of a new Air Force One plane, saying the contract is actually for $170 million.
Trump earlier Tuesday tweeted that the deal was for "more than $4 billion" as he called for the order to be cancelled.

Stop The Recounts And Start A Criminal Investigation
Discrepancies between the number of votes counted in the computerized poll book and those contained in the ballot box are creating problems in Michigan's recount effort

I'm not sure what's worse, that Dan Quayle may be in the Trump Administration or that if he is, he'll be known as "the smart one."- Erik Bransteen


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Rock The Voter News

Clinton winning the popular vote by  2.6 million. Democrats biggest problem is too many people want to live where Democrats are in charge.- LOLGOP

Gee, these women sure look white to me.
Jews Are Not White?
When Stephen Bannon called his website, Breitbart, the “platform for the alt-right” this summer, he was referring to a movement that promotes white nationalism and argues that the strength of the United States is tied to its ethnic European roots. Its members mostly stick to trolling online, but much of what they do isn’t original or new: Their taunts often involve vicious anti-Semitism. They make it clear that Jews are not included in their vision of a perfect, white, ethno-state.

"I just called Taiwan to tell them how much I hate Saturday Night Live."
-- our next President
- Erik Bransteen


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The punishment for voting for Trump isn't death by lack of insurance. He promised them something terrific. His betrayal is deadly.- LOLGOP

The Only Thing Standing Between Trump And The Presidency Is The Electoral College
 The presidential recount in Michigan expanded Tuesday to its largest county, which includes Detroit, and five other large counties, with the fate of a statewide recount push in Pennsylvania awaiting action in federal court.

Trump "saved" 730 jobs last month
US created 178K new jobs last month. or 5,900 each day. - Eric Boehlert

Biz/Tech News

Do NOT believe Trump sold his stocks in June w/o documents proving it. He told me that precise lie - proven false by SEC filings -- in 1987.Kurt Eichenwald

Don The Con Conned Citizens, Not Carrier.
 The Carrier deal, brokered by President-elect Donald Trump, may not have saved as many factory jobs as was presented at the plant last week in Indianapolis.

If Trump keeps it up, China will be forwarding our $1 trillion debt to a collection service.
- Erik Bransteen



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

It's okay honey. You'll do better at the next National Geographic audition.


Monday, December 5, 2016

More Tweets From Trump About Saturday Night Live

SNL sketch that had Donald Trump fuming on Twitter
In what has already become a predictable routine, Saturday Night Live over the weekend poked fun at Donald Trump’s foibles, subsequently prompting the President-elect to thrash the program via, what else, his Twitter account.

Trump is a petty mean little man. Imagine what will happen when he has a twitter tiff with a nuclear armed country leader. We are all doomed.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump will defeat ISIS through a lethal mix of millionaire tax cuts, saying "radical Islam" out loud, and, if necessary, tweets in all-caps.- John Fugelsang

Protesting Does Work!
Protesters celebrated a major victory in their push to reroute the Dakota Access oil pipeline away from a tribal water source but pledged to remain camped on federal land in North Dakota anyway, despite Monday's government deadline to leave.

NORTH DAKOTA - With the halt of work on the Dakota Access Pipeline, Native Americans scored a major victory over illegal immigrants who arrived in this country 500 years ago. - Andy Borowitz

Watch Out Native American Reservations, The Dakota Pipeline Is Only The Beginning
Demonstrators march near the state capitol in Bismarck, N.D. to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline. Native American reservations cover just 2 percent of the United States, but they may contain about a fifth of the nation's oil and gas, along with vast ...

The official slogan of the Trump transition team is "No Clown Left Behind." - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Trump will continue to have rallies after he's President. The only difference is attendance will be mandatory.- Tea Pain

This Will Be The Most Expensive Secret Service Protection Ever BUT OBAMA'S VACATIONS!
Mayor Bill de Blasio is seeking $35 million in reimbursement from the federal government for the NYPD's costs related to providing security at Trump Tower.

FUN FACT: Donald Trump has sat through more episodes of SNL than security briefings.- Tea Pain

Ivanka And Al Gore?
The president-elect's daughter, who reportedly wants to make global warming one of her signature issues, will meet with Al Gore at Trump Tower in Manhattan, according to transition spokesman Jason Miller.

A man showing up with a gun over a fake Clinton story is terrible but not nearly as bad as electing Trump over one.- LOLGOP


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

I love that Hillary Clinton goes out sans make-up.
Trump never does that. - Victoria Brownworth

Recount Update
Thanks to the efforts of Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein, a recount is underway in Wisconsin. It is highly unlikely to change the outcome - as Hillary Clinton's campaign has stated - but it is much more likely to overturn some...

Trump’s rallies aren't normal political events. They're Internet comment sections come to life.- LOLGOP

Goebbel Has Nothing On Lewandowski

I woke up this morning and read an article about Corey Lewandowski -- here is an excerpt: 

Lewandowski, Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, speaking at a forum Thursday night at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, was criticizing what he considered the media’s myopic focus on the accuracy of Trump’s statements during the campaign. “This is the problem with the media. You guys took everything that Donald Trump said so literally,” Lewandowski said. “The American people didn’t. They understood it. They understood that sometimes — when you have a conversation with people, whether it’s around the dinner table or at a bar — you’re going to say things, and sometimes you don’t have all the facts to back it up.”

Welcome to Trump Doublespeak, people, where no one should take Trump literally. I can only imagine the shock on the faces of non-knuckle draggers in the audience.

This is truly frightening. Trump's going to get us all killed.


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Biz/Tech News

Welcome to America, where the reality show star in charge of the military just put a surgeon in charge of housing.- John Fugelsang

Pence Ignores Company Moving Indiana Jobs Overseas
Vice President-elect Mike Pence is not committing to pursuing a deal that would save 300 manufacturing jobs at Rexnord Corp.'s Indianapolis plant.
Pence, who is still governor of Indiana, sidestepped questions about Rexnord in two Sunday television interviews. But both Pence and President-elect Donald Trump suggested that there could be consequences for companies, such as Rexnord, that shift jobs to other countries.

To all those who feel that there is nothing funny about our present situation, I couldn't agree more. But we're all on this ship of fools together, and laughing is better than crying.- Andy Borowitz



Odd News

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Naturally forming Lemurian seed Crystal Garden in Brazil


Friday, December 2, 2016

The Art of the Deal...

Trump’s Carrier deal is right out of Putin’s playbook
It’s good that about 1,000 Carrier Corp. workers will not be losing their jobs. But there is a whiff of Putinism in the combination of bribery and menace that may have affected Carrier’s decision — the bribery of tax breaks, the menace of potential lost defense contracts for Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies.

If Trump isn't going to give proper press conferences, the media should refuse to cover these Nuremberg rallies.
This is absurd. - AngryBlackLady

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump's tweets display hysteria, aggression, paranoia, insecurity. Politics aside, his mental state bears close watching.- Stephen King

Declassify CIA Torture Report? About Damn Time.
If President Barack Obama wants to codify his legacy on banning the use of torture in U.S. intelligence gathering, he should declassify the 6,700-page CIA torture report and make it a federal record, according to a top Senate Democrat.

This was the year that right wing Christians got to vote for Barabbas, Caligula & the Golden Calf all in the same candidate.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

If women are going to have to pay for funerals for their aborted fetuses the GOP should have to pay for funerals for women's aborted rights. - OhNoSheTwitnt

No Internet For You!
In a speech at the U.S.S. Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, on Monday, Trump referenced the use by ISIS of social media as a recruitment tool. He recommended a discussion with Bill Gates to shut off parts of the Internet.

FUN FACT: We will pay far more in Secret Service costs for Trump's "Thank You" tour than the recounts in MI, PA and WI.- Tea Pain


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Trump has told every corporation that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for tax cuts. It's a lose, lose for working people. - Bernie Sanders

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Clinton barely scraped by with 2,300,000 more votes. Weak candidate. Sad.- Republican God

Trump sucks up to Mitch McConnell by hiring The Turtle's wife, Elaine Chao, to Dept of Trans.  To give her her due, she CAN drive a car.- Bette Midler

Kellyanne Conway Denies Any Racism, Ever!!!
The raw, lingering emotion of the 2016 presidential campaign erupted into a shouting match here Thursday as top strategists of Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused their Republican counterparts of fueling and legitimizing racism to elect Donald Trump.


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Carrier is building a factory in Mexico and got Trump to help pay for it.- LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump has been sent to us by God to save us from 4.6% unemployment and 178,000 new jobs a month. - Tea Pain

Stop The Vote Counting!!!
 Supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump have filed legal challenges in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan in a suddenly robust effort to stop the presidential election recount efforts there.

I had a nice birthday! I was going to wear my birthday suit, but it was wrinkled.- Bette Midler


Only $55 worth of bills left to pay! Thank you!


Odd News

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Brigitte Bardot watches Pablo Picasso at work in his studio in Vallauris, 1956.
