Friday, December 2, 2016

The Art of the Deal...

Trump’s Carrier deal is right out of Putin’s playbook
It’s good that about 1,000 Carrier Corp. workers will not be losing their jobs. But there is a whiff of Putinism in the combination of bribery and menace that may have affected Carrier’s decision — the bribery of tax breaks, the menace of potential lost defense contracts for Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies.

If Trump isn't going to give proper press conferences, the media should refuse to cover these Nuremberg rallies.
This is absurd. - AngryBlackLady

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump's tweets display hysteria, aggression, paranoia, insecurity. Politics aside, his mental state bears close watching.- Stephen King

Declassify CIA Torture Report? About Damn Time.
If President Barack Obama wants to codify his legacy on banning the use of torture in U.S. intelligence gathering, he should declassify the 6,700-page CIA torture report and make it a federal record, according to a top Senate Democrat.

This was the year that right wing Christians got to vote for Barabbas, Caligula & the Golden Calf all in the same candidate.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

If women are going to have to pay for funerals for their aborted fetuses the GOP should have to pay for funerals for women's aborted rights. - OhNoSheTwitnt

No Internet For You!
In a speech at the U.S.S. Yorktown in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, on Monday, Trump referenced the use by ISIS of social media as a recruitment tool. He recommended a discussion with Bill Gates to shut off parts of the Internet.

FUN FACT: We will pay far more in Secret Service costs for Trump's "Thank You" tour than the recounts in MI, PA and WI.- Tea Pain


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Trump has told every corporation that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for tax cuts. It's a lose, lose for working people. - Bernie Sanders

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Clinton barely scraped by with 2,300,000 more votes. Weak candidate. Sad.- Republican God

Trump sucks up to Mitch McConnell by hiring The Turtle's wife, Elaine Chao, to Dept of Trans.  To give her her due, she CAN drive a car.- Bette Midler

Kellyanne Conway Denies Any Racism, Ever!!!
The raw, lingering emotion of the 2016 presidential campaign erupted into a shouting match here Thursday as top strategists of Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused their Republican counterparts of fueling and legitimizing racism to elect Donald Trump.


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Carrier is building a factory in Mexico and got Trump to help pay for it.- LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump has been sent to us by God to save us from 4.6% unemployment and 178,000 new jobs a month. - Tea Pain

Stop The Vote Counting!!!
 Supporters of President-elect Donald J. Trump have filed legal challenges in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan in a suddenly robust effort to stop the presidential election recount efforts there.

I had a nice birthday! I was going to wear my birthday suit, but it was wrinkled.- Bette Midler


Only $55 worth of bills left to pay! Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Brigitte Bardot watches Pablo Picasso at work in his studio in Vallauris, 1956.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

No it isn't a dream, the nightmare continues...

Democrats salivate over Trump business conflicts
Senate Democrats believe that Donald Trump's business empire - and the vast financial holdings of some of his Cabinet nominees - gives their party an enormous target to hobble his agenda.

Reports are, Trump offered government contracts to keep Carrier jobs in Indiana. Our pig of a president is now offering pork in barrels. - George Takai

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

America has to stop all this violence overseas so we can focus on doing nothing to stop violence back here in America. - John Fugelsang

Lithuanians Know Russia
Rasa Miskinyte spent last Saturday in a freezing forest near Lithuania's capital learning to gather water from a pond with a condom, to filter it through sand, charcoal and cloth, and to make her own stove from a beer can. She thought some basic survival skills would be helpful if Russian troops ever entered Vilnius and her family escaped into the woods.
"Russia is a very dangerous kind of neighbor," said Miskinyte, a 53-year-old film producer. "They are always aiming at us."

President Obama only has 50 more days to declare himself dictator, invade Texas, take away our guns and make us gay-marry Muslims.- Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Republican code word translated: *Privatization* means they want your money for their donors. - Snarky Pundit

Trump Loading Up On Military Brass So He Never Has To Leave Office
Trump is interviewing current and former military brass for Cabinet positions, including erstwhile CENTCOM commander Gen. David Petraeus, retired Marine Corps Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis and the former head of Southern Command, Gen. John F. Kelly. He's already appointed retired Gen. Michael Flynn as his national security adviser and met with Adm. Mike Rogers, head of the National Security Agency and US Cyber Command.

Donald Trump is also considerin' Sarah Palin to head the "Department of Blamin' Stuff on Obama." - Tea Pain

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Rock The Voter News

Recount Update
Sen. Tim Kaine said Thursday morning that Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign felt compelled to take part in the recount efforts launched by Green Party candidate Jill Stein, even though “we're very doubtful that the outcome is going to change.

Sarah Palin says God made Trump win, confusing God with slaveowners who demanded an electoral college during the constitutional convention. - John Fugelsang


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The secret service protecting Donald Trump might have to rent two floors of trump tower, forcing taxpayers to pay $3 million in rent back to trump's company. Trump said that is absolutely not true and the rent is $4 million.- Jimmy Fallon

Biz/Tech News

The way Donald Trump negotiated the Carrier deal shows us his idea of "winning" is givin' a bully America's lunch money.- Tea Pain

Self Tying Laces! No More Tripping!
Nike Inc. this week begins selling a pricey sneaker with self-tying laces, a high-stakes test of the company's technology investments and efforts to sell more products directly to consumers.

Having Trump as President is basically our way of telling the world that America failed its IQ test.- Andy Borowitz


Bills Are Due on the 5th!

Thank you! 😘

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Somewhere in the Philippines. Oh, yeah.


Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Romney gushes over Trump after posh dinner

Romney gushes over Trump after posh dinner
President-elect Donald Trump eats dinner with Mitt Romney at Jean-Georges restaurant, Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016, in New York.

"Dishonesty is Trump's hallmark. ... His imagination must not be married to real power." -Mitt Romney

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump is going to ban marijuana just when we need it more than ever. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Blind Trust? No Way, Jose.
U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said Wednesday he will take himself "completely out of business operations" at his company in order to focus on the presidency without any conflicts of interests.

Mr. Potatoe Head Returns!
President-elect Donald Trump continued to meet with advisers and possible cabinet appointees at Trump Tower in New York City on Tuesday. And he also met with a Republican supporter who entered the building virtually unrecognized, according to a pool report: former Vice President Dan Quayle.
Quayle strolled through the lobby accompanied by Kellyanne Conway...

Republican Shenanigans

How do you deal with a president-elect, and eventually a president, who regularly Tweets untrue statements? - Dan Rather

The Longer Trump Holds Onto His Properties...
The lease on the ornate hotel that Donald Trump recently completed near the White House appears to bar participation by any elected official, posing an acute conflict-of-interest challenge just seven weeks before Inauguration Day.

Trump Says He Is Clueless About The Hate Crimes. Wink wink.
“Mr Trump claims he's surprised his election has unleashed a barrage of hate ... start picking yall slave numbers. KKK. 4Lyfe.” followed by the line “Go Trump.

Ethically, Trump has two choices: Sell off his companies or sell out the American people.- LOLGOP


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Let The Counting Begin!
Hillary Clinton made her first move in the presidential election recount effort on Tuesday, declaring support for an attempt to force Wisconsin authorities to review the state's 3m votes by hand.

Trump condemns HRC for Goldman speech, then puts Goldman exec in charge of treasury.  Irony & Karma shoot up together w/a dirty needle.- John Fugelsang

Did This Guy Listen To Any Of Hillary's Speeches At Goldman-Sachs?
President-elect Donald Trump has picked his campaign finance chairman, Steve Mnuchin, to be his Treasury secretary. The Wall Street banker spent 17 years at Goldman Sachs, where he was a partner, and is now chief executive of Dune Capital Management, a privately owned hedge fund.


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Trump's Treasury pick "the Forrest Gump of the financial crisis." - Elizabeth Warren

Biz/Tech News

If Trump did a Carrier-style deal every week for the next 4 years, he could bring back 4% of the manufacturing jobs lost since 2000.- Paul Krugman

Philip Morris To Phase Out Cigarettes By Introducing An E Cigarette!
Marlboro-producer and tobacco giant Philip Morris International on Wednesday launched a non-burning cigarette alternative in the UK in a bid to phase out traditional cigarettes.

Americans who travel abroad for the first time are often shocked to discover that, despite all the progress that has been made in the last 30 years, many foreign people still speak in foreign languages. - Dave Barry


I'm Dreaming Of A Green Christmas

Please help me put food on my family this Christmas!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A massive ice reservoir on Mars could keep settlers alive. This illustration was provided by the ESA (European Space Agency).
