Friday, November 25, 2016

I will rebuild after Hurricane Otto

We lucked out on the Pacific coast of Guanacaste province. Luckily, we were on the bottom edge of the storm and sustained little damage. Unfortunately there were several deaths and much flooding on the Caribbean coast.

I fell asleep waiting for Hurricane Otto. Around 10pm I awoke to heavy waves of rain and then the power went off for about an hour. That was it.

Earlier yesterday I went to Nicoya and ran into this:
Why did the cows cross the road? To get to the other pasture knee high in lush grass.

I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. See you on Monday!

Peace and quiet for all.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I Have To Prepare For Hurricane Otto

I moved out of Florida in 2005 as I was tired of all the hurricanes.
I wonder why I have keys in my mouth?

In 2004 Hurricane Ivan did about 20K worth of damage to my home in Navarre. In 2005 I sold my home about a month before Katrina hit Florida then went on to devastate New Orleans.

Tomorrow, a hurricane is predicted to make landfall in Costa Rica for the first time in recorded history.

It is a category 1 Hurricane.

Yesterday was the most beautiful day. It was around 75° in the morning and not a cloud in the sky.

My "daughter" Yerlin came by to finish painting my porch. She was showing me videos of the flooding by Otto in Panama. Scary.

Flooding is always a worry. I lived in this neighborhood in 2012 and the road turns into a river during heavy rains.

My dog Luna is terrified of  rain.
I need to remove all the painting and garden supplies I have temporarily stored on my back porch. The windows and porch are covered with bars so here's hoping a projectile doesn't find its way through those bars!

I am sure the lights will go out. I do have a gas stove, so I will be able to cook and I have 6 five gallon containers of water. Lots of batteries and candles, too. I am in the process of freezing blocks of ice for my cooler.

No turkey for me this Thanksgiving. A frozen turkey costs about $70. YIKES! So a stuffed chicken will be just fine. :)

Amidst all this chaos, political and weather wise I am thankful for:

  • that my friend Yvonne is still with us
  • Yerlin, a remarkable Tica
  • that most Americans voted for Hillary
  • that my viewers are the best in the world

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


Time To Deflate Photo

I'd rather be looking at this cloud in Sparks Lake, Oregon than feeder bands in Costa Rica.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I know you are feeling Trump depression, so here's an option...

Trump Foundation admits to violating ban on ‘self-dealing,’ new filing to IRS shows
President-elect Donald Trump’s charitable foundation has admitted to the IRS that it violated a legal prohibition against “self-dealing,” which bars nonprofit leaders from using their charity’s money to help themselves, their businesses or their families.

so basically every scurrilous accusation leveled at the clinton foundation is actually happening for reals at the trump foundation. - jeff tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Dear media: Please stop calling them the "alt-right." Just call them Nazis. They won't be offended. Nazis are super hard to offend, unless you call them Jews. - Andy Borowitz

Today marks 53 years of people believing 1 bullet caused 7 wounds on 2 guys. - John Fugelsang

Alt-right? Call Them What They Are, Bible Thumpin' Gun Totin' Racists.
A spokesman for Donald Trump’s transition team sent a statement Monday night saying the president-elect condemns racism, following an "alt-right" conference over the weekend where white nationalists cheered his election.

Always a gentleman, Mike Pence has promised that he'll provide free gay conversion therapy to any Hamilton cast members who require it. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Trump promises to speak out against White Supremacy as soon as he's done denouncin' Broadway Musicals, the NY Times & Saturday Night Live.- Tea Pain

All In The Family
Argentine President Mauricio Macri says he spoke with President-elect Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka during his recent phone call to America’s new leader.
“In the call, I also talked with his daughter,” Macri told The Asashi Shimbun in an interview published Monday. "I have known her since her infant days."

Say what you will about Trump, he is extremely presidential. For example, it took Richard Nixon five years as President to become as paranoid and insane as Trump already is. - Andy Borowitz


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Rock The Voter News

BREAKING: Donald Trump announces he won't prosecute Hillary Clinton for crimes she never committed.- Tea Party Cat

Outgoing Education Secy Says Beating Kids Is Bad
Education Secretary John King Jr. is urging state leaders to end the use of corporal punishment in schools.
In a letter to state governors and chief state school officials Monday, King called corporal punishment a practice that is “harmful, ineffective and often disproportionately applied to students of color and students with disabilities.”

If Clinton had won we'd be discussing minimum wage and maternity leave. Instead we get to argue about the preferred nomenclature for nazis.- Michael Nordine


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But, But, But, We Like Kicking Her When She's Down!
Conservatives expressed feelings of betrayal on Tuesday after a top advisor to President-elect Donald Trump said that the incoming administration would decline to pursue a criminal case against former rival Hillary Clinton.

Trump fans will still be yelling "But Hillary" as Trump lets Ryan take their Medicare as he's negotiating building permits in São Paulo.- LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

TrumpSpeak: My Business Is None Of Your Business
In a conference call with reporters Tuesday morning, a spokesman for Donald Trump's transition avoided questions about whether the President-elect is still involved in running his business empire, directing reporters to Trump himself.

Trump’s cabinet so far is scarier than my high school biology teacher’s cabinet, and that one had a pickled brain in a jar.- Bette Midler


Thank you!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A World War II poster when the country united against a common enemy.
