Friday, November 4, 2016

Back In The USSR

Russia Influence Warning Letter from NSA members
We are concerned that an ongoing Russian influence operation is targeting the 2016 U.S. election...

That NSA warning letter was sent last October. Is it a coincidence that Putin, Assange and Comey have all had effects on this election in favor of Trump? Plus, can you imagine all the dirt Putin must have on the Donald. Probably sex snuff films.

Trump has illicit links with Putin, who is trying undermine our election--but I also heard Hillary forwarded a few memes.

Go get her, FBI!- Erik Bransteen

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The fact that absolutely  no one in govt is trying to take our guns is the clearest sign yet that they're coming to take our guns.- John Fugelsang

Trump Tries To Turn Troops Against Hillary
Donald Trump on Thursday mocked the idea of Hillary Clinton leading the armed forces, suggesting it was laughable that she would ever be a capable commander in chief. 

Trump was so financially brave that he lost $1 billion of other people's money and then had you pay his taxes. Give him a medal and a cape. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Melania Trump decries how uncivil our national dialogue has become.  Oh, and here's Eva Braun to teach us about Hanukkah.- John Fugelsang

In cahoots with the commies.
Comey Must Be So Busy Trying To Get Out All This Info On Clinton
Information about the investigations into Hillary Clinton's email server, Anthony Weiner's text messaging, and Donald Trump's Russia connections has been leaking out of the FBI in the past week at a rapid clip. To this we can now add a Wall Street Journal piece about an apparent dispute between FBI agents and federal prosecutors over whether allegations that Clinton Foundation donations influenced State Department policy merited prosecution...

Melania Trump decries how uncivil our national dialogue has become. Oh, and here's Eva Braun to teach us about Hanukkah.- John Fugelsang

Bridgegate Update
Two former officials who worked closely with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie have been found guilty on all charges in connection with the 2013 lane closures on the George Washington Bridge, a long-running scandal commonly known as “Bridgegate.”


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Rock The Voter News

I am a single-issue voter and that issue is "not wanting the planet to blow up."- Andy Borowitz


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Biz/Tech News

The jobless rate has now dropped to 4.9% but the actual number is much higher if you hate Obama. - Andy Borowitz

Trump Tower In Toronto Bankrupt
The 65-story Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto has all the glitz and ambition of the luxury-brand businessman with his name in giant letters near its spire. It’s the tallest residential skyscraper in Canada, and probably the fanciest. The hotel’s sleek cream-and-black interiors were inspired by Champagne and caviar. Every room features Italian Bellino linens and Nespresso coffeemakers...On Tuesday, a Canadian bankruptcy judge placed the glass-and-granite building into receivership, just four years after Trump and his children cut the ribbon at its grand opening.

"The day I worry about cleaning my house is the day Sears comes out with a riding vacuum cleaner.” —Roseanne Barr



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Greek island, Santorini is the remains of a massive volcanic explosion 3,600 years ago.


Thursday, November 3, 2016

Way to go Chicago!

Hillary Clinton Watches World Series Game on Campaign Trail and Her Reactions Are Priceless
Although she had a stack of books to sign, the Oval Office hopeful multitasked and watched the game on the tablet. She later handed the device to a member of her team to hold as she went about her duties — and she looked a little stressed out by the neck-and-neck score.

 "This is actually for #Cubs fans the greatest thing since sliced bread." - President Obama

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Nuclear codes? Clearly we clearly can't trust this man with self tanner. - Sarah Silverman

Privet (or welcome), Comrade Seagal. The Kremlin announced Thursday that it was awarding Russian citizenship to action-movie star Steven Seagal.

"What do the KKK and the Russians have in common? Yeah. The Donald is their preferred choice for president". ~ Mike Autry

Republican Shenanigans

BREAKING: House GOP issues subpoenas for email of all 330 million Americans to look for missing Hillary Clinton emails, or naked pics.- Tea Party Cat

Imagine That, A Rule Of Law Reminder
The U.S. Office of Personnel Management has publicly warned federal employees about violating the Hatch Act after FBI officials have been seemingly trying to undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign with a series of actions and leaks just days before the election.

FYI: Trump is first presidential candidate to have a Slovenian wife and a Russian troll army as he runs an "America First!" campaign. - LOLGOP

A memo from a veteran spy says that Vladimir Putin has been supporting Donald Trump for five years. After hearing this, Trump said, “Oh my God, I forgot it was our anniversary! What do you get for five years? I hope it’s not CHINA?”- Jimmy Fallon

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Rogue FBI Agents? WTF?
...There appears to be a war going on inside the FBI, and from what we can tell, a group of rogue agents, mostly in New York, may be in such a fervor to destroy Hillary Clinton that they may be aggressively leaking damaging innuendo to the press against her in the waning days of the campaign.

Rock The Voter News

Trump is going with "that woman shouldn't be allowed to run for president" argument, which you may remember was very effective for 140 years- LOLGOP


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Biz/Tech News

I'm not voting next week b/c the last time an uninformed millionaire-at-birth CEO became president it turned out awesome. - John Fugelsang

Trump TV Feelers?
Donald Trump denies that he’s looking into founding his on TV news network, but a leaked casting notice obtained by Fox News hints that a “Trump TV”-like network is one someone’s radar.

It's November in New York, and it's 70 degrees. Tomorrow it will be 74.  I'd like to express my profound disdain for climate change deniers. - Bette Midler


Thank you EVERYONE! I can pay my bills! I love you all!

Also, I have a new wireless router that I have kissed, see below.

A special thanks to Farmer for making the router possible. Deep curtsy.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Love is the answer to everything. - Rad Bradbury


Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Obama on FBI: 'We don't operate on innuendo'
President Obama briefly addressed the FBI's reopened investigation into Hillary Clinton's email practices for the first time, saying in an interview posted Wednesday that the agency does not “operate on innuendo" and emphasizing that there is no ...

I don’t see why ordinary citizens are allowed to vote when we could just as easily let the FBI just decide who the president should be.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hey GOPs
I insult POWS & Gold Star parents
Lied about raising $6 million for vets
5 deferments to avoid Nam
And you gimme your $
Bwah ha ha.
. John Fugelsang

Trump may need amnesty.

Moscow Shuts Down Amnesty International
Authorities in Moscow have sealed the offices of the rights watchdog Amnesty International...Sergei Nikitin wrote on Facebook that he and his colleagues were not able to enter their offices on November 2, saying the main door to the building was broken and that the locks on other doors had been changed.

I just hope that none of these newly found emails contain Donald Trump’s tax returns, or this really could be something new and important! - Tea Party Cat

I'm nostalgic for the days when the FBI and the Russians weren't on the same side. - Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

If you back Trump for president, you've already made the argument that you'd rather wreck the country than let Democrats govern. - LOLGOP

When Trump Loses, These Guys Are Taking Over With Their Guns
wn a Georgia country road, camouflaged members of the Three Percent Security Force have mobilized for rifle practice, hand-to-hand combat training — and an impromptu campaign rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump...“We’ve building up for this, just like the Marines,” he said. “We are going to really train harder and try to increase our operational capabilities in the event that this is the day that we hoped would never come.”

Trump could have used his rallies to build an army of door knockers. Instead they're mostly a way for dudes to yell at reporters in person.- LOLGOP


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They say if Trump gets elected, it'll change the electoral map forever, mainly because Trump will sell the blue states to Russia. - Tea Pain

Trump: I grab them in the pussy!

Women: He grabbed me in the pussy!

GOP: The women are lying!! - Tina Dupuy

Rock The Voter News

 "I’m here vouching for Mrs. Clinton and I think it’s high time somebody did." - Bill Weld, Libertarian VP nominee

Inspired By Trump
A black church in Mississippi was burned and spray-painted with "Vote Trump" and authorities said on Wednesday they were probing the incident as a hate crime committed one week before the U.S. presidential election

Comey Says FBI Investigating Hillary's Ties to Bill Clinton. - Andy Borowitz


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Trump won’t release his taxes before election. And he was never hacked! Weird, when you know his password is probably just “Pu55y.” - Bette Midler

Biz/Tech News

If you think going to a Trump rally is frightening now, just wait until it becomes mandatory.- Warren Holstein

Obama And The Pipeline
President Obama addressed the Dakota Access Pipeline controversy for the second time Tuesday, saying his administration is looking for way to reroute the pipeline. 

The FBI offered no specifics about their ongoing investigation of George Clinton, the founder of Parliament-Funkadelic. - Andy Borowitz


Darn. 3 days until $105 worth of bills are due.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I would love to shop for fruit and vegetables this way.
