Thursday, October 27, 2016

Unleashing A Twitter War?

James O’Keefe hypes up ‘literal revolt’ of infuriated internet users if Trump loses
Right-wing video ambush artist James O’Keefe predicts that there will be a “revolt” if Donald Trump ends up losing the election — but it won’t be the kind that involves pitchforks and torches.

Trump supporters say they'll resort to "torches & pitchforks" if they lose. That's the highest level of technology they're comfortable with. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Julian Assange, he openly works with [Russia]. It’s not a secret." Nadya Tolokonnikova

Poles Are Nervous About Russia
Poland scrapped compulsory military service in 2008. Less than a decade later, some now question the wisdom of that move.
Russia is throwing its weight around eastern Europe, stocking up its isolated Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad with far more armaments than its neighbor feels comfortable with.

Donald Trump today criticized some of his Republican primary opponents for refusing to endorse him, saying, quote, “I don’t know how they live with themselves.” Said his opponents, “We don’t. We live with our wives.”-Seth Myers

Republican Shenanigans

"This is a guy who is, what, on his third marriage, cheated on his first two wives, and was having an affair while he was impeaching Bill Clinton." - Anderson Cooper commenting on Newt Gingrich

Yep, They're Will Be Lots Of Lock And Loading Going On
Only 35 percent of those who support Donald Trump say will most likely accept the election results if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton wins the White House, according to a new AP-Gfk poll.

Donald Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, threw a baseball to reporters today with a note saying that he’s rooting for the Cubs. And then the reporters turned the ball over and the other side said, “Help!”- Jimmy Fallon

Analysts are speculating that communication between Donald Trump and his campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, has become practically nonexistent. They say if she spoke to Trump any less, they’d be married.- Conan O'Brien


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With all the talk of populism this year, I'm starting a new movement: elitism. It's based on a simple premise: I want to elect a President who's smarter than I am.- Andy Borowitz

Jill Stein & Her Investments
Jill Stein is heavily invested in the industries she attacks on the campaign trail, including Big Pharma, defense contractors and oil companies.

From the Yale Record (America's oldest college humor magazine)

Rock The Voter News

Michelle Obama makes me even prouder to be an American than Donald Trump makes me ashamed of being one. - OhNoSheTwitnt

DNC Goes After Trump In Court
The Democratic National Committee on Wednesday asked a U.S. judge to hold the Republican National Committee in contempt of court over allegations that Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to intimidate minority voters.


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The government just announced that next year [Obamacare] premiums are going up by 25 percent. I haven’t seen Obama hike something so high since he stopped wearing mom jeans.- Stephen Colbert

Biz/Tech News

So, Russia Didn't Hack US Sites Last Week? Who Then?
The giant cyber attack that paralyzed many US sites last week was likely not the work of a foreign country, the top US intelligence chief said...

The Vatican has issued new guidelines on cremation, saying Catholics must bury the ashes in a cemetery. Which is too bad, because I wanted my ashes to be a secret ingredient on the show “Chopped.”- Conan O'Brien


I hope you all had a good time today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Crystals in a pool - Imgur Nettlebed Cave is a limestone cave located in the Mount Arthur region of the northwest South Island of New Zealand. I assume no swimming is allowed.


Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Trump warns of World War III if Clinton is elected
Donald Trump warned in an interview Tuesday that Hillary Clinton's policies as president to address the Syrian conflict would lead to World War III, arguing the Democratic nominee would draw the US into armed confrontation with Russia, Syria and Iran.

ALERT: Only 14 days left until the single greatest moment of schadenfreude this country has ever seen.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

A Trump voter complains about payin' taxes, but flings their rent money at a billionaire that promises they can be mean to Mexicans.- Tea Pain

Meanwhile, Serious Build-Up Of NATO
Britain said on Wednesday it will send fighter jets to Romania next year and the United States promised troops, tanks and artillery to Poland in NATO's biggest military build-up on Russia's borders since the Cold War.

Republican War On Women Going Swimmingly
Sometimes folks on television break away from their carefully cultivated images to reveal themselves as far less appealing than they might care to appear. That’s what happened to Newt Gingrich Tuesday night on The Kelly File. Host Megyn Kelly announced the segment as a discussion about polls indicating the Democrats may pick up some congressional seats. It ended with Kelly suggesting to an overheated Gingrich that he “take [his] anger issues and spend some time working on them.” Whew.

Calling Newt Gingrich an "adulterer" is like calling Gordie Howe "an ice skater." - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

You have Giuliani doing outreach to blacks, Gingrich to women & Trump himself to Latinos. What could go wrong? - Jeet Heer Tweet

Rat In The Hat
According to the Federal Election Commission filings, Donald Trump's presidential campaign has spent $1.8 million on polling from June 2015 through September of this year (the most recent month for which data are available). The report also lists $3.2 million spent on hats.

Trump has received his first and only endorsement from a major newspaper — the Las Vegas Review-Journal said that Trump does not represent the danger his critics claim. Which is not exactly a ringing endorsement. That's like a restaurant review that says this place probably won't even give you food poisoning.- James Corden


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I am going to miss President Barack Hussein Obama

CNN is reporting that Clinton "may have gone to Cubs games with her father as a kid, but after leaving Illinois, and around the same time she ran for Senate in New York, the former first lady touted her love for the New York Yankees." How convenient. As a 10-year-old she wears a Cubs hat. A mere 40 years later, she's in a Yankees hat. Is there no hat she won't wear? (shows fake photo of Hillary in "Make America Great Again" cap] OK, there's one hat.- Stephen Colbert

Federal Court Says No To Obama
Another federal court in northern Texas has issued a nationwide injunction barring the Obama administration from enforcing Education Department guidance requiring schools to allow transgender students to use bathroom and changing facilities...

Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump said at a rally this weekend that Hillary Clinton was exhausted and weak after the debates. Yeah, probably because you kept sniffing all the oxygen out of the room.- Seth Myers


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Biz/Tech News

Trump Campaigns At His Hotel Opening
Donald Trump seized the occasion of his Washington hotel's grand opening to use his résumé as a real estate mogul as a metaphor for his promises as a presidential candidate to rebuild America.

This is probably the most humiliating thing the Trumps have done to the Republican Party. Down eight points and they do a hotel infomercial. - Ryan Lizza Tweet

I want to say congratulations to the Chicago Cubs and the Cleveland Indians, who are set to play each other in the World Series! Or as voters put it, “Finally – a crazy match-up we can actually ENJOY!”- Jimmy Fallon


I hope you had a good time today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I have never seen Lenticular clouds. I imagine it could be quite overwhelming!


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

With his tiny hands he grabbed a...

Trump responds to adult film star accuser: "Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before"
Donald Trump on Monday spoke out against an adult film star who accused him of inappropriately kissing her, saying sarcastically, "Oh, I'm sure she's never been grabbed before."

Trump puts the Pig in Male Chauvinist Pig. What a disgusting man.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I lie awake at night worrying about what 2020 candidate Trump has lowered the bar for.- Andy Borowitz

Wonderful Idea For Homeless Vets
Chris Stout, Kevin Jamison and Mark Solomon, founders of the Veterans Community Project, hope to help their fellow servicemen by building a village of 52 tiny homes for homeless veterans in Kansas City.
While the 240-square-foot homes will include a bed, kitchen and bathroom, the VCP hopes to provide more than just shelter.

Why are people surprised Billy Bush could egg Trump on to say dispicable things? Hillary did it -- three debates in a row. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

Trump: “We are so divided. But I’ll unite us by jailing Hillary & my accusers, deporting Latinos & Muslims, and cutting taxes for the rich.”- Tea Party Cat

#DonaldTrump sez I'm not a 10! To which I reply, "You're damn right!  I'm a 55!!" - Bette Midler

Trump Tower Dump
Trump Tower is no ordinary property: It is the jewel in Donald Trump's brass crown. He lives at the top in a three-story penthouse with his third wife and third son. But it's more than just Trump's home. With its flashy outward image barely concealing a rotting, garbage-filled core, it's a metaphor for the man. A visit to the building's public gardens, which he agreed to create in 1979 in exchange for the rights to make his Tower 20 floors higher, reveals the truth. Let's take a stroll through his messy rest stop for a glimpse of the kind of care and attention that Americans can expect from a President Trump.

Donald actually quadrupled his campaign HQ's Trump Tower rent -so donate $, non-millionaires, & make his checking account great again. - John Fugelsang

Undermining The President
GOP nominee Donald Trump has indulged a fondness for conspiracy theories that seems inversely proportional to his chances of winning the White House.
In Trump’s latest, President Barack Obama launched the offensive to take back Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city, from the Islamic State, because he “wanted to show what a tough guy he is before the election.”

Trump now seems like a guy who is trying to imitate Alec Baldwin's Trump but not quite getting it right.- Andy Borowitz


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Are You Suffering From Election Stress?
Election chatter is filled with hyperbole — dished out by candidates, pundits, and voters. But this year, the vitriol is acute. Donald Trump has called Hillary Clinton “the devil” and threatened to imprison her during the second presidential debate if he became president. The New York Times editorial board called Trump the “worst nominee put forward by a major party in modern American history.”
So it shouldn’t be surprising that the majority of Americans are stressed the heck out about the election.

When I see Clinton, "I see her in an orange jumpsuit." -  Rudy Giuliani

Rock The Voter News

Trump sez he may not accept election results if he loses.  I don't accept my ass, but guess what's stuffed in the back of my pants right now. - Bette Midler


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Biz/Tech News

Trump supporters won't accept election results because of inner-city "riggers", which is remarkably similar to the word they'd like to use. - Tea Pain

I love the Blacks!
This Will Please Trump Supporters
Here's Another Time a Trump Company Was Sued for Discriminating Against Black People
After signing a consent order with the feds, Trump's family real estate firm was again accused of racial bias.

Car in front of me at red light has a bumper sticker says 'honk if you love Jesus.' So I honk. Then he gives me the finger. - John Fugelsang


Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Biking on the cliffs of Moher, Ireland. I love to post photos of things I'll never do.
