Monday, October 24, 2016

Twittering Trump

The 281 People, Places and Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List
Since declaring his candidacy for president last June, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidates, journalists, news organizations, nations, a Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office. We know this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all.

Forty years from now, Uday and Qusay Trump will sit in their rocking chairs and wonder why their dad wasn't meaner. - Barracks O'Bama

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump delivered his Gettysburg HandupAdress - Lizz Winstead

From Russia Assange With Love
Former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul on Monday slammed WikiLeaks in a series of tweets in which he called for people to stop referring to WikiLeaks as a "news organization."
"They are a foreign agent, supported by Russia, publishing stolen data," McFaul tweeted on Monday.

Republican Shenanigans

This tweet contains the names of every Caucasian politician whose birth & education records have been demanded by Donald Trump. - John Fugelsang

Best part of Trump suing all the women who've accused him of groping will be seeing Billy Bush called 11 times as a witness for the defense.- John Fugelsang

The Suer-In-Chief
If Trump's threats of lawsuits against women he groped is anything like his threat of a suit against NY Times, they have nothing to fear.


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Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump reminds you that all Bill Clinton accusers must be believed but all his own accusers lie by saying he did what he said he does.- John Fugelsang

Hillary Is Steady In This Poll
In a new CNN/ORC survey released this afternoon, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is shown to have maintained her 5-point ...


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"Nasty women are gonna walk our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get you out of our lives forever." - Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Biz/Tech News

A promise to "Make America Great Again" might mean more from someone who actually made his products in America.- Hillary Clinton

WTF? Vets Must Pay Back Reenlistment Bonuses?
Ten years after the Pentagon enticed soldiers to reenlist by offering hefty bonuses, officials are demanding thousands of those veterans pay the money back.

This photo made me smile.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I can only imagine how great the food and drink must taste in Brisighella, Italy.


Friday, October 21, 2016

A picture is worth a thousand words. I have 5 words.

Trump booed as he rips into Clinton at Catholic charity dinner
Well, that was awkward.
If you’ve ever squirmed through a mean-spirited, ill-advised wedding toast delivered by somebody’s inappropriate drunk uncle, then you’ll have some sense of the feeling in the room at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel Thursday night, where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attended the annual fundraiser for Catholic charities known as the Al Smith Dinner.

Regardless of whether Trump says he will accept the election results, the Constitution explicitly states that the loser can suck it.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

There's lots of big talk from Trump supporters about armed revolt if Trump loses, but they are far more likely to wind up like Cliven Bundy and his fellow nut jobs, occupying a small building and issuing misspelled demands for snacks.- Andy Borowitz

Branson actually built a successful airline. Unlike Trump.

Billionaire Shares Sick Revenge Scenario With Trump

After my last trip to the US, I shared my views on the presidential election. Having just completed another visit to Boston, Dallas and Miami, I wanted to share a previous encounter I had with Donald Trump. 

Joe Biden on Trump: “I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym."

Republican Shenanigans

Now, probably the weirdest thing Trump said during the evening was when he was talking about immigration, saying we have some “bad hombres” here. Bad hombres? First Melania Trump steals lines from Michelle Obama, now Trump is stealing lines from Clint Eastwood.- James Corden

Your Skin Color Will Be Your Uniform
Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food.

Trump Hired This Fool A Month Before He Declared He Was Running For President
Conservative activist James O’Keefe has filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Trump campaign says "this will be a horse race right down to the wire" except they got a gelding runnin' against the Secretariat-of-State. - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Friendly reminder that Paris Hilton grew her inherited wealth at 5 times the rate and 3 times faster than Donald Trump. - shon fay tweet

At one point, Hillary Clinton even brought up how Trump said the Emmys were rigged because “Celebrity Apprentice” never won one. Which means the Emmy Award is the only woman who Trump hasn’t grabbed.- James Corden

Aretha Was Right: 
Following Donald Trump’s refusal to say he'd accept the results of the upcoming election, a letter President George H.W. Bush penned to his successor in 1993 as he left the White House is making the rounds as an example of grace in defeat.

"Let’s go out and prove that love trumps hate!” —Hillary


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Trump Refuses to Accept Results of IQ Test - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump is not a self-deprecating guy. A lot of people believe the reason he got into politics is because President Obama roasted him at the White House Correspondents Dinner. If the cardinal starts making fun of him, he might try to run for Pope.- Jimmy Kimmel

Video: Bill O'Reilly Caught In Lie
Erik Wemple found video which puts the lie to O’Reilly’s description of a hostile encounter between former Pres. Ronald Reagan and ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lenticular Clouds over Mt. Rainier, Washington State, USA.


A picture is worth a thousand words. I have 5 words.

Trump booed as he rips into Clinton at Catholic charity dinner
Well, that was awkward.
If you’ve ever squirmed through a mean-spirited, ill-advised wedding toast delivered by somebody’s inappropriate drunk uncle, then you’ll have some sense of the feeling in the room at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel Thursday night, where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attended the annual fundraiser for Catholic charities known as the Al Smith Dinner.

Regardless of whether Trump says he will accept the election results, the Constitution explicitly states that the loser can suck it.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

There's lots of big talk from Trump supporters about armed revolt if Trump loses, but they are far more likely to wind up like Cliven Bundy and his fellow nut jobs, occupying a small building and issuing misspelled demands for snacks.- Andy Borowitz

Branson actually built a successful airline. Unlike Trump.

Billionaire Shares Sick Revenge Scenario With Trump

After my last trip to the US, I shared my views on the presidential election. Having just completed another visit to Boston, Dallas and Miami, I wanted to share a previous encounter I had with Donald Trump. 

Joe Biden on Trump: “I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym."

Republican Shenanigans

Now, probably the weirdest thing Trump said during the evening was when he was talking about immigration, saying we have some “bad hombres” here. Bad hombres? First Melania Trump steals lines from Michelle Obama, now Trump is stealing lines from Clint Eastwood.- James Corden

Your Skin Color Will Be Your Uniform
Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food.

Trump Hired This Fool A Month Before He Declared He Was Running For President
Conservative activist James O’Keefe has filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Trump campaign says "this will be a horse race right down to the wire" except they got a gelding runnin' against the Secretariat-of-State. - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Friendly reminder that Paris Hilton grew her inherited wealth at 5 times the rate and 3 times faster than Donald Trump. - shon fay tweet

At one point, Hillary Clinton even brought up how Trump said the Emmys were rigged because “Celebrity Apprentice” never won one. Which means the Emmy Award is the only woman who Trump hasn’t grabbed.- James Corden

Aretha Was Right: R E S P E C T
Following Donald Trump’s refusal to say he'd accept the results of the upcoming election, a letter President George H.W. Bush penned to his successor in 1993 as he left the White House is making the rounds as an example of grace in defeat.

"Let’s go out and prove that love trumps hate!” —Hillary


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Trump Refuses to Accept Results of IQ Test - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump is not a self-deprecating guy. A lot of people believe the reason he got into politics is because President Obama roasted him at the White House Correspondents Dinner. If the cardinal starts making fun of him, he might try to run for Pope.- Jimmy Kimmel

Video: Bill O'Reilly Caught In Lie
Erik Wemple found video which puts the lie to O’Reilly’s description of a hostile encounter between former Pres. Ronald Reagan and ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lenticular Clouds over Mt. Rainier, Washington State, USA.
