Friday, October 21, 2016

A picture is worth a thousand words. I have 5 words.

Trump booed as he rips into Clinton at Catholic charity dinner
Well, that was awkward.
If you’ve ever squirmed through a mean-spirited, ill-advised wedding toast delivered by somebody’s inappropriate drunk uncle, then you’ll have some sense of the feeling in the room at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel Thursday night, where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attended the annual fundraiser for Catholic charities known as the Al Smith Dinner.

Regardless of whether Trump says he will accept the election results, the Constitution explicitly states that the loser can suck it.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

There's lots of big talk from Trump supporters about armed revolt if Trump loses, but they are far more likely to wind up like Cliven Bundy and his fellow nut jobs, occupying a small building and issuing misspelled demands for snacks.- Andy Borowitz

Branson actually built a successful airline. Unlike Trump.

Billionaire Shares Sick Revenge Scenario With Trump

After my last trip to the US, I shared my views on the presidential election. Having just completed another visit to Boston, Dallas and Miami, I wanted to share a previous encounter I had with Donald Trump. 

Joe Biden on Trump: “I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym."

Republican Shenanigans

Now, probably the weirdest thing Trump said during the evening was when he was talking about immigration, saying we have some “bad hombres” here. Bad hombres? First Melania Trump steals lines from Michelle Obama, now Trump is stealing lines from Clint Eastwood.- James Corden

Your Skin Color Will Be Your Uniform
Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food.

Trump Hired This Fool A Month Before He Declared He Was Running For President
Conservative activist James O’Keefe has filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Trump campaign says "this will be a horse race right down to the wire" except they got a gelding runnin' against the Secretariat-of-State. - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Friendly reminder that Paris Hilton grew her inherited wealth at 5 times the rate and 3 times faster than Donald Trump. - shon fay tweet

At one point, Hillary Clinton even brought up how Trump said the Emmys were rigged because “Celebrity Apprentice” never won one. Which means the Emmy Award is the only woman who Trump hasn’t grabbed.- James Corden

Aretha Was Right: 
Following Donald Trump’s refusal to say he'd accept the results of the upcoming election, a letter President George H.W. Bush penned to his successor in 1993 as he left the White House is making the rounds as an example of grace in defeat.

"Let’s go out and prove that love trumps hate!” —Hillary


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Trump Refuses to Accept Results of IQ Test - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump is not a self-deprecating guy. A lot of people believe the reason he got into politics is because President Obama roasted him at the White House Correspondents Dinner. If the cardinal starts making fun of him, he might try to run for Pope.- Jimmy Kimmel

Video: Bill O'Reilly Caught In Lie
Erik Wemple found video which puts the lie to O’Reilly’s description of a hostile encounter between former Pres. Ronald Reagan and ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lenticular Clouds over Mt. Rainier, Washington State, USA.


A picture is worth a thousand words. I have 5 words.

Trump booed as he rips into Clinton at Catholic charity dinner
Well, that was awkward.
If you’ve ever squirmed through a mean-spirited, ill-advised wedding toast delivered by somebody’s inappropriate drunk uncle, then you’ll have some sense of the feeling in the room at New York’s Waldorf-Astoria hotel Thursday night, where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton attended the annual fundraiser for Catholic charities known as the Al Smith Dinner.

Regardless of whether Trump says he will accept the election results, the Constitution explicitly states that the loser can suck it.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

There's lots of big talk from Trump supporters about armed revolt if Trump loses, but they are far more likely to wind up like Cliven Bundy and his fellow nut jobs, occupying a small building and issuing misspelled demands for snacks.- Andy Borowitz

Branson actually built a successful airline. Unlike Trump.

Billionaire Shares Sick Revenge Scenario With Trump

After my last trip to the US, I shared my views on the presidential election. Having just completed another visit to Boston, Dallas and Miami, I wanted to share a previous encounter I had with Donald Trump. 

Joe Biden on Trump: “I wish we were in high school and I could take him behind the gym."

Republican Shenanigans

Now, probably the weirdest thing Trump said during the evening was when he was talking about immigration, saying we have some “bad hombres” here. Bad hombres? First Melania Trump steals lines from Michelle Obama, now Trump is stealing lines from Clint Eastwood.- James Corden

Your Skin Color Will Be Your Uniform
Donald Trump’s recent rhetoric about rigged elections and a constitutional crisis would fulfill the fantasies of some supporters, who’ve been stockpiling weapons and food.

Trump Hired This Fool A Month Before He Declared He Was Running For President
Conservative activist James O’Keefe has filed a Federal Election Commission (FEC) complaint against Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Trump campaign says "this will be a horse race right down to the wire" except they got a gelding runnin' against the Secretariat-of-State. - Tea Pain


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Friendly reminder that Paris Hilton grew her inherited wealth at 5 times the rate and 3 times faster than Donald Trump. - shon fay tweet

At one point, Hillary Clinton even brought up how Trump said the Emmys were rigged because “Celebrity Apprentice” never won one. Which means the Emmy Award is the only woman who Trump hasn’t grabbed.- James Corden

Aretha Was Right: R E S P E C T
Following Donald Trump’s refusal to say he'd accept the results of the upcoming election, a letter President George H.W. Bush penned to his successor in 1993 as he left the White House is making the rounds as an example of grace in defeat.

"Let’s go out and prove that love trumps hate!” —Hillary


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


Trump Refuses to Accept Results of IQ Test - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump is not a self-deprecating guy. A lot of people believe the reason he got into politics is because President Obama roasted him at the White House Correspondents Dinner. If the cardinal starts making fun of him, he might try to run for Pope.- Jimmy Kimmel

Video: Bill O'Reilly Caught In Lie
Erik Wemple found video which puts the lie to O’Reilly’s description of a hostile encounter between former Pres. Ronald Reagan and ABC News reporter Sam Donaldson.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lenticular Clouds over Mt. Rainier, Washington State, USA.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Final Debate

A Hillary Clinton Supporter Purchases This "Nasty Women" Web Domain In The Most Glorious Response To Donald Trump's Insults
A supporter of Hillary Clinton named Jeff Meltz, rather than the Hillary For America campaign itself, claims to be responsible for buying the "Nasty Women Get Shit Done" domain name and redirecting it to Clinton's official campaign site.

For or against Clinton or Trump, Clinton has put together campaign of serious professionals. Trump has a box of broken toys. It matters.- Stuart Stevens

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Guy on CNN holding up a sign that reads "ONLY TRUMP CAN STOP ISIS" & I'm willing to drop him off alone in Mosul so he can try.- John Fugelsang

Republicans Warn Members Not To Poll Watch
Fearful that a decades-old court order blocking the Republican Party from engaging in certain Election Day activities could be extended for many more years, the RNC is warning its members not to engage in poll watching or any other so-called "ballot security" measures.
The RNC's concerns are heightened because of the vigilante poll watching GOP nominee Donald Trump has been calling for from the stump.

Remember, if Donald Trump's dad had been more affectionate Ted Cruz would be the GOP nominee.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

So you think government can rig elections, climate science & take all the guns but you don't trust it to negotiate prescription drug prices? - LOLGOP

As First Lady, Melania Trump says she would like to combat cyber bullying. Step one: Changing Donald's Twitter password.- Richard Hine

He's like a little boy, Melania mused.
Trump Contradicts His Own Wife
Melania Trump lives like a queen but she’s just a pawn.
The latest evidence came during the final presidential debate when Donald Trump used his Slovenian model-turned Stepford Wife to suggest that he’s not a lout who sexually assaults women.
“I didn’t even apologize to my wife ... because I didn’t do anything,” said the tangerine-toned Republican candidate...“Those words, they were offensive to me and they were inappropriate,” Melania told “Fox & Friends” about P---yGate. “And he apologized to me. I accept his apology. And we are moving on.”

The irony is that Trump's greatest achievement in life has been making so many people so enthusiastic to vote for Hillary Clinton. - John Fugelsang


 Click here to meet C.W.


Dorothy considers going to nearby Colorado instead
The Kansas Government Needs Mental Health Care
When Kansas Solicitor General Stephen McAllister approvingly cited Dred Scott v. Sandford, a Supreme Court ruling that denied citizenship to black
Americans, in his legal defense of the state's severe anti-abortion law earlier this week, he probably wasn't prepared for any backlash. But in the past 24 hours, the odd legal argument has been the source of controversy, giving a state that already enjoys a reputation for its governor's failed tax policies another unfortunate moment in the spotlight.

The most outwardly misogynistic candidate of our lifetimes debated the first woman candidate thrice & got swept like he was the 1989 Giants.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Things Trump refuses to accept:
-Obama's birth certificate
-Polls saying he's losing
-Election results
-The word "no" from women
- OhNoSheTwitnt

Another Woman Accuses Trump Of Sexual Misconduct
Donald Trump's campaign dismissed new allegations of sexual misconduct by the GOP nominee as a "coordinated, publicity seeking attack with the Clinton campaign" in a statement released Thursday.


 Click here to visit Wattensaw Press


One added benefit of Trump losing the election: we will no longer be subjected to Kellyanne Conway. - Andy Borowitz

Biz/Tech News

Oh for f--k sake, if Trump was any more of a pussy he'd have to grab himself. - Bill Maher

Less Vino?
Global wine production in 2016 is expected to be among the lowest in 20 years, an industry body said Thursday, suggesting climatic events such as El Nino could be to blame.


This is the 10 year Anniversary since Joe Scarborough threatened AllHatNoCattle with a lawsuit.

I need a new wireless router. Any contribution would be greatly appreciated. :)


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Not for the faint of heart, like me. Machu Picchu, Peru.
