Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Last Debate Is Tonight

...I was bound and determined to find out if Donald Trump’s “Big League” ground game was just as much a fraud as his many failed businesses.

Everything Trump touches, he turns to mold. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The best part of the debates is that they're Trump's worst nightmare: 90 minutes of having a woman treated as his equal. - LOLGOP

Christian Right Students Becoming More Christ-Like?
An editor for Liberty University's student-run newspaper says that the school's president Jerry Falwell Jr. censored a column of his that was critical of Donald Trump.

Republican Shenanigans

Only 1/3 of voters think Trump has sound temperament or judgement. Trump campaign brainstorm: Let's bring Obama's half brother to the debate. - John Salter

Trump Trolls Have Been Busy!
At least 2.6 million anti-Semitic tweets have been directed at more than 800 journalists since the 2016 presidential campaign began, often because those journalists voiced critical opinions about Donald Trump, the Anti-Defamation League said Wednesday.

Obama needs to put politics aside & order Seal Team Six to rescue #Melania from Trump Tower ASAP.  - Josh Gad

"I call him 'Shady Jesus.' He says he's Jesus of Nazareth, but he's born in Bethlehem.  Which one is it?  We don't know!"  #EvangelicalTrump - John Fugelsang


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If, in fact, the election has been rigged for Hillary Clinton to win, what kind of person would spend a year and a half of his life running against Hillary Clinton?
A very, very stupid person. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Popular vote tracker:
Before 1° debate: Clinton +1.5
Before 2° debate: Clinton +5.6
Before 3° debate: Clinton +7.1
- Nate Slver

Hillary Protects Bill From Melania
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign has asked to change the setup of the pre-debate greetings on Wednesday night, The New York Times reports.
At previous debates, the spouses of both candidates have met to shake hands. But this time around, former President Bill Clinton and Melania Trump will enter the debate hall in a way that avoids having the families cross paths. 

We guessed wrong so many times about what could doom Trump. It's thrilling that it's women. - Jill Lawrence


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Give These People Electroshock Therapy
The policy director of a think tank hired by Florida’s largest electric utilities admitted at a conference this month what opponents have claimed for months: The industry attempted to deceive voters into supporting restrictions on the expansion of solar by shrouding Amendment 1 as a pro-solar amendment.

Biz/Tech News

Imagine how many supporters Trump would lose if he were caught on tape talking about groping other men. - OhNoSheTwitnt

I'm So Glad The Media Is Finally Fully Vetting Trump
...The Washington Post tracked all the “personal” gifts that Trump promised on the show — during 83 episodes and seven seasons — but could not confirm a single case in which Trump actually sent a gift from his own pocket.


Thank you AHNC viewers!

It has been raining almost non-stop for 3 days. Internet connection has been spotty. I'm amazed I have been able to post a new edition, although a bit late.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I could do that but I'd probably get slammed into the rock!


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Melania Trump Speaks

Melania Trump Suggests Billy Bush Egged Trump On In Now Infamous Tape
In a preview for an interview with CNN's Anderson Cooper set to air Monday night, Melania Trump said that she believes former "Access Hollywood" host Billy Bush egged on her husband to make predatory comments about women in a leaked video from a 2005 taping.

"Melania Trump wants to become an ambassador against cyber bullying. She can't stop her own husband. Pathetic". ~ Nadya Klein

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I've heard of a Bush misleading you into war. But if a Bush can egg you into bragging about sexual assault, maybe you just wanted to do it. - LOLGOP

Imprisoning The Mentally Ill
SINCE 1994 Tracey Aldridge has been arrested 100 times, jailed 27 times for more than 1,000 days and spent a total of eight years in prison. Most of her arrests have been for trivia: trespassing, prostitution, drugs, disorderly conduct, petty theft or drinking in public, all typical of the mentally ill. Ms Aldridge is so impaired that one jail needed special arm coverings for her, like full-length oven gloves, to prevent her from ripping her veins out with her teeth. More recently, in prison, Ms Aldridge ate her protective gauntlets.

[Trump launches nukes]
Melania: He's been hanging around those darn older boys on the playground, they're a bad influence. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's skin is as thin as his resume. -Joy Behar

Kellyanne Must Be Tired Of Kissing Trump's Rump
Donald Trump’s campaign manager on Monday distanced herself from Trump's tactic of targeting the appearances of the women who've accused him of inappropriate sexual behavior over the past week.
“It’s not how I would answer the question,” Kellyanne Conway said in an appearance on MSNBC's "MTP Daily,"...

Trump: America is dumb, can't win, can't do trade deals yet is managing to rig every poll, every news story and 110 million votes.- LOLGOP


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Since the biggest knock on Clinton is that she used a private server at her home, the easiest way to fix that is to make her live in government housing for the next four years. - Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Election Protection Program? It's More Like Election Intimidation Program.
The Donald Trump campaign has brought on a controversial GOP operative with ties to the Koch brothers to run the campaign's "election protection" program...


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Politicians who brag they've accepted Jesus as their savior generally just accept Him as their mascot.- John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

New data from the Hubble Space Telescope shows that the universe has two trillion galaxies, which is 10 times more than previously thought. The good news is, none of those galaxies are made by Samsung. - Jimmy Fallon

What Climate Change?
Exxon Mobil Corp asked a federal court on Monday to throw out a subpoena from New York State that would force the oil company to hand over decades of documents as part of a wide-ranging inquiry into whether it misled investors about climate change risks.

People, it is October 18, and it's 80 degrees in NYC!  Don't tell me there's no such thing as Climate Change!!!- Bette Midler


I hope you had a good time today!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Flying squirrel, photo by Masatsugu Ohashi.


Monday, October 17, 2016

What if Trump formed his own political party?

Trump ramps up voter fraud claim, but some Republicans disagree
Trump has tried to whip up fears of a flawed election as he has fallen ... He has also strongly denied allegations from multiple women that he .

This was the week a major party POTUS nominee said a woman was too ugly to sexually assault & didn't lose the conservative Christian vote. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump: "I'm the only one that can stop Isis, but I'm helpless against a sickly 68 year old grandmother 'riggin' an election."- Tea Pain

Julian Assange Is Suffering From Internet Withdrawal
The activist organization WikiLeaks says the Internet connection for its founder, Julian Assange, has been severed by what it called a "state party.

Calling the numerical system rigged, Trump said that he will ban numbers from the United States "because they came from Arabs."- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Evangelical dilemma- a groper who called his daughter a piece of ass; but on a moral level he'll turn away refugees & bring back torture.- John Fugelsang

Trump Has The KKK Vote All Locked Up!!
Former Ku Klux Klan leader and current Louisiana senate candidate David Duke sent out a fundraising letter last week urging residents to support a Duke-Donald Trump ticket on Election Day.

Trump Accuses Hillary of Using Drugs, Abusing Women, Having Big Tower With Name On It. - Andy Borowitz


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Trying to think of a job Trump would actually be qualified for and all I came up with was traffic cone.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Women have the power to stop Trump. - Hillary Clinton

Trump TV? Why, Of Course!
If Trump himself isn’t yet willing to accept that he’s not going to win, it seems as though someone in his family is at least planning for the possibility. The Financial Times reported Monday morning that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law turned trusted campaign adviser, has approached a top media dealmaker about the possibility of establishing a Trump TV network post-election. 

After Trump loses, he plans to start the "Trump News Network."  That'll be great cause he'll only be on one channel and we can turn him off.- Tea Pain


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That awkward day 5 years from now when Trump, Sarah Palin & Ted Cruz are all up against each other for the same Reverse Mortgage commercial.- John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

Millionaire-at-birth who's able to pay less in fed taxes than you claims system is rigged.- John Fugelsang

One Million Dollar Bounty For Dirt On Trump!
In the wake of the Access Hollywood video tape of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump boasting about sexually assaulting women, publisher and free speech activist Larry Flynt has offered a $1 million bounty for any “scandalous” audio or video that can further damage Trump’s campaign.

Breaking: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are in a heated legal battle over who will get custody of Ethiopia.- Kent Graham



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Andy Warhol buying Campbell's Soup at Gristede's supermarket on Second Ave. 1964.  Photograph by Bob Adelman
