Friday, October 14, 2016

Pence Promises 'Evidence' By End Of Day To Debunk Allegations Against Trump

Pence Promises 'Evidence' By End Of Day To Debunk Allegations Against Trump
Mike Pence on Friday morning promised that the Donald Trump campaign will present evidence by the end of the day to challenge accusations about Trump's sexual misconduct.

New Charges of Misogyny Threaten to Overshadow Trump's Legacy of Racism and Xenophobia. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"The Boston Globe just reported that according to his campaign staff, Donald Trump wouldn't take any vacations as president. I think that's because he has offended so many other countries he can't leave this one." –Jimmy Fallon

Trump's Intimidators
Two Donald Trump supporters openly carrying firearms sat outside the campaign office of a Democratic candidate for Congress in Virginia for nearly 12 hours on Thursday...

Republican Shenanigans

"You started your campaign by accusing Mexicans of being rapists. Now you're on tape explaining how you sexually assault women. The only way you could be more hypocritical is if you said it in Spanish." –Michael Che

GOP Donors Want To Pull Out. Pun Intended.
A number of major GOP donors are pleading with the Republican National Committee to renounce support for Donald Trump over the slew of allegations that he groped women without their consent

As you know: Assault isn't about attractiveness or sex. It's about domination which is why calling your victim ugly is another assault. - LOLGOP


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Trump Ridicules Accuser's Looks & Hillary Too!
During a rally in North Carolina on Friday, Donald Trump fiercely attacked the women who have accused him of sexual assault over the past few days, making crude comments about one woman's looks and seeming to issue a similar insult about Hillary Clinton.

I like when evangelical Christians agree with a guy who says his accusers were too ugly to grope.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

"Trump denied the (groping) allegations, calling them 'ludicrous' at a rally today. But here's the problem for Trump: There's very good reason to believe he did what he's accused of. Why? Because an irrefutable, inside source told us so: Donald Trump. Donald Trump is his own Deep Throat. He's Creep Throat." –Seth Meyers


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Will today be the day American women realize that maybe Donald Trump wanted to build that wall to keep us all from getting away from him? - Bette Midler

Biz/Tech News

"NBC suspended Billy Bush for his words on the Trump tape, which means there is currently a higher standard for host for third hour of the Today Show than there is for the Republican nominee for president." –Seth Meyers

Cuban Cigars & Rum Limit Lifted
The Obama administration says it is eliminating a $100 limit on the value of Cuban rum and cigars that American travelers can bring back from the island.

One thing's till bugging me from the debate. Donald says it was just locker-room banter. But does anybody believe he's ever been in a gym? - Bette Midler


A viewer wrote this to me and it made my day: There may be an AHNC in another galaxy, but I'm certain there is none other here.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A chameleon with a Ladybug hat. TGIF!


Thursday, October 13, 2016

And the beat goes on...

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump Makes Lewd Joke to Young Girls in 1992: 'I'm Going to be Dating Her in Ten Years'
Questionable footage of Donald Trump continues to surface.
During an Entertainment Tonight segment filmed in 1992 at Trump Tower, the Republican presidential candidate can be heard making a lewd joke to a group of young girls. Trump would have been 46 years old at the time.

The penalty for sexually assaulting a bunch of people shouldn't just be that you don't get to be President. - Matt Stoller

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Happy that Trump's vile behavior toward women is causing his downfall, but a little bummed that his threat to ban an entire religion didn't.- Andy Borowitz

Trump Would've Nuked Them!
The U.S. launched missiles at three radar installations in rebel-controlled areas of Yemen late Wednesday. It's the first time that the U.S. has carried out strikes against the Houthi rebels during the conflict in Yemen.
This comes after missiles were fired from Yemen's coast at U.S. Navy destroyer USS Mason on two separate occasions in four days.

A new national poll found that Democrats now have a significant lead over Republicans in the congressional races. Republicans said, “And there’s only one man to blame for this,” and Donald Trump said, “Exactly: Billy Bush.”- Jimmy Fallon

Trump is still under fire for the lewd and offensive tape that was released last week which he referred to as “locker-room talk.” Well now pro athletes are speaking out against this, saying that’s not how they speak in the locker room. While Tim Tebow said, “I don’t even like to say ‘Billy Bush!’”- Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

Yes, let's clutch our pearls about the timing of all of these allegations as opposed to wondering about how many and how similar they sound. - Jon Ralston

Honestly, the GOP's only feasible defense with Trump having admitted to assaults on tape is that he's a huge liar.- LOLGOP

Trump Is A Sexual Predator, Pure And Simple
In December 2005, PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff went to Mar-a-Lago to interview Donald and Melania Trump. What she says happened next left her badly shaken.

I accidentally switched my "Blacks for Trump" sign with my "Cows for Burger King" sign. -  John Fugelsang

Misogyny Magnified By Trump Voters 
...As polls show that Donald Trump would overwhelmingly win if only men were allowed to vote, the GOP nominee's supporters have spawned a new Twitter hashtag: #repealthe19th.


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Michelle Obama: "It doesn't matter what party you belong to, no woman deserves to be treated this way"

Rock The Voter News

The Final Debate Topics
The Commission on Presidential Debates released topics on Wednesday for the third — and final — presidential debate next week.
Fox News anchor Chris Wallace will moderate the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump and has selected topics focused on debt and entitlements, immigration, the economy, the Supreme Court, foreign hot spots and the candidates’ fitness to be president.

Hillary Clinton campaigned in Florida with Al Gore. You’re making Al Gore go back to Florida? That’s so cruel. That’s like making Joe Frazier go back to Manila.- Seth Myers


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Biz/Tech News

Donald Trump tweeted earlier today, quote, “It is so nice that the shackles have been taken off me and I can now fight for America the way I want to.” What shackles are you talking about? The only thing that ever shackled you was the 140-character limit on Twitter.- Seth Myers

Indoctrinating The Children
 A Russian firm has caused a stir after putting on sale a children's bed in the shape of a Buk missile launcher of the kind that shot down a Malaysian Airlines passenger jet in eastern Ukraine in 2014.

I am ecstatic that Bob Dylan has won the Nobel. A great and good thing in a season of sleaze and sadness.- Stephen King



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
Congrats on your Nobel Prize in Literature Bob Dylan! Here he is playing at a voter registration drive in Greenwood, MS in 1963.


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Decisions, decisions.

Clinton: Trump team's negativity shows 'how desperate they are'
Clinton: Trump team's negativity shows 'how desperate they are' says Donald Trump's "scorched Earth strategy" shows the Republican presidential nominee is desperate as Election Day approaches.

A guy who claims to be a billionaire and didn't pay taxes for more than a decade wants you to know that life isn't fair to him :(  - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Look, we can't afford $1 Trillion on health care to protect US lives b/c we need to spend $2 Trillion on defense, to protect US lives.- John Fugelsang

Russians, Nukes & Trump
Americans should vote for Donald Trump as president next month or risk being dragged into a nuclear war, according to a Russian ultra-nationalist ally of President Vladimir Putin who likes to compare himself to the U.S. Republican candidate.

We pray for this election to be over because we think--against conventional wisdom and all evidence--that the stupidity will cease then. - Will McAvoy

Republican Shenanigans

Don't tell Glenn Beck but he just proved evolution exists.- John Fugelsang

If Donald Trump or Billy Bush ever actually set foot in a locker room I'm fairly sure they'd get their asses kicked.- Andy Borowitz


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Al Gore: 'Consider me exhibit A' for why each vote matters.

Hey, Green Party, Please See The Forest Through The Trees
In a rare return to presidential politics, Mr. Gore, who was Bill Clinton’s vice president, joined Hillary Clinton for a 45-minute Democratic call to arms, vacillating between a familiar drawling delivery and the urgency of a seer sent from another era to warn future generations of prospective doom.

I'd guess if you polled Trump supporters: "where did Trump say he likes to grab women by the p___" A plurality would say "locker room". - Christopher Hayes

Rock The Voter News

LeBron James on Donald Trump: "That's not locker room talk. That's trash talk."

Well, Well, Well. This Should Be Interesting 
The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to decide whether to block a lawsuit against former Attorney General John Ashcroft and others by non-U.S. citizens, mainly Muslims, swept up after the Sept. 11 attacks who said they were abused in detention.


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Biz/Tech News

Trump: the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 of American politics. - Andy Borowitz

My First Cell Phone Was An Ericsson
Ericsson AB, one of the world's largest makers of telecom equipment, Wednesday capped a series of management- shakeup and job-cut announcements with a profit warning that sent its share price tumbling 

A society constantly selling drugs to seniors arrested Willie Nelson for possession of a plant. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Hua Shan,Shaanxi Province, China. Why is that man smiling? I would be crying,
