Thursday, September 29, 2016

The other presidential candidates...

Unable To Name A Foreign Leader, Gary Johnson Has Another 'Aleppo Moment'
Asked to name his favorite foreign leader, or any foreign leader he admires, Libertarian nominee for president Gary Johnson was unable to come up with an answer.

I don't understand Bernie supporters that are now supporting Johnson or Stein. Bernie wants you to vote for Hillary and now you don't trust him? Now?

To be fair, not a single foreign leader knows who Gary Johnson is either. - OhNoSheTwitnt

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Since Trump's last press conference, we've had:
*Cuba embargo violations
*Miss Universe
*Foundation scandals
*Russian business connections - LOLGOP

Russian Trolls Are Coming! Hey, They're Already Here!
A new U.S. intelligence report says the Russian government is conducting a wide-ranging and “opportunistic” campaign to expand its political influence in Europe by deploying Internet “trolls and other cyber actors” to challenge pro-Western journalists and spread pro-Kremlin messages in social media forums.

Republican Shenanigans

Trump: "I never said all these demeaning things about dumb ugly bitches that Hillary claims I did."- Tea Party Cat

Trolls taught me Obama's a weak leader & a powerful tyrant; in over his head & a socialist mastermind; a Muslim w/a bad Christian pastor. - John Fugelsang

Did Trump Hand Florida To Hillary?
Documents show that the Trump company spent a minimum of $68,000 for its 1998 foray into Cuba at a time when the corporate expenditure of even a penny in the Caribbean country was prohibited without U.S. government approval. But the company did not spend the money directly. Instead, with Trump’s knowledge, executives funneled the cash for the Cuba trip through an American consulting firm called Seven Arrows Investment and Development Corp.

Poor Hillary's health is so bad her doctor has limited her moppin' the floor with Trump to 90 minutes at a time. - Tea Pain


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At a restaurant, sitting one table away from VP candidate Mike Pence. Wait, no, sorry that’s just a white napkin. - Conan O'Brien

Bernie Schools Millennials
Hillary Clinton needs millennials, and her best hope at winning them over might be the septuagenarian they tried to elect.
Bernie Sanders, the beloved leader of the nation’s leftwing movement, appeared alongside his former rival at a university gymnasium in New Hampshire on Wednesday and issued an urgent appeal to disillusioned young voters: “It is imperative that we elect Hillary Clinton.”

Rock The Voter News

Hey, White House Staffers, Don't Take The T's Off The Keyboards
White House staffers, if you want to avoid a headache next year, take our advice and don't imitate Bill Clinton's team on your way out.

The best part of being a climate-science denier is that you won't be around when your great-grandkids curse you for it.- John Fugelsang


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I'll sign on for results-based pay for teachers the day Congress gets the same deal.- John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

Make Costa Rica Great Again?
Costa Rica’s best-kept secret isn’t the treasure of Cocos Island, nor is it our suspiciously Anglophonic pronunciation of the letter “r.” Not even close. Costa Rica’s biggest secret is how we construct our national brand: the things we hide behind “pura vida,” that phrase imported from Mexico that is our calling card before the rest of the world.

Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude - Anne Frank



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Graves Of A Catholic Woman And Her Protestant Husband Separated By A Wall, Holland, 1888.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The slow self implosion of Trump

President Obama: 'If You Don't Vote, That's a Vote for Trump'
"If you don't vote, that's a vote for Trump," Obama stressed in a new line of attack during a radio interview with Steve Harvey that aired Wednesday morning. "If you vote for a third-party candidate who's got no chance to win, that's a vote for Trump."

Democrats should denounce suggestions that Trump was on coke. America needs to know that was Trump sober. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hillary Clinton posted an article on Twitter pointing out that no living president has endorsed Donald Trump. Nice try, Hillary, but it just so happens that Vladimir Putin is living.- Seth Myers

Republican Shenanigans

Weird. Guys who think they should control a woman's body don't see any problem with a potential president cruelly mocking a woman's weight. - LOLGOP

It a sad time in America when "Good Christians" are attackin' the one candidate that actually kept her wedding vows. - Tea Pain

Thrice Married Plump Trump Continues Pommeling Of The Press, A Beauty Queen, And Bill
Donald J. Trump lashed out on Tuesday in the aftermath of a disappointing first debate with Hillary Clinton, scolding the moderator, criticizing a beauty pageant winner for her physique and raising the prospect of an all-out attack on Bill Clinton’s marital infidelities in the final stretch of the campaign.

Imagine thinking climate change is a hoax and Donald Trump is real.- LOLGOP

GOP Congressman Uncovers Hillary's College Scandal!
Rep. Steve Chabot (R-OH) suggested to FBI Director James Comey that Hillary Clinton had broken her college’s honor code by using a private email server.


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"Evangelicals for Trump" sounds considerably better than "Christians for Caligula."- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Michelle Comes Out Swinging
First Lady Michelle Obama tore into Donald Trump Wednesday, telling Hillary Clinton supporters, "We need an adult in the White House."

We have to clean the White House so we can get our security deposit back. - Michelle Obama


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Trump thinks he deserves praise for not bringing up Bill Clinton's affairs. He also thinks he deserves a Purple Heart for not going to war.- OhNoSheTwitnt

Biz/Tech News

Bye, Bye, Blackberry
It's the end of an era for BlackBerry. The Canadian company, which helped usher in the smartphone race nearly 20 years ago, on Wednesday confirmed it will no longer manufacture the iconic handheld device.

The Pharmaceutical Drug War: The Drugs Are Winning

Madonna reportedly bought her son a Donald Trump piñata this weekend to celebrate his birthday. A Donald Trump piñata is just like a regular piñata, except there’s nothing inside.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A mother's love.


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Anyone who complains about the microphone is not having a good night. - Hillary Clinton

Trump: I Don't Want To Push 'Conspiracy Theories' But My Mic Was Bad
Donald Trump on Tuesday morning complained that during the Monday night debate, his microphone was malfunctioning and that the volume was lower than that of Hillary Clinton's microphone.

Two candidates onstage last night at Hofstra: one prepared to be President, one prepared to go on Sean Hannity's radio show. - Stephen King

After the debate, Hillary walked to the audience with Bill and engaged directly with people while the Trump family stood awkwardly on the stage just looking around. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"I'm glad Trump found out that Crimea was part of Ukraine. By the way, I heard he was on the verge of acknowledging gravity." —@JoeBiden - Hillary Clinton

One Of Trump's Admirers?
A shooter who wounded nine people in Houston on Monday morning was wearing Nazi paraphernalia, the Houston Police Department said.
Click2Houston reports that two law enforcement sources have confirmed that police found the shooter wearing a swastika-covered, World War II-style German uniform after they fatally shot him on Monday.

Trump, between sniffles, says the lady that mopped the floor with him for 90 minutes "doesn't have the stamina to be President." - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

On @foxandfriends @realDonaldTrump said he won a @CBSNews post-debate poll. We did not conduct a post-debate poll. - Major Garrett, CBS News

Giuliani Attacks Hillary For Standing By Her Man
Hillary Clinton’s decision to stand by her husband and attack former White House intern Monica Lewinsky when news of a sexual relationship between the two broke in 1998 prove that the former secretary of state is “too stupid to be president,” Rudy Giuliani said Monday night.

Is Rudy trying to tell us that Trump left the mothers of his children because they cheated on him? - LOLGOP


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Chris Christie, on MSNBC, just said that we shouldn't believe fact-checkers, because "they have an agenda." Yes. It is to check facts, dude. - Wil Wheaton

Rock The Voter News

I'm going to do all I can to make sure Trump does not become president. That work continues tomorrow in New Hampshire with @HillaryClinton. - Bernie Sanders Tweet

Florida Pro-Lifers Want Women Executed
“They’re pro-life and want to see women who get abortions executed,” wrote Mehta, “in case you needed more proof that Christians are often hypocrites.”...


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Climate Deniers Still Remain In Denial 
Donald Trump's running mate is breaking with the Republican nominee's claim that climate change is not the result of human activity.
Vice presidential nominee Mike Pence said Tuesday "there's no question" that human activity affects both the climate and the environment.

What the media doesn't get is that Donald Trump is the closest millions of Real Americans will ever get to voting for Boss Hogg. - John Fugelsang

Biz/Tech News

Nothing says male privilege like showing up at debate unprepared, admitting u don't pay taxes AND pundits still say you weren't horrible!! - ogorvolsky

Ford Motor Co. Fact Checks Trump
Ford Motor Co. went on the defensive following the latest attacks from Donald Trump aimed at the auto maker’s big-dollar Mexico investments and production plans.

A society that keeps building more for-profit prisons is a society that needs more crime. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

My high school friend Terry and his wife Jo are traveling throughout the west visiting the National Parks. This photo was taken last week at Redwood National Park.
