Monday, September 12, 2016

Hillary Has Pneumonia

Watch MSNBC host throw shade at coughing GOP official: ‘Is that pneumonia?’
MSNBC host Thomas Roberts Monday mocked the hype over Hillary Clinton’s health by suggesting that Republican National Committee (RNC) Communications Director Sean Spicer had pneumonia because he coughed during a live interview.

In a hypothetical matchup, voters chose an inert Clinton over an ambulatory Trump by a margin of nine percentage points.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Freak out about Hillary's health if you want, but I find it hard to believe that there are many voters out there who would say to themselves, "Hmm, Hillary seems sick, so I guess I'll vote for the Nazi instead."- Andy Borowitz

Trump Probably Inspired The President Of The Philippines
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday he wants U.S. forces out of his country's south and blamed America for inflaming Muslim insurgencies in the region, in his first public statement opposing the presence of American forces...

Trump is blaming Hillary Clinton for North Korea's nuclear test, but that's obviously untrue because she was busy running ISIS.- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

To the media: could you please be honest about this so-called "gaffe" Clinton made? I would like to know how calling people "deplorable" will alienate a single voter who is already calling to "lock her up."- Andy Borowitz

Donald Trump's version of political correctness: you can insult women, Muslims, Mexicans, POWs and the disabled, but LEAVE RACISTS ALONE.- Andy Borowitz


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

Nixon Deleted 20 Minutes Of A Tape Recording And Resigned. Bush Deleted 22 Million Emails And Became A Painter.
Clinton's email habits look positively transparent when compared with the subpoena-dodging, email-hiding, private-server-using George W. Bush administration. Between 2003 and 2009, the Bush White House “lost” 22 million emails. 
Like Clinton, the Bush White House used a private email server—its was owned by the Republican National Committee. And the Bush administration failed to store its emails, as required by law, and then refused to comply with a congressional subpoena seeking some of those emails.

Hillary Clinton could be coughing up blood while emailing state secrets at Starbuck's & still wouldn't ask troops to commit war crimes.- John Fugelsang

On CNN today they bashed Hillary for being too honest about Trump's followers and not honest enough about her health. In the same segment. With no irony. - Andy Borowitz


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Trump wants a debate with no moderators?  What's next?  An election with no minority voting?   - Tea Pain

Biz/Tech News

Wow. Great Zika Research 
Researchers from Florida State University, Johns Hopkins University and the National Institutes of Health published a study Monday, Aug. 29, that identifies the first possible treatment for the Zika virus.
The study, which will still require further tests, showed that existing drugs (including Nicolsamide, an FDA-approved drug for treating tapeworm), can stop the virus from replicating in the body and damaging fetal cells. 

The Gospel of Matthew has Jesus' family fleeing Herod & secretly raising him in Egypt; which technically makes JC an undocumented immigrant. - John Fugelsang


Thank you so much for the birthday wishes.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
I wish that was me lounging in the crystal clear waters at Hidden Lake, Montana | Photo by Travis Burke


Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trump wished me Happy Birthday!

Thank you Cindy!

Tonight I dine with friends at my casa. Barbeque pork. Now that's what I'm talking about.

Pictures will show up on Facebook tonight as the chef is a diehard Facebook gal. I'll be the one wearing a Kabuki mask to cover the 67 years of wrinkles!

Peace to all and thank you for the birthday wishes. You really made my day.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Vladimir Putin

Republicans struggle to explain Trump's fondness for 'murderer and thug' Putin
Many senators returning from the summer recess distanced themselves from Trump’s comments praising the Russian president in a national security forum

Nation Fears Putin Could Inspire Trump to Remove Shirt. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Gary Johnson's obliviousness about Aleppo could help him siphon off pro-ignorance voters who were formerly voting for Trump.- Andy Borowitz

Aide:  Gov Johnson, do you realize Aleppo is now trending on Twitter?
Johnson:  What is Twitter? - John Fugelsang

Accident, My Foot.
How do you say “oops” in Russian?
U.S. Presidential candidate and long-time Vladimir Putin admirer Donald Trump appeared on Russian state TV to claim that the Kremlin “probably” isn’t messing with America’s election — but the Republican’s camp says it was all an accident.

You can't just go and replace generals when you feel like it, @realDonaldTrump.  They're not campaign managers.   Or wives. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Reagan '87: Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!
Trump '16: Mr. Putin, call me maybe? - Adam Winkler Tweet

Rats Fleeing The Ship?
The majority of Donald Trump‘s Washington D.C. policy staff quit en masse in August after he never followed through on his promise to pay them.

Reminder: Conservatives endorse universal background checks for bathrooms, but not for guns.- LOLGOP

Trump & Co. Doesn't Respect Putin, They're Afraid Of Being Poisoned!
Corey Lewandowski, the former Donald Trump campaign manager turned CNN political analyst, showered praise on Vladimir Putin and shrugged off concerns over his tyrannical rule over Russia.

I honestly get why guys who've had to spend months defending Trump are now eager to move on to defending Putin and Mao. - LOLGOP


 Click here to meet C.W.


Republican nominee for President says he trusts Vladimir Putin more than CNN. Continues to be endorsed by Paul Ryan and John McCain.- Richard Hine


A Day In The Life Or Why I Didn't Post An Edition Yesterday

A week ago today my friend's 10 lb. dog was run over by a motorcycle. Luckily I had the use of a vehicle and was able to tote Wuni to the veterinarian. Over the course of the next few days, Wuni had to return for a checkup and later an open infection. He is doing great now. He's an amazing little pup.

On Tuesday my friend's thumb and arm became swollen. On Wednesday she worsened and went to the local clinic and was given antibiotics.

On Thursday she was worse with pain shooting up to her shoulder and the swelling increased. I knew she needed to go to Nicoya Hospital -- about a 90 minute ride -- she needed a strong antibiotic that the local clinic did not have on hand.

So off we went at 9am to Nicoya. She was out of the hospital at 11am. She had a pain shot and a super antibiotic shot and a prescription.

We stopped for Chinese food, of course, as Chinese restaurants rarely disappoint.  We were both starved.

At lunch, we began talking about how she could've contacted such an aggressive infection and she determined it must have been from cleaning Wuni's infection. Sigh.

I arrived home around 3pm to the usual afternoon rainstorm and Internet Interruptus. My dog Luna was soo happy to see me -- Wuni is her best friend.

Amidst all the flurry of the week, the drive was stunning. Every possible shade of green was present and the sky was blue with wispy puffy clouds. It was one long rainforest road populated with monkeys, reptiles and horses.

Tomorrow is my 67th birthday. In dog years I am 9 1/2.

Thank you for visiting and keeping me and AHNC alive.

Pura Vida.


Rock The Voter News

The Supremes Just Said NO!
The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid by Michigan to reinstate its Republican-backed ban on straight-ticket voting for the Nov. 8 general election.


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The number of billionaires has increased 10 times, while over half our kids in public schools are on free or reduced school lunch programs.- Bernie Sanders

Biz/Tech News

I miss their tender sweet clams on a toasted roll.
Were there ever to be a canonized checklist of Americana, the very last breakfast rush at New England’s very last Howard Johnson’s on Tuesday covered most of the bases.

AHNC Editor: BTW New York isn't in New England.

When i go i want to be cremated and have my ashes put into an etch-a-sketch. - John Fugelsang


Me, Celebrating My 67th Birthday Tomorrow


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The view of Jupiter's south pole from the Juno spacecraft. Photo/NASA
