Monday, June 20, 2016

Trump: I never said club-goers should carry guns!

Donald Trump: I never said club-goers should carry guns!
Donald Trump on Monday morning attempted to soften comments he made over the weekend suggesting that someone carrying a gun in the Orlando, Florida, night club could have shortened the deadly shooting.

Trump's willingness to deny he said something he said yesterday on videotape shows how insufferably stupid he believes his supporters are.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump today: As much as I hate profiling, it's time to start talking about it.
Next week: As much as I hate Muslim-only water fountains... - Tea Pain

Wow. Christian Being Christlike Berated
After a Pennsylvania church wished its Muslim neighbors a “blessed Ramadan,” a local school board member who is also a Donald Trump delegate encouraged his followers to berate the church's pastor for speaking positively about a “godless” and “pagan” religion.

I can't wait for President Trump to say "Radical Islam" & make ISIS surrender, after we've alienated all our strategic & trade partners. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump said he would, unlike previous presidents, sit down and meet with Kim Jong Un to make a kind of deal but only on U.S. soil. I don't think that will work. I think they should meet but somewhere neutral, like at a Supercuts.- Jimmy Kimmel

One problem with asking Republican delegates to vote their consciences is that their consciences were purchased years ago by the NRA. - Andy Borowitz

Uh Oh. Trump Fires Campaign Manager
Donald Trump has fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, according to multiple media outlets.

Trump fires campaign manager. Polish up those resumes, Trump University graduates! - The Daily Show

Today is the one-year anniversary of Donald Trump's announcement that he would run for president. It's hard to believe it was only one year ago that Democrats were worried about Jeb Bush. - Seth Myers


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Oprah has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. When asked about Hillary’s chances of becoming the most powerful woman in the world, Oprah said, "Oh, I’m not stepping down."- Conan O'Brien

No Right To Own An Assault Weapon?
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday left in place gun control laws in New York and Connecticut that ban military-style assault weapons like the one used in last week's massacre at an Orlando nightclub, rejecting a legal challenge by gun rights advocates.

“You know who sees a connection between America's gun laws and terrorism? Terrorists." - The Daily Show

Rock The Voter News

One of Trump's big supporters, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, is having a rough week. Lawyers working on the Bridgegate investigation claim that Christie destroyed evidence connecting him to the scandal, including a cellphone. Christie said he had no idea where the cellphone was, then his stomach started ringing.- Jimmy Fallon


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Biz/Tech News

Moody's says a Trump presidency would "significantly" hurt the economy, but would produce a "very, very classy Apocalypse."- Tea Pain

Boeing + Russia =  747?
Boeing Co. is nearing a $4 billion deal with Russia’s largest air-freight company that would help extend the life of the iconic, hump-nosed 747 jumbo jet amid waning demand for four-engine aircraft...

Harley-Davidson announced this week that they plan to introduce quieter electric powered motorcycles within the next five years. Get ready to see motorcycle gangs brawling over who gets to plug in at the outlet outside a biker bar first.- James Corden



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Jaws was released today in 1975. Smashing box-office records it was the first recognised 'Summer Blockbuster'.


Friday, June 17, 2016

Several GOP delegates working to block Trump's nomination

Several GOP delegates working to block Trump's nomination: report
At least 30 delegates are mounting a longshot attempt to deny Donald Trump the GOP presidential nomination on the convention floor, The Washington Post reported Friday.

70% of Americans polled have a negative opinion of Trump.  The other 30% were "poorly educated" and didn't understand the question. - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"While they were in the DNC cyber matrix, the Russians apparently stole opposition research on Donald Trump. Russia, what are you doing? If you want damaging information about Donald Trump, just wait for him to talk." –Stephen Colbert

John McCain blames ISIS on Obama. Sorry, but George W still has the stretch marks from giving birth to that baby. - Elayne Boosler

U.S./Iraq Success
 Iraqi forces on Friday entered the center of Falluja, the Iraqi city longest held by Islamic State, nearly four weeks after the start of a U.S.-backed offensive that cleared out the tens of thousands of residents still there.

Imagine if your religious concerns prevented you from selling a wedding cake but not a gun.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump insinuates the President is sympathizing with terrorists, when all evidence actually points to the N.R.A. - The Daily Edge

Keeping Us Stupid
The American Medical Association’s new push to unfreeze federal funding for gun research is hitting a wall of resistance in the Republican Party.. the nation’s leading doctors group plans to “actively lobby” against a nearly 20-year-old budget rule that has prevented federal researchers from studying gun-related deaths.

I'd seriously like to congratulate FOX News for keeping their entire audience from knowing that GW Bush set the Iraq withdrawal date. - John Fugelsang


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Rock The Voter News

The primaries being over reminds me what my brother used to say when I was a kid: 'I'm going to keep punching you in the face but it will feel so good when it's over.'" –Stephen Colbert

Alabama: Yup, Dumbasses Still Thrive There
An Alabama county is refusing to lower its flags to half-staff in the wake of the Orlando mass shooting last weekend despite orders to do so from both President Obama and Gov. Robert Bentley...


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Biz/Tech News

GOP Still Trying To Undermine The Iran Deal
Two House Republicans are expressing concern over Boeing’s tentative agreement to sell about 100 commercial planes to Iran, warning that the deal could have serious national security implications.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) and Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.), who holds a seat on the Ways and Means Committee, said that U.S. businesses should not take part in “weaponizing” Iran’s regime. 

Katy Perry's twitter account was hacked by someone who tweeted offensive nonsense. If only Donald Trump could say the same. - Bette Midler





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo
A child in a 'baby cage' used to ensure children get enough sunlight and fresh air living in an apartment. 1937.


Thursday, June 16, 2016

Obama and Biden Arrive In Orlando

Obama meets massacre survivors, victims' relatives in Orlando
President Barack Obama arrived in Orlando on Thursday to meet with survivors of the massacre at a gay nightclub and relatives of the 49 people killed, as the attack prompted the U.S. Senate to move toward voting on gun control measures.

There is something profoundly wrong with a nation that allows its citizens to be slaughtered the way we have.  We are ill. Maybe terminally. - Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

You don't defeat terrorism by taking away our guns. You defeat terrorism by using our guns. - Sen. Ted Cruz

Democrats Filibuster Was Successful
A nearly 15-hour filibuster led by Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut ended early Thursday morning after Republicans agreed to hold votes on gun control measures.

Silly Democrats. Filibusters are for important things like starving the judiciary or making sure poor people don't get health insurance. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

"In an interview, Donald Trump said he won't have to ask God for 'much forgiveness.' Unless, of course, God turns out to be a Mexican woman who's a Muslim."  - Conan O'Brien

Trump TV?
Donald Trump is weighing the creation of a cable channel serving as his personal media platform, according to a new report.

Ryan Claims Congress Acquiesces To The President. Really?
Congress is “forfeiting” its power to the White House, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Thursday during a speech from the Capitol.
"Our problem is not so much that the presidency, under both parties, keeps breaking the rules, though it does,” Ryan said. "Our problem is that Congress, under both parties, keeps forfeiting the game, yielding to the executive branch, giving the president a blank check.”


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Rock The Voter News

The FDA has approved a device for weight loss that sucks the food out of your stomach through an abdominal incision. Or, you could just try a salad some time.- Conan O'Brien


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Feel Safe Now?

In Virginia recently, a computer crash wiped out a decade's worth of U.S. military data. However, this morning, the Chinese government called and said no problem, we backed it up.- Conan O'Brien

Biz/Tech News

"It is being reported that Ivanka Trump is writing a book titled 'Women Who Work: Rewriting the Rules of Success.' Which is better than the original title, 'Help! My Dad's a Nectarine!'" –Seth Meyers

America's burgeoning weed industry just seems to be climbing higher. Tech giant Microsoft announced Thursday it is partnering with a cannabis industry-focused software company called Kind Financial.



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

American Robert Pershing Wadlow (1918 – 1940). At 8ft 11in he remains the tallest person in recorded history.
