Thursday, June 2, 2016

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Trump to the Media: Stop Scrutinizing Me!

Trump to the Media: Stop Scrutinizing Me!
At a press conference, the presumptive Republican nominee's battle with the media reaches new heights.

America leads the world in reality shows about what reality show stars do after their reality shows end.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

There are guys who look at Trump whiny pouty and think, "Why can't America be that strong again?!" - LOLGOP

Gunning For Immigrants
A Republican congressional challenger compared his combat tour in Afghanistan to the U.S.-Mexico border, but with more shooting.

Republican Shenanigans

We tricked Trump into keeping his promises to veterans. Now let's trick him into paying some taxes. - LOLGOP

Mandarins? Not Clementines?
During a Friday night appearance on MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, political commentator Ann Coulter used the term "Mandarins" to describe Asian-Americans — and didn't back down after MSNBC anchor Joy Reid challenged her.

Stephen Hawking Angers Trump Supporters with Baffling Array of Long Words. - Andy Borowitz


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

The release of Trump's taxes could be a real game-changer if his supporters suddenly develop an ability to read. - Andy Borowitz

Traveling To Europe? Be Careful.
The State Department is warning Americans visiting Europe this summer about the potential for terrorist attacks.


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Trump's proud tax avoidance is a way to brag that he --a son who inherited millions-- got you to subsidize his life. - LOLGOP

Biz/Tech News

A Win For Trump
The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected a case that a union brought against a former Donald Trump casino in Atlantic City.

I especially liked your deeply spiritual chain e-mail when you warned of the awful things God will do if I don't forward it to 10 more people. - John Fugelsang.



Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A Kingfisher captured at the perfect second.


Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day 2016

America commemorates vets over Memorial Day weekend
Across America and around the world, towns and cities commemorate veterans of the United States Armed Forces and the sacrifices they have made. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in America and has been celebrated since the end of the Civil War.

This Memorial Day, I hope you'll join me in acts of remembrance. The debt we owe our fallen heroes is one we can never truly repay. - President Obama

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump will observe Memorial Day by laying his 4 medical deferments on the tomb of the unknown soldier. - Tea Pain

Stephen Hawking Explains Trump
Stephen Hawking understands the workings of the universe — but says he cannot fathom the popularity of Donald Trump.
The British astrophysicist told ITV's morning show Monday that the presumptive Republican Party candidate for U.S. president "is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator."

Remember when thousands of Arabs cheered in Jersey streets on 9-11 like Trump said? That's okay. No one else does either. - Kona Lowell

Republican Shenanigans

Press convinced us Al Gore was boring. George Bush was the kind of guy you'd like to have a drink with. Try having that drink in Mosul today. - Bette Midler

Here Comes Da Judge
A judge, called a “hater” by Donald Trump for his handling of a lawsuit related to the businessman’s Trump University real estate school, has unsealed documents related to the case...“Mr. Trump’s conduct could be subject to sanction for indirect criminal contempt of court,” said Charles Geyh, a legal ethics expert at the Indiana University Maurer School of Law.


 Click here to meet C.W.


Rock The Voter News

It's being reported the Obama family is planning to move into a nine-bedroom mansion in Washington, D.C., after the president leaves office. I guess he wants to be close enough to drive by the White House every morning and shout, "Sucks, doesn't it?” - Jimmy Fallon

The Voters Feel Helpless
Republicans and Democrats feel a massive disconnect with their political parties and helpless about the presidential election.
That's according to a new poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which helps explain the rise of outsider candidates Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders and suggests challenges ahead for fractured parties that must come together to win this fall.


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America leads the world in reality shows about what reality show stars do after their reality shows end. - John Fugelsang

Subject: Subtitle for AHNC


  When AHNC began, it was about George W Bush, so All Hat No Cattle is a fitting title for your blog.

  As long as Trump is in the election for President, those initials can be re-purposed as All Hate, No Competence (or Compassion or Conscience).

  Hope you had a good visit with your son, and have a peaceful Memorial Day,

- Sol

Love it Sol! Thank you.

Yes, I had a wonderful time with my son. He set me up with NETFLIX and I am damning him for making me an addict.

I did a graphic for you!

Biz/Tech News

I like political parties that don't get captured by Donald Trump. - LOLGOP

His hands are too large, don't you think?

Trump Trails Hillary In Science Stuff
 Donald Trump trails Hillary Clinton by months, even years, in using fast-evolving digital campaigning to win over voters, data specialists working with the GOP say.

There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won't and that's a wife who can't cook and will. - Robert Frost



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

NASA remembers Memorial Day.
