Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Trump: I don’t expect to release my tax returns before November

In a reversal, Donald Trump no longer appears eager to release his tax returns before the November election. 

The party of "Family Values" nominates a candidate with 3 marriages, then attacks their opponent for holdin' hers together.- Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Hey remember the last time we elected a millionaire-at-birth CEO who supported Nam but avoided serving to run America like a business? - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

In North Carolina, 30% of bridges are structurally or functionally obsolete and the state ranks 37th worst for bridge safety. But their bathroom security is the envy of the world. - Andy Borowitz

Do You Remember When George H W Bush Got Sick In Japan?
Japanese are welcoming President Barack Obama's decision to visit the atomic-bombed city of Hiroshima, and those interviewed Wednesday said they aren't seeking an apology.

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Rock The Voter News

The NRA’s Unhinged Spokesman 
Ted Nugent’s at it again, posting a video of Bernie Sanders shooting Hillary Clinton.

A FB friend had a baby 2 hours ago and she already posted a video slideshow of baby pics complete with music. [snorts birth control pills] - OhNoSheTwitnt

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Biz/Tech News

Instead of America maybe Budweiser should change its name to a country whose election isn't being laughed at by the rest of the world. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Google Says NO To Payday Lenders
Internet giant Google said Wednesday it will ban all ads from payday lenders, calling the industry "deceptive" and "harmful."

If Gene Simmons thinks Prince was "pathetic" then Gene Simmons still hasn't watched the Gene Simmons sex tape.- John Fugelsang





Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Polish sculptor MaƂgorzata Chodakowska has made a name for herself by creating unique, moving sculptures and statues that actually feel like they have a human-like presence in the room. Now, she's taken her work a step further and added water, creating bronze statues that double as spectacular fountains. Hey, I'm half Polish! You go girl! :)  See more pictures


Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Trump says he'd make exception to Muslim ban for London mayor

Trump says he'd make exception to Muslim ban for London mayor
Donald Trump suggested Monday he would make an exception to his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the country for London’s newly elected mayor, according to The New York Times.
“There will always be exceptions,” Trump told the paper when asked about Sadiq Khan, who was elected on Friday as London's first Muslim mayor.

Dick Cheney supports Donald Trump.
Cheney: "He had me at waterboarding." - Tea Pain

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

GOP Benghazi Panel Uncovers Disturbing Finding: Hillary Still Presidential Frontrunner. - Cafe Tweet

Oregon's Militants On The Increase
Joseph Rice’s manner is a long way from militia stereotypes. The Patriot Movement leader does not present as a crazed gun nut, nor as a blowhard white supremacist. He’s genial, folksy, and matter-of-fact in laying out his views. But talk to him for long enough, and time and again the Patriot Movement leader returns to what really drives him: land.

Trump's ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe. It risks alienating mainstream Muslims. London has proved him wrong. - First Muslim Mayor of London

Republican Shenanigans

I just dream of an America where people can use the correct bathroom without Republicans crying about it.- LOLGOP

Of Course The Donald Won't Raise Taxes On The Rich. He Was Kidding!
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump backtracked on Monday on his remarks about raising taxes on wealthy Americans, saying the rich might simply get a smaller tax cut than he originally proposed.

Lindsey Graham: "Donald Trump is a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot.” 
Trump Supporter: "I know!  Isn't he great?" - Tea Pain

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Bundy Rallies The Troops
Environmental groups have called on the government to round up Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle with a mass seizure of livestock that some fear could lead to a tense standoff between armed militia groups and federal authorities.

Next week Trump will order Chinese take-out and declare, "I just love the Orientals!" - Tea Pain

Rock The Voter News

Every 1 dollar spent on prison education saves us $5 on re-incarceration costs & that's why we need to cut those programs. - John Fugelsang

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Biz/Tech News

A corrupt finance system has made income inequality not only a threat to our economic security, but a threat to our democratic values.- Bernie Sanders

Patriotic Beer!
As part of its summer 2016 summer ad campaign, beginning May 23 Anheuser-Busch is replacing the word Budweiser on its cans and bottles with 'America,' and swapping out King of Beers for the U.S. motto, E Pluribus Unum. 




Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Kumano Nachi Taisha Temple and Nachi Falls,in beautiful Japan.


Monday, May 9, 2016

Donald Trump: My Administration Will Hike Taxes on the Rich

Donald Trump: My Administration Will Hike Taxes on the Rich
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump signaled Sunday that the wealthy would see higher taxes under his administration, breaking with conservative orthodoxy and his own tax plan.

I'd like to thank all the trolls for teaching us that Bill Clinton's history w/women means Donald Trump should get the nuclear launch codes. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Tomorrow, Obama national security team will begin debating plan to arm moderate Republican rebels. - Jeffrey Goldberg

WMD = Weapon of Math Destruction
An Ivy League professor said his flight was delayed because a fellow passenger thought the math equations he was writing might be a sign he was a terrorist.

To correct an earlier rumor, Donald Trump will appoint Sarah Palin to head the "Department of Blamin' Stuff on Obama." - Tea Pain

Republican Shenanigans

Which is scarier to Republicans: gay couples eating cake, trans people using the correct restroom or poor people getting health insurance?- LOLGOP

SCOTUS Nominee: Yes To Trump, Still NO To Obama
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said Monday that there'd be "no problem" with presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump nominating someone to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

32,000 Americans die each year due to guns and if we can just solve the problem of trans people needing to pee, we may want to look at that.- LOLGOP

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Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump calls Bill Clinton a "serial adulterer" in a new interview in People In Glass Houses Magazine. - John Fugelsang

The Nerve! Obama Makes Bison U.S.A.'s Mammal!
The bison has become the official national mammal of the United States under legislation signed into law by President Barack Obama on Monday.

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Biz/Tech News

I Can't Support The Troops On This
Active-duty service members prefer Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton by 2-to-1, according to an informal survey released Monday by Military Times.

So it seems that rank-and-file Republican voters now realize that the GOP's conservative agenda has only served to further enrich the wealthy while doing zero for them. It only took them forty years to figure this out. - Andy Borowitz



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A mouse asleep inside a flower says, life is good!
