Wednesday, May 4, 2016

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It was one of those days, it started out normal enough then it became a comedy of errors, mostly on my part.

But it's all good. New edition tomorrow!

I was working on a Trump toon and became stumped. Maybe you can help out.

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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ted Cruz-Donald Trump fight boils over in Indiana

Ted Cruz-Donald Trump fight boils over in Indiana
Ted Cruz couldn't take it anymore. After weeks of personal attacks from Donald Trump, including fresh insinuations that his father was associated with Lee Harvey Oswald, Cruz boiled over Tuesday.

Sure, he's been racist, sexist, xenophobic & a pathological liar - but I didn't really resent Donald Trump until he made me defend Ted Cruz. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

ISIS is to Islam what Nazis were to Christianity.  
Except nobody ever demanded all Christians apologize for Nazis.- John Fugelsang

Climate Change Refugees
Temperature and sea level aren't the only things expected to rise as a result of climate change. As heat becomes more extreme in some parts of the world, scientists expect a significant rise in the number of climate refugees.

May is finally here! Yep, it’s that special time of the year when the Earth puts the weather on "Random Shuffle."- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

If you could find a more vile adult than Ted Cruz or Donald Trump, he would probably be winning the GOP primary.- LOLGOP

Republicans Never Learn. Hillary Eats Scandals For Breakfast.
Republican Congressman Darrell Issa, the former chairman of the House Government Oversight Committee, was asked on Sunday about Bill Clinton’s recent dismissal  by Bill Clinton of the FBI investigation into his wife’s private e-mail server as a “game.”  Congressman Issa told Fox News host Maria Bartiromo not only that he believes the FBI will likely have to extend its investigation well past the November election.

When Americans lowered their standards far enough to eat at food courts and wear pajamas to the airport it was only a matter of time before Donald Trump as President seemed like an okay idea - Andy Borowitz

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Rock The Voter News

Lead Pipes And Crime
Last year I wrote about a paper that looked at the relationship between childhood lead poisoning and violent crime rates in a whole new way. James Feigenbaum and Christopher Muller compared cities from the early 20th century that installed lead water pipes with those that installed iron pipes, and found that cities with lead pipes had higher homicide rates. 

At a Ted Cruz rally, a young boy yelled "you suck" at Ted Cruz. In other words, there is hope for America’s future after all. - Conan O'Brien

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Biz/Tech News

Now that weed is starting to become legal in more and more places, big companies have started to take notice. In fact, Walgreens just published an article about the possible health benefits of medical marijuana. While CVS said it's just excited to watch stoners try and use its self-checkout machines.- Jimmy Fallon

Washington Is Not Responding To One Of Its Territories
Puerto Rico's Government Development Bank, the main funding source for the U.S. commonwealth's public agencies, said it reached a tentative restructuring deal with some major creditors hours after declaring it would skip a $422 million debt payment...As a U.S. territory, Puerto Rico cannot file for bankruptcy protection. It has been pleading for Washington to offer it a lifeline.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Antarctica from Space by NASA.


Monday, May 2, 2016

MY VP picks for Hillary and Bernie

White House Defends Wilmore Dropping The N-Word At Correspondents' Dinner
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest defended comedian Larry Wilmore on Monday after the…

I don't mean to bring everybody down, but even if Trump loses, all the people who voted for him will still be here.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The World Loves Obama. Putin, Not So Much.
Russia in 2014 earned the lowest approval ratings globally for the eighth consecutive year and posted the highest disapproval ratings it has received to date. U.S. leadership received the highest approval rating in the world, with the median 45% approval topping ratings of the leadership of the European Union, Germany, Russia and China -- as it has most years since 2009.

"Donald Trump is now making fun of what he calls John Kasich's 'disgusting' table manners. As an example, Trump named Kasich's gross habit of having dinner with a wife who's about his own age." –Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

"Why bring race into this?"—Ancient White Proverb

GOP Senator's Tactics Backfiring
Democrats are preparing another round of attacks against Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, releasing new poll numbers that show the veteran Iowa senator’s favorability ratings are tumbling as he plays a key role in blocking Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

BREAKING: Texas GOP passes law to charge women with murder if they ovulate but don’t get pregnant. -Tea Party Cat

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This'll be the ultimate GOP Convention.   Eastwood can speak to an empty chair and Trump's BFF Bobby Night can throw it.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Sorry, no time to confirm a new Supreme Court justice. Congress is too busy voting to designate bison as the national mammal.- Tea Party Cat

The Benghazi Witch Hunt Continues
At some point over the next few months, the House Select Committee on Benghazi will release its final report and we’ll finally get to see what committee chair Trey Gowdy and his pals have been up to these past two years.

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Biz/Tech News

Trump is showing that many Republicans never feared fascism. They feared not having their own fascist.- LOLGOP

The Supremes Say OK To $15 An Hour
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge by business groups to Seattle's law raising its minimum wage to $15 an hour, a move echoed by other locales, in a case focusing on how the ordinance affected local franchises like McDonald's.

A woman is suing Starbucks for putting too much ice in their drinks, according to People With Too Much F**king Time On Their Hands Magazine.- Andy Borowitz



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Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Lofoten, Norway.
