Thursday, April 28, 2016

Google Thinks Melania Trump's GQ Cover Is Too Sexually Explicit

Yesterday, I received an email from Google saying I had sexually explicit material on . And that  I was in violation of their AdSense rules. I immediately thought I was hacked and that some sicko put porn on that page.


Well, much to my surprise it was the GQ cover of Melania Trump that I had posted months ago. It was a teeny tiny photo. I removed it, of course. I blacked out the offending parts to be in compliance with Google AdSense and reposted it below.

So, it is nice to know that Google is trying to keep sexually explicit material off the pages where they run ads, even if it is a sexually explicit photo of the wife of the leading Republican candidate for president.

Those people who haven't heard enough about Donald Trump... How do I become one of them? - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

FUN FACT: The percentage of Trump supporters is the same percentage of folks that likes to play with matches. - Tea Pain

New Trump Bumper Sticker: America's Fist
After rolling over its opponents in all five Eastern seaboard primaries, the Trump juggernaut entered Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, where the victorious candidate gave a speech intended to add gravitas to his scattershot positions on foreign policy and national security. As he edges closer to becoming the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump field-tested a new bumper sticker to describe his unique brand of economic populism and trade protectionism, anti-immigrant nativism and a neo-isolationism that eschews foreign entanglements: “America First!”

Republican Shenanigans

The only way for Ted Cruz to have picked a less popular VP candidate than Carly Fiorina would have been to nominate himself. - Tea Pain

Muslim Woman Slams Trump
Human rights attorney Amal Clooney is laying down the law against Donald Trump’s abusive rhetoric on Muslims.

The polls said Donald Trump was going to steam-roll his rivals in Pennsylvania, and he did. Next, he's going to build a hotel on top of them.- Jimmy Kimmel

 Click here to meet C.W.

John Boehner Really Hates Ted Cruz
"I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life," former Speaker John Boehner said about Ted Cruz, calling the GOP candidate "Lucifer in the flesh."

Though similarities exist, Ted Cruz cannot be Lucifer. Everyone knows the Devil, while also oleaginous, actually has charm. If Lucifer were as obvious, unbeguiling as Cruz, the Lord could take an even longer vacation than the almost 2,000-year one He’s currently enjoying. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Rock The Voter News

Ladies: Be Careful Having Drinks In Oklahoma OR Better Yet, Completely Avoid Oklahoma
Oklahoma court: oral sex is not rape if victim is unconscious from drinking.
The ruling sparked outrage among critics who argue the judicial system engaged in victim-blaming and upholding outdated notions about rape and sexual assault

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Biz/Tech News

Ted Cruz plans to shut down the IRS by making Carla Fiorina its CEO.- Tea Pain

CEO Resigns After Dating Employee Investigation
The Priceline Group (PCLN) CEO Darren Huston resigned from the company Thursday after an in-house investigation into a relationship he had with a fellow employee.

"I heard that chivalry was dead, but I think it's just got a bad flu." –Meg Ryan



Topped $1700. Thank you!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

What a beautiful photograph. Thank you NASA for everything you do.


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert sentenced to 15 months in prison

Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert sentenced to 15 months in prison
Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert was sentenced to 15 months in prison Wednesday for breaking federal banking rules in an attempt to cover up decades of sexual abuse,

I realize that Donald Trump laid me off when his casino went bust, evicted my family & his fake University stole my life savings - but darn it, I just like the way he says what he thinks. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Welcome to America, where voters stick it to the man by supporting a billionaire landlord. - John Fugelsang

Bad News Bundys
Ethics complaints have been filed against the attorney representing Ammon Bundy, who in January led an armed take-over of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, Oregon Public Broadcasting reports.

Republican Shenanigans

I realize that Donald Trump laid me off when his casino went bust, evicted my family & his fake University stole my life savings - but darn it, I just like the way he says what he thinks. - John Fugelsang

Governor Potato Head
Thin-skinned Maine Gov. Paul LePage called college students "idiots" and huffed off the podium Tuesday after spotting a couple of critical signs while making a speech.

Trump: I've won lots polls with Hispanics. For instance, scariest orange man, favorite pinata theme, and most likely to deport me.- LOLGOP

 Click here to meet C.W.

Rock The Voter News

Cruz/Cruella 2016?
In an announcement scheduled for later this afternoon, Sen. Ted Cruz will name former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina as his running mate if he secures the Republican nomination, multiple outlets are reporting.

Cruz announces Carly Fiorina as his VP pick. So Ted will be the looks and Carly will be the muscle.- Tea Pain

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Now all Trump has to do is name Christie as his running mate and the GOP will have 4 of the nastiest Republicans running. - Ann Telnaes

Biz/Tech News

We've had 218 years of 42 white consecutive white male presidents and all we hear is how hard it is for a white male to become president.- LOLGOP

Amazon Liable For Extorting $ From Kids!
In an entirely unsurprising ruling, a federal judge has sided with the FTC in the agency's lawsuit against Amazon, which had said that the company did not do enough to safeguard customers against unauthorized in-app purchases made by children.



ALMOST TO $1700! Thank You!

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A gaggle of geese selfie!


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I'm back and Trump is still here. Damn.

Trump sells his jet to himself to circumvent FAA issue
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump sold his Cessna jet to himself to get around a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) registration issue...

"Donald Trump" is revealed to be an elaborate performance art piece by Joaquin Phoenix. - Beerdharma tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump said, "If I lose, I don’t think you’ll ever see me again." So finally, a Trump campaign promise we can all get behind.- Conan O'Brien

Trump Inspires All Kinds Of People
An armed man in Ohio caused a standoff with police after neighbors reported that he was waiving a gun and shouting, “Trump is Lucifer.”

Republican Shenanigans

In order to block Donald Trump’s path to the Republican nomination, John Kasich is pulling his campaign out of Indiana. Indiana should notice sometime in 2018. - Conan O'Brien

McCrory took time out from his gymnastics defending North Carolina’s bathroom bill in order to issue an official statement on voting rights.

A woman who looks exactly like a female Ted Cruz has been asked to star in a porn movie. So finally, a cure for your porn addiction- Conan O'Brien

 Click here to meet C.W.

1st Amendment Protects Professor So He Can Make A Fool Of Himself
A former Florida college professor who was fired after he suggested the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax has sued the school for violation of his right to free speech, his attorney said on Tuesday. James Tracy was dismissed in January by Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, where he had taught since 2002. The civil lawsuit, filed in federal court on Monday, claims that the firing violated his rights, including free speech protections under the U.S. Constitution.

Sexism is Lee Majors getting the hearing aid commercial when it was Lindsay Wagner who had the Bionic Ear.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump did an impression of Hillary Clinton at a rally this weekend accusing Clinton of needing a teleprompter, speaking in a robotic manner and being boring. And then Hillary did an impression of Donald Trump by crushing a poor person's dreams.- Seth Myers

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Biz/Tech News

What's worse: the media trying to convince you a Kardashian is interesting, or the media trying to convince you a Kasich is interesting?- John Fugelsang

The French Military Industrial Complex Seems To Be Thriving
France on Tuesday beat off competition from Germany and Japan to win a Aus$50 billion (US$39 billion) contract to design and build Australia's next generation of submarines, a decision Tokyo called "deeply regrettable".


I missed you all so much!

I am relocated and 75% unpacked and settled. AND I HAVE INTERNET!


No donations for weeks! I know, I was out of circulation for a week.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Cappadocia, a semi-arid region in central Turkey, is full of otherworldly natural sites, most notably the “fairy chimneys,” tall, cone-shaped rock formations clustered in Monks Valley and elsewhere. Popular for exploration are Bronze Age homes carved into valley walls by troglodytes (cave dwellers) and later used as refuges by early Christians.
