Friday, April 8, 2016



Donald Trump's fame makes Mexican mask factory great again 
A Halloween mask factory in Jiutepec, Mexico, is busier than ever. And it's all thanks to Donald Trump...Trump's fame in the United States -- and infamy in Mexico -- drove demand for the unflattering Trump mask.

In bed, recovering from the horrors of the primaries. - Bette Midler

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I can't wait for President Trump to get ISIS to surrender by repeatedly using the phrase 'Radical Islam.'- John Fugelsang

Church, Meet State
Tennessee is poised to make history as the first state in the nation to recognize the Holy Bible as its official book.

Republican Shenanigans

Welcome to Mississippi, where it violates your freedom to be made to deliver wedding cakes, but not rapists' babies. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

Cruz And NY Jews
Fox News correspondent Geraldo Rivera accused Ted Cruz of anti-Semitism, saying his "New York values" comments were a slight against Jewish people. 

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Alabama Has A Sex Scandal Not Involving First Cousins
Alabama’s family-values governor, Robert Bentley, was caught last month in an affair after a recording of a racy phone call between himself and his mistress was released.
On Friday, Bentley appeared to be trying to make the whole thing go away when he tried unsuccessfully to stop reporters from asking him about it

Rock The Voter News

Gay Teen Worried He Might Be Christian. - The Onion

A Catholic And A Jew Walk Into A Conference...
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Friday morning announced a visit to the Vatican next week to attend a conference hosted by Pope Francis on social, economic and environmental issues.

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The IRS has introduced new technology allowing you to pay your taxes at a 7-Eleven. So just imagine: You can now declare your earnings from 2015 while eating a hot dog from 2005.- Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

I'm furious about US jobs being sent to China & I can't wait to tweet about it on my new Apple iPhone.- John Fugelsang

The CIA: Skin Cream Investors?
The CIA invested in a cosmetic company to help develop a skin cream that can be used to secretly harvest DNA evidence.



Thursday, April 7, 2016

Trump Warns Supporters Not To Harm Protester: 'Don't Hurt The Person!'


Trump Warns Supporters Not To Harm Protester: 'Don't Hurt The Person!' 
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump cautioned his supporters Wednesday night not to hurt a protester being removed from the event after a string of violent run-ins at his campaign events.

The Trump campaign does feel like a 60s college experiment to identify nearly all the people who're poisoning the GOP. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

More than 11.5 million documents called the “Panama Papers” just leaked, and they link Vladimir Putin to $2 billion held in secret offshore accounts. If confirmed, it could be the LEAST bad thing Putin's ever done. - Jimmy Fallon

War On Marijuana Over?
After years high atop the Drug Enforcement Administration’s list of the most dangerous drugs, marijuana may soon be coming down.
The DEA said it will likely decide in the first half of 2016 whether to reclassify cannabis in a category other than Schedule 1...However, reclassifying marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II, which includes drugs such as cocaine, would make it much easier for researchers to learn about its effects, medical and otherwise.

"Trans people using the wrong bathroom is a public safety issue" shouted a man carrying an assault rifle in the grocery store. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Republican Shenanigans

At a campaign event in Wisconsin yesterday, a 16-year-old boy threw an egg at Donald Trump but missed. And I can’t quite explain it, but somehow it hit Jeb Bush.- Seth Myers

Cruz Lands On Cover Of Time
Ted Cruz has landed on the cover of Time, joining other 2016 presidential candidates who have found their faces on the front of the magazine.
A close-up of Cruz wearing a bright blue tie appears above a headline "Likeable Enough?" on the magazine's latest issue. 

Meanwhile in the world of baseball, Washington National Bryce Harper received some flak for wearing a hat that says "Make baseball fun again” on opening day. The hat is a take on Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again," and what better way to make baseball fun again than by reminding all of your Latino teammates about how Donald Trump wants to deport them.- James Corden

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I always thought religion was about holding yourself to a higher standard. Turns out it's about deciding who deserves a cake! - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Why would you watch Batman vs. Superman, a movie about a rich crusader vs. an alien, when you can see Trump vs. Cruz on CNN any day? - Bette Midler

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Did you hear about all the names released in the Panama Papers? Personally, my offshore financial plan is singing show tunes on cruise ships. - Bette Midler

Business/Tech News

Ben Carson's appearances on behalf of Donald Trump are as inspiring as the disclaimer at the end of a Viagra commercial.- LOLGOP

Trump Really Hates Mexico
 U.S. Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said the move by Ford Motor Co to build a manufacturing plant in Mexico "is an absolute disgrace" and shows the need to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

The Archdiocese of NY is auctioning off the Popemobile that Francis used. Should I buy it? I hear the radio gets Immaculate Reception. - Bette Midler


Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pro-Life Logic


Authorities raid anti-abortion video maker David Daleiden’s California home
Investigators reportedly took all of the video Daleiden shot as part of his series of “sting” videos — which has been roundly debunked — released through his group, the Center for Medical Process.

A man was arrested on Friday by Secret Service officers for climbing over the White House fence. "I just wanted to see the Oval Office," said Jeb.- Seth Myers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Conservatives want to conserve your freedom, cause you ain't usin' it right. - Tea Pain

In 1992 I Waited 8 Hours To Vote For Bill Clinton In Florida
The Department of Justice is looking into the election-day chaos that transpired in Arizona's most populous county when the state held its primaries on March 22. Thousands of voters waited hours to cast ballots, and some voters complained that their registration information had changed and essentially blocked them from voting.

Greece has put into place its new plan of deporting unwanted migrants. The plan was the brainchild of new Greek minister "Adonis Trumpadopoulos."- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Newt Gingrich: Trump is like a "rookie quarterback in the Super Bowl"

Conservatives Don't Want The Latino Vote
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter downplayed Republican front-runner Donald Trump's controversial comments on abortion and his dismal polling with women Tuesday, arguing that his immigration platform will protect women from the "Latin American rape culture."

Trump's biggest problem going forward is women. In that they still exist.- LOLGOP

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Ted Cruz said that a "white knight" is not going to parachute into the Republican convention and walk away with the nomination. To which the GOP responded, "You had us at 'white.'"- Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

Media Whores & Trump
...And it's not just that front-runner Trump is getting way more media time and attention than front-runner Hillary Clinton. It's that Trump's getting way more than Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Mississippi - The poorest state w/highest unemployment, most obesity and worst education just passed a law to protect themselves from gays. - John Fugelsang

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Business/Tech News

Donald Trump told The Washington Post that he'll be able to get the United States completely out of debt in eight years. When asked how, Trump was like, "Easy, declare bankruptcy and start fresh! It's fantastic. I've done it already. It's amazing."- Jimmy Fallon

Thanks Obama!
U.S. brokers managing retirement accounts must adhere to tough new standards under an Obama administration rule released Wednesday that aims to protect millions of savers from conflicted investment advice.

This is so cool!
