Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall


Trump reveals how he would force Mexico to pay for border wall
Donald Trump says he will force Mexico to pay for a border wall as president by threatening to cut off the flow of billions of dollars in payments that immigrants send home to the country, an idea that could decimate the Mexican economy and set up an unprecedented showdown between the United States and a key diplomatic ally.

Trump needs a "five-second rule" for the words that spill out of his mouth. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump met with the Republican National Committee. I wish I could have been a part of that meeting. Like Dr. Frankenstein meeting with his monster.- Jimmy Kimmel

Google's Fight Against Terrorism
Google has removed a Taliban smartphone app from its online store, the US Internet giant said Monday, countering the tech-savvy Afghan militant group’s increasing efforts to boost global visibility.

Republican Shenanigans

Conservatives have a plan for free college education for all. This will be accomplished by passing a bill callin' high-school "college." - Tea Pain

Will The GOP Convention Have Indoor Fireworks?
Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus on Tuesday pushed back on critics of the of the GOP's presidential nominating process.
"This is a nomination for the Republican Party," Priebus said during an interview on WTMJ in Wisconsin. "If you don't like the party, then sit down. I mean, the party is choosing a nominee."

So exciting! Tonight's the night the GOP could stop Trump with the one guy in the world who might be an even bigger asshole than Trump.- Frank Coniff

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Regular American women love being lectured by a European supermodel named Melania on how strong and rich her husband is. Great idea, Donald!- Warren Holstein

Rock The Voter News

GOP: You need an ID to vote but not to buy an election. - LOLGOP

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Business/Tech News

California produced $2.7 billion in medical marijuana sales last year — it's our biggest cash crop, not including the Kardashians.- Jimmy Kimmel

Obama Goes After Overseas Tax Cheats
President Obama on Tuesday applauded new rules set by the Treasury that will make it harder for U.S. companies to skirt taxes by moving abroad.

When humans go extinct on Earth, will aliens find our DNA and create a human version of Jurassic Park? - Funny Tweets



Monday, April 4, 2016

White nationalist group floods ‘every Wisconsin landline’ with robocalls backing Donald Trump


White nationalist group floods ‘every Wisconsin landline’ with robocalls backing Donald Trump
The leader of a self-proclaimed “white nationalist” group has sponsored robocalls in support of Donald J. Trump ahead of Wisconsin’s Tuesday Republican primary.

Look, you liberal media fools, Donald Trump is too busy running for president to develop coherent plans for what he’d do once in office.- Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

When asked point-blank whether he considered women humans, the billionaire responded, “It should be a case-by-case thing."- Andy Borowitz

Black Man Existing
A Mississippi RV park owner evicted an interracial couple because of the color of their skin.
“Me and my husband, not ever in 10 years have we experienced any problem,” said Erica Flores Dunahoo, who is Hispanic and Native American and whose husband, a National Guardsman, is African-American. “Nobody’s given us dirty looks. This is our first time.”

Every time I see a newborn, I'm reminded of how rare and beautiful it is to look into the face of someone who's never heard of Trump.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

Wait - you're actually going to question the judgment of Ivana Trump?- John Fugelsang

Kasich Holding On By His Fingernails
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said he thinks he has a good chance at a contested convention this summer.
"I believe that a convention will look at somebody like me, and that’s why I think I’m going to be the nominee," the Ohio governor said on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday.

Think being paid to bake a cake violates your rights? 
Imagine being forced to have your rapist's baby.

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No, No and NO!
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) defended Senate Republicans’ refusal to consider President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

Rock The Voter News


As much as I loved the bird at the Bernie Rally I'd like it even more if a bat landed on the podium at a Ted Cruz rally. - John Fugelsang

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Oh Joy! More Bundy Wannabees
 23 January, a group of Utah ranchers gathered in Cedar City and made a pledge: they signed notices of “withdrawal of consent” to be governed – a statement rejecting the authority of the federal agencies that regulate grazing and charge fees to have livestock use public lands.

Immigrants want to pay taxes. Corporations don't. Guess which one Republicans don't consider people.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

The Panama Papers leak is the most scandalous revelation ever of crap we all pretty much already knew. - John Fugelsang

Trump Has All The Answers, Not Complete Answers, But Answers With Words!
Donald Trump claims America is on the verge of a "very massive recession."
But don't worry, Trump says he can save the economy and get America out of debt. Just give him eight years in the White House and he'll make America's $19 trillion debt go away.



Thank you!

Time To Deflate Photo

Greenland is an autonomous country within the Danish Realm, located between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans, east of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. That place looks scary. Whomever is sailing that ship is brave.


Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy April Fool's Day!


Google causing people to lose their jobs as Gmail April Fools’ day joke backfires
April Fools’ Day jokes are notoriously difficult to pull off, a fact Google has found to be true after it removed its Gmail prank just hours after it was made public as users expressed anger and outrage at the “Mic Drop” joke.

What April Fools Day prank could you possibly pull of that is going to be better than Donald Trump: Republican Front-Runner, anyway? - Will McAvoy

NOTICE: Short edition today due to difficulties beyond my control. The Internet.

Trump has turned around numbers with women like this before. It just involved alimony. - LOLGOP

Make America Great At Racism Is Catching On!
A Republican Senate candidate is being criticized for saying that Vietnamese refugees who came to Oregon “harvested” people’s pets for food.

"Trump's explanation for keeping Lewandowski on staff is that he's a loyal person. And Trump IS a loyal person. Just ask any of his three wives." –James Corden

"Conservative pundit Glenn Beck said Friday that Ted Cruz was 'anointed' by God to become president. To which God replied, 'No, no, no, I said he was 'annoying.'" –Seth Meyers

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I keep thinking, "Republicans would never be dumb enough to overrule voters & steal an election." Then I remember... 



Rock The Voter News

Trump Being Sued For Inciting Violence
Three people claiming they were attacked or faced racial slurs at a Donald Trump rally are suing the businessman and his presidential campaign.
The lawsuit was filed Thursday on behalf of the three protesters from a March 1 rally in Louisville, Ky., alleging Trump encourages an atmosphere of violence, according to NBC News.

Republicans oppose paid family leave because it's important to be consistent. Women need to be punished, whether or not they have a baby. -  LOLGOP

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CIA Agent a.k.a. Homer Simpson Leaves Bomb On School Bus
The CIA accidentally left inert explosives on a suburban Washington school bus for days after a training session, it acknowledged this week.
After a “routine training exercise” with police dog units at a Loudon County, Va., school last week, training explosives were “inadvertently” left behind in one of the buses, the CIA said in a statement.
