Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Trump's hair looks deflated in this photo


Trump threatens to skip CNN town hall
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is threatening to skip CNN's town hall interview Tuesday night over the network's treatment of him.

A spokesperson for CNN could not be reached for comment, as the network was busy preparing a ninety-minute special on the birth of Donald Trump’s new grandchild.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

It's a great campaign season when you have to ask the GOP frontrunner "Will you spend less time retweeting white nationalists as president?"- LOLGOP

Pentagon Reaches Out To Military Industrial Complex For New Weaponry Because They Need Newer Stuff
The Pentagon's Strategic Capabilities Office plans to reach out to U.S. industry in about a month for ways to put existing weapons technologies to new uses as the department scrambles to maintain its competitive edge over Russia and China.

No Plutonium In Her Backyard!
South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has written to U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz demanding a shipment of weapons-grade plutonium en route to her state from Japan be turned back or sent elsewhere...

REMINDER: Reverse racism is almost as big of a problem as secretaries sexually harassing their bosses.- LOLGOP

Police charge top #Trump aide for acting like a Trump supporter.- Kona Lowell

Republican Shenanigans

Another GOP Governor Playing Doctor
The governor has signed a bill that makes Utah the first state to require doctors to give anesthesia to women having an abortion at 20 weeks of pregnancy or later.
The bill signed by Republican Gov. Gary Herbert Monday is based on the disputed premise that a fetus can feel pain at that point.

These candidates don't seem to mind a "big government" when it's politicians interfering in women's personal health decisions. - Hillary Clinton

How did the party that's still convinced the first black president was born in Africa get lured into Trumpism?! It's a constant mystery.- LOLGOP

 Click here to meet C.W.

Just follow the money.
Corporations Birthed The Christian Right
The 2016 annual meeting for the Organization of American Historians (OAH) will feature a session focusing upon the provocative book One Nation Under God by Princeton history professor Keven M. Kruse. In One Nation Under God, Kruse argues that the idea of the United States as a Christian nation does not find its origins with the founding of the United States or the writing of the Constitution. Rather, the notion of America as specifically consecrated by God to be a beacon for liberty was the work of corporate and religious figures opposed to New Deal statism and interference with free enterprise. The political conflict found in this concept of Christian libertarianism was modified by President Dwight Eisenhower who advocated a more civic religion of “one nation under God” to which both liberals and conservatives might subscribe.

Open carry should not be an option at the Republican Convention. It should be mandatory, with ammo in gift bags.- Kona Lowell

Rock The Voter News

Right now, Trump's flunkies are nailing a bird to his podium. - Jeff Tiedrich

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Fracking Result: Oklahoma Set For Major Quake
Californians have lived with the risk of a damaging earthquake for centuries. Now Oklahomans, and some Kansans, face the same threat, federal seismologists said on Monday.

Nabisco, the maker of Oreos and Chips Ahoy, is planning to announce hundreds of layoffs. So apparently, we legalized marijuana for nothing.- Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

Over the weekend, the Rolling Stones performed in Cuba. Cuban fans said, "We’re excited to see a rock band that’s even older than our cars."- Conan O'Brien

Another Oil Spill
The tank was being filled with crude oil when the spill occurred in Bayou Teche, a 125-mile long waterway winding through south-central Louisiana, the Coast Guard said. It was not clear how much oil had leaked... 

We used to remember dozens of 10-digit phone numbers but now 3 different case-sensitive passwords are just too much for the brain to retain. - John Fugelsang



Do you think I'll hit the halfway mark before or after the presidential election? lol

Thank you!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Finally, an uniting moment for Republicans and Democrats


Secret Service: No guns in GOP convention
The Secret Service says people attending the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this July will not be allowed to carry guns.
The statement comes in response to a petition that calls for allowing open carry of guns inside Quicken Loans Arena, the host venue.

The only thing that can stop a bad terrorist is a good terrorist. Hi, I'm Donald Trump and I'm running for president of the United States. - OhNoSheTwitnt ‏

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

An Ayatollah says 'Death to America' = they're coming to kill us.
A Senator sings "Bomb bomb Iran" = just a politician playing to his base.
- John Fugelsang

Easter Suicide Attack
The death toll in a devastating suicide attack on picnicking families in the city of Lahore rose to 72, with another 230 injured, local media reports said Monday, as Pakistani authorities vowed to hunt down the Islamist militant...

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump loves America so much that if he was married to America he'd leave it for a younger, hotter America.- John Fugelsang

Trump Accuses Cruz Of Buying Nude Photos Of His Wife
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Sunday slammed rival Ted Cruz for the recent ad produced by an anti-Trump super-PAC featuring a photo of Trump's wife posing nude.
"From what I hear, he and his campaign went out and bought the cover shoot.  Melania did a cover story for 'GQ,' a very strong modeling picture.  No big deal," Trump said

The only thing more disturbing than being reminded that Ted Cruz has a private life is being reminded he wants to control your private life.- LOLGOP

 Click here to meet C.W.

My favorite Bible story is the one where Jesus drives all the gay cakes out of the temple. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

It's a tough call, but I think I'd rather have the GOP candidates go back to talking about Trump's penis than Cruz having sex.- Andy Borowitz

 Click here

Kansas Is On Fire!
Winds that have hindered firefighters trying to contain the biggest wildfire in Kansas history are forecast to increase.
The National Weather Service says a strong southeast wind of 20 to 30 mph is expected to blow over the sparsely populated fire zone Monday and Tuesday. Gusts of around 40 mph are forecast both days.

Business/Tech News

I read that George Clooney e-mailed Hillary Clinton supporters a letter endorsing her for president. Or as Hillary put it, “That's one e-mail I'll never delete...”- Jimmy Fallon

Saudi Arabia And The Southwest
Saudi Arabia's largest dairy company will soon be unable to farm alfalfa in its own parched country to feed its 170,000 cows. So it's turning to an unlikely place to grow the water-chugging crop — the drought-stricken American Southwest.

"I've studied deeply in the philosophies and religions, but cheerfulness kept breaking through." -Leonard Cohen



I'm wishing and hoping that we can reach the halfway mark before March ends!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter from AHNC

Hello from Latin America, where the Rolling Stones blew away Cuba with a free concert. Who would have thought this just a year ago?

Peace, yes, peace, because it is always the answer.