Thursday, March 24, 2016

Trump campaign co-chair Jerry DeLemus to face trial in Nevada over 2014 Bundy standoff


Trump campaign co-chair Jerry DeLemus to face trial in Nevada over 2014 Bundy standoff
A U..S. judge has approved the extradition of a New Hampshire man to Nevada, where he is to face trial on charges that he helped organize a high-profile armed standoff with federal agents at the ranch of Cliven Bundy in 2014.

I could spend all day explaining to Trump supporters what the First Amendment actually protects, or I could bang my head against the wall.- Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Once the GOP solves the crises of transgender people using the bathroom & Muslims feeling welcome, they'll get back to taking our insurance.- LOLGOP

Another Bush Legacy: Blackwater
ERIK PRINCE, founder of the now-defunct mercenary firm Blackwater and current chairman of Frontier Services Group, is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and other federal agencies for attempting to broker military services to foreign governments and possible money laundering, according to multiple sources with knowledge of the case.

Republican Shenanigans

Under North Carolina law transgendered people may not use any bathroom, public or private, and must instead hold it and drive to Virginia.- Tea Party Cat

Fingers Point At The State Of Michigan
The state of Michigan is "fundamentally accountable" for Flint's lead-contaminated water crisis because of decisions made by its environmental regulators and state-appointed emergency managers who controlled the city, an investigatory task force concluded Wednesday.

Ted Cruz has bravely renounced his Canadian citizenship, and the evil socialized health care that allowed his mom a safe affordable birth.- John Fugelsang

LOL. Trump Is Getting Sued
Two wildlife photographers are suing Donald Trump’s presidential campaign for using a photo they took of a bald eagle.
Robert Rozinski and Wendy Shattil allege Trump’s team is using their image of the all-American bird on campaign merchandise without their permission

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Bernie Sanders has ignited a lot of passion, primarily among young people. And the incredible thing is he did it without posting even a single nude selfie. - Jimmy Kimmel

Rock The Voter News

GOPers Voting For Hillary?
Members of the GOP foreign policy establishment are open to supporting Ted Cruz or even Hillary Clinton for president if that’s what it takes to prevent Donald Trump from becoming commander in chief.

I never thought my greatest ally in destroying the Republican Party would be Fox News and the GOP base.- LOLGOP

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Business/Tech News

Ted Cruz is what happens when a televangelist has a kid with the Sham-Wow guy.- John Fugelsang

Activist hedge fund Starboard Value LP moved on Thursday to overthrow the entire board of Yahoo Inc (YHOO.O), including Chief Executive Marissa Mayer, who has struggled to turn around the company in her nearly four years at the helm.

Florida is considering legalizing silencers so you can stand your ground without all the hoopla.- Warren Holstein


It's a dirty job but someone has to do it!
Almost to $1300!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Paul Ryan Apologizes For Calling The Poor ‘Takers’


Paul Ryan Apologizes For Calling The Poor ‘Takers’
In a Capitol Hill speech billed as a repudiation of the tone of the 2016 election, House Speaker Paul Ryan apologized for his own past rhetoric about poor people of color.
“There was a time when I would talk about a difference between ‘makers’ and ‘takers’ in our country, referring to people who accepted government benefits,” he said. “But as I spent more time listening, and really learning the root causes of poverty, I realized I was wrong. ‘

That awkward moment when Paul Ryan votes against Obama every single time for 7 yrs and then says "we can't let our institutions lose trust." - Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

“They hit Brussels? That’s horrible! How the hell did ISIS find a way to bomb Iceland?...Or is it in Norway?”
—most Americans 
- Erik Bransteen

New Yorkers Just Don't Like Ted Cruz Because Of Their New York Values
New York Police Department spokesman Peter Donald shot back at Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Tuesday regarding comments he made earlier about patrolling Muslim neighborhoods...Hey, @tedcruz are our nearly 1k Muslim officers a "threat" too? It's hard to imagine a more incendiary, foolish statement, the NYPD spokesman tweeted..

Right now somewhere an American is in a Mexican restaurant explaining that he doesn't want a tortilla, he wants a wrap.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

I'm skeptical of government so I need a thin-skinned bigot who threatens people's wives to clean it all up. - LOLGOP

Chicken Trump

Donald Trump faced a dilemma – and a defining moment – at his Chicago rally.

Thousands of his supporters turned out to witness in person the latest installment of Trump’s hateful racist, jingoistic, xenophobic, misogynistic, homophobic, nationalistic, anti-Muslim campaign screed.

These rallies usually attract a small number of protesters, who are unceremoniously escorted from the hall while Trump berates them from the podium and bellows, “Get ‘em out … get ‘em outta here.” Recently, Trump’s remarks have provoked escalating violence toward the protesters, with the candidate’s tacit approval.

Unfortunately, in Chicago the numbers of Trump supporters and protesters were about equal.  Ten thousand people filled the hall on the University of Illinois at Chicago campus and thousands more spilled into surrounding streets.  Tensions ran high; the rally was set to turn violent.

As the starting time for the rally approached, Trump faced a choice.  He could take the stage as his usual narcissistic, rabble-rousing, rich-bully self, which would likely spark widespread violence and bring condemnation from politicians, the media, and the country generally. The fallout from that approach could cost him the GOP nomination.

Or he could attempt to settle things down, reduce tensions, extend an olive branch to the protesters, call for tolerance and mutual respect, and try to act mature and reasonable – even Presidential – for a change. That’s what a good leader would do. But that approach would cost him the support of many of his fans, who have no interest in a good leader or a mature and reasonable candidate.

Faced with this dilemma, which choice did Trump make?

He decided to be a no-show at his own rally.  That’s right: he whiffed.  Trump chickened out of his own rally.

Chicken Trump.  B’gawk, b’gawk, buk, buk, buk.

Chicken Trump sent out a spokesman to announce that the rally was being postponed indefinitely.  Then his campaign put out a statement saying that the Chicago Police Department cancelled the rally.  But Chicago Police say they were not consulted on the decision.  Once again, Chicken Trump lied.

Chicken Trump went on to whine that his free speech rights were totally violated.  The only problem with that claim is that he silenced himself in the face of protesters; no government agency abridged his freedom of speech.

Still, it’s a convenient argument since it relieves Chicken Trump of any personal responsibility for whatever happened at the rally and it casts him in the role of victim.  Victimhood provides an ideal cover for cowardice.

This was a defining moment for the man would be President of the United States.  Faced with a difficult decision, Chicken Trump decided not to decide; to cut and run from the choice, and to declare himself a victim to boot.

If this is how Chicken Trump handles opposition on the campaign trail, imagine how he will react when faced with opposition from Congress.  Or the Supreme Court.  Or the Russians or Chinese.

When Trump’s presidential campaign goes the way of his failed Trump Steaks brand, maybe he can introduce a new product: Trump Chicken. It will go perfectly with a glass of Trump’s trademarked brand of white whine.

-Rick Wise


My dad and brother were president.

Jeb¡ Endorses Tea Party Cruz
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) presidential campaign on Wednesday morning, urging Republicans in a statement to prevent Donald Trump from securing the nomination.

Jeb Bush was right about 1 thing.
His brother did keep us safe.
From Jeb getting the White House.- John Fugelsang

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If President Obama had any respect for the people of Brussels, he would have left Cuba & headed to Twitter to blackmail his opponent's wife.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Next up on Fox News: Obama defects to Cuba throwing nation into chaos.- Tea Party Cat

This Is Not A Joke: Sarah Palin May Become A Judge On The TeeVee!
Could Sarah Palin be the next Judge Judy?
The former GOP vice presidential candidate is poised to pick up the gavel as the star of a new courtroom reality TV show.
If picked up, the syndicated daytime series would premiere next year...

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton concedes election to Donald Trump, saying “I just can’t see how I can win after Scott Baio endorsed Trump.”- Tea Party Cat

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Business/Tech News

The media has Stockholm syndrome with Trump. They're starting to empathize with their captor.- Tina Dupuy

Lies, Lies And More Damned Lies
We don’t win any more. Mexico and China are picking our pockets. And now, on top of all that, we’re poor.
That’s the latest assertion from – can you guess? – Donald Trump, who expanded on his view of Broken America.. “We were a very powerful, very wealthy country,” the leading Republican presidential contender said. “And we’re a poor country now. We’re a debtor nation. How are you going to get rid of $21 trillion in debt?”

Starbucks announced today that they are introducing a new Caramelized Honey Frappuccino to their menu. And then your dentist announced he’s buying a new boat.- Seth Myers


The sad after effects of fighting the right.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What violence at Trump Rallies?


Man charged with assaulting protester at Trump rally is a D-M airman
A man charged with assaulting a protester at a Donald Trump rally in Tucson is an airman at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, a public affairs official confirmed.

Trump will bring peace to the Middle East with the same techniques that have worked so well at his rallies.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

This might be overly optimistic, but maybe Trump could unite the Israelis and Palestinians against him.- Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile Back To The Adults In D.C.
On Jan. 21, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Iraq's prime minister in Davos, Switzerland, and handed him a personal note from President Barack Obama pleading for urgent action.

Speaking of trump, he recently said that if he becomes president he'll force Apple to start making its products in the United States. It's great news for anyone who wants to pay $20,000 for an iPhone.- Jimmy Fallon

The president of CNN rejected claims that the network has given Donald Trump too much attention, and said he feels no responsibility for the rise of Donald Trump. Makes sense. Just because someone mentions trump a lot on TV doesn't mean they're responsible for what he does if he's president.- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

Look in the Mirror: Media Obsessed by Hillary's Server Now Baffled By Trump's Teflon- Brasilmagic Tweet

Trump Does D.C.
GOP White House hopeful Donald Trump huddled with Washington, D.C., Republicans in the shadow of the Capitol on Monday, an attempt by the political newcomer to appear more presidential as he zeroes in on his party’s nomination.

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Trump Meets Jesus's Ancestors
Seeking to calm worries about his scant foreign policy credentials, Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump used his turn before the United States’ largest pro-Israel group to offer his view for the Middle East. He did himself few favors, often appearing to contradict himself and at times sounding just like the politicians he lambastes.

Trump had a tough task at the AIPAC summit today -- try to appeal to Jews without alienating his core constituency of Nazis.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Harassing Voters Through Name Shaming
A man in North Carolina has detailed the wringer through which both he and wife were subjected when trying to vote in the state’s recent primary, as people with South Asian names in a state with a strict voter ID law. And this happened not once, but twice.

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Donald Trump: "My foreign policy team is great! Every one of them has a degree in foreign affairs from Trump University."- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

Jeb Bush, Scott Walker Spotted Doing Lawn Work on Koch Estate. - Andy Borowitz

It's Obama's Fault! Take That GOP!
There's growing evidence that most of the dramatic gain in the number of Americans with health care coverage is due to President Barack Obama not the economy ...

I'm socially liberal but economically conservative. I think gay people should be able to marry, but they shouldn't be able to retire.- LOLGOP

Ben Carson was right about grain pyramids!



Will I reach the halfway mark?

NOTICE: Thank you for visiting and thank you for your patience. I got up super early this morning to post AHNC to make up for yesterday.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Fennec Foxes are highly social creatures with a rigid social hierarchy. When a pack of Fennec Foxes rest, they form what is often called a “Fennec Stack.”
