Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What violence at Trump Rallies?


Man charged with assaulting protester at Trump rally is a D-M airman
A man charged with assaulting a protester at a Donald Trump rally in Tucson is an airman at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, a public affairs official confirmed.

Trump will bring peace to the Middle East with the same techniques that have worked so well at his rallies.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

This might be overly optimistic, but maybe Trump could unite the Israelis and Palestinians against him.- Andy Borowitz

Meanwhile Back To The Adults In D.C.
On Jan. 21, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Iraq's prime minister in Davos, Switzerland, and handed him a personal note from President Barack Obama pleading for urgent action.

Speaking of trump, he recently said that if he becomes president he'll force Apple to start making its products in the United States. It's great news for anyone who wants to pay $20,000 for an iPhone.- Jimmy Fallon

The president of CNN rejected claims that the network has given Donald Trump too much attention, and said he feels no responsibility for the rise of Donald Trump. Makes sense. Just because someone mentions trump a lot on TV doesn't mean they're responsible for what he does if he's president.- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

Look in the Mirror: Media Obsessed by Hillary's Server Now Baffled By Trump's Teflon- Brasilmagic Tweet

Trump Does D.C.
GOP White House hopeful Donald Trump huddled with Washington, D.C., Republicans in the shadow of the Capitol on Monday, an attempt by the political newcomer to appear more presidential as he zeroes in on his party’s nomination.

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Trump Meets Jesus's Ancestors
Seeking to calm worries about his scant foreign policy credentials, Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump used his turn before the United States’ largest pro-Israel group to offer his view for the Middle East. He did himself few favors, often appearing to contradict himself and at times sounding just like the politicians he lambastes.

Trump had a tough task at the AIPAC summit today -- try to appeal to Jews without alienating his core constituency of Nazis.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

Harassing Voters Through Name Shaming
A man in North Carolina has detailed the wringer through which both he and wife were subjected when trying to vote in the state’s recent primary, as people with South Asian names in a state with a strict voter ID law. And this happened not once, but twice.

 Click here

Donald Trump: "My foreign policy team is great! Every one of them has a degree in foreign affairs from Trump University."- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

Jeb Bush, Scott Walker Spotted Doing Lawn Work on Koch Estate. - Andy Borowitz

It's Obama's Fault! Take That GOP!
There's growing evidence that most of the dramatic gain in the number of Americans with health care coverage is due to President Barack Obama not the economy ...

I'm socially liberal but economically conservative. I think gay people should be able to marry, but they shouldn't be able to retire.- LOLGOP

Ben Carson was right about grain pyramids!



Will I reach the halfway mark?

NOTICE: Thank you for visiting and thank you for your patience. I got up super early this morning to post AHNC to make up for yesterday.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Fennec Foxes are highly social creatures with a rigid social hierarchy. When a pack of Fennec Foxes rest, they form what is often called a “Fennec Stack.”


Monday, March 21, 2016


I will have a brand new edition of AHNC tomorrow morning!

Deep apologies for any humor inconvenience!


Friday, March 18, 2016

Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU


Trump presidency rated among top 10 global risks: EIU
The research firm warns he could disrupt the global economy and heighten political and security risks in the US.

"If Trump does become president, I hope he puts a wig on his plane and calls it Hair Force One." –Jimmy Kimmel

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"Great blow man...OOOOPS!"
Cocaine and Nuclear Missiles?
The Air Force is investigating 14 members of a nuclear weapons security force for alleged illegal drug activity, in some cases including cocaine use, defense officials said Friday. The probe is a fresh blow to a nuclear missile corps that has been under intense scrutiny for a string of lapses in training and personal conduct over the past three years.

"Nearly 70 percent of Americans said a Trump presidency would make them 'anxious.' And 30 percent said a Trump presidency would make them 'Canadian.'" –Conan O'Brien

Cliven Bundy Still Without Hat and Cattle
A Federal judge in Nevada refused rancher Cliven Bundy’s latest request on Thursday to be freed from jail ahead of his trial on conspiracy and other felony charges for his role in a 2014 armed standoff with federal agents, a spokeswoman for prosecutors said.

Republican Shenanigans

Rubio says it is not God's plan that he be President. You'd think God could have let him know before he spent all that money.- Paula Poundstone

I'm so white, I'm anemic.

Wadda Ya Know - Hate Begets Hate
A package has been sent to Eric Trump — the middle son of presidential candidate Donald J. Trump — at his New York City apartment that reportedly contained white powder and an extremely threatening letter.

"Republicans are blaming President Obama for creating Donald Trump. While others say he was created in a lab when a young real estate developer was bitten by a radioactive douchebag." –Conan O'Brien

 Click here to meet C.W.

"Analysts say Hillary Clinton's plan to defeat Donald Trump involves painting Trump as 'dangerous and bigoted.' She plans on doing this by quoting Trump accurately." –Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

"Bernie Sanders admitted that he ran as a Democrat rather than an Independent to get more media coverage. And it worked, but if you really want to get some media coverage, try running as a fascist." –Seth Meyers


Hi Lisa, 
I'm still surviving the Trump blitz.  Quite a circus. Looks to me like fascism is already here. 220 police killings so far. 1/3 of them handicapped persons. Nuclear plants leaking, fracking fluids in the water, lead in the water on & on. Capitalism is pretty much destroying this place. If you bitch about you may be labeled a terrorist.
All the best to you. Keep up the fine work you do.


Thank you for writing. I love my viewer's opinions.

And the fascist GOP is mad Trump is stealing their thunder! What a mess.

I agree with you about fascism already being here. Look at our prisons too, there are few white collar criminals filling those cells.

Trump will probably turn our prisons into free manufacturing jobs known as the TRUMP Inc. Rehabilitation Program. And our National Parks will become Trump Inc. Resorts & Casino.

Trump could probably shoot someone, as he said, and he wouldn't lose any supporters. I agree with that, in fact, it would bring even more crazies out of the closet, some of which don't like Trump. I see his son received a threatening letter and white powder yesterday. Probably cocaine...lol.

Hateful rhetoric has consequences.

And Trump will never admit that fact, because he wants to stir people up.

I'm just waiting for some innocent person to get shot or killed  in this new Trump atmosphere.

 Click here

"A new poll found that the majority of millennials would vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Then millennials found out you can't vote by texting and said, 'Never mind!'" –Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Trump's New Target: The Wall Street Journal!
The Wall Street Journal editorial board declined Donald Trump’s demand for an apology after it cast doubt on his chances of winning the Republican presidential nomination, instead writing another editorial late Thursday calling him “a sure loser in November.”
“The truth hurts,” the editorial read, “though Mr. Trump would rather walk down Fifth Avenue shooting the messenger.”

My 6 yr old asked me if "satire" is like a "flat tire." I told him no. People know how to handle a flat tire. - WGladstone Tweet
