Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Ammon Bundy: Jail Is The 'Most Difficult Thing I've Ever Done In My Life'


Ammon Bundy: Jail Is The 'Most Difficult Thing I've Ever Done In My Life'
Ammon Bundy, the mastermind of the 2016 Oregon wildlife refuge standoff is still in jail and he says it is the hardest thing he's ever done.
But, he's showing no remorse for his actions and said that to keep busy he is taking solace in the words of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.

If your master plan is to overthrow the world's most powerful government and you attack a remote bird sanctuary you might be #YallQaeda. - anniepost tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Netanyahu Just Said No
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declined an offer to meet President Barack Obama at the White House later this month and canceled his trip to Washington, the White House said on Monday, citing Israeli news reports.

On #InternationalWomensDay, don't forget the vital role Judaism, Christianity, and Islam played in keeping women in their place: Under men!- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Republican Shenanigans

I hired Wayne LaPierre to do PR for my falafel stand. He sent an email blast that Barack Obama wants to take your falafel.- John Fugelsang

Gun Industry Wants Legal Silencers Because It Hurts The Shooter's Ears. Aw. And Mass Shooters Will Love Silencers!
The U.S. gun industry is trying to shake off the Hollywood hitman image of the gun silencer and rebrand it as a hearing-protection device in a campaign to roll back regulations that date to the 1930s.

Mark International Women's Day by savoring how the GOP is making history by nominating a man whose wife is young enough to be his daughter! - LOLGOP

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I have given up trying to convince people not to vote for Trump because he is unqualified, racist or dangerous. I am now trying to convince people not to vote for Trump because his concession speech would be the best thing to watch ever.- Andy Borowitz

Rock The Voter News

More Cuckoos For Trump!
Donald Trump's campaign has been relying on the support of Carl Gallups, a Florida-based pastor and radio host, ahead of the state's March 15 Republican primary; the campaign invited Gallups to speak at a rally and touted his endorsement as a "great honor" from a "prominent" leader. Gallups is a fringe conspiracy host who believes the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, CT, was a "staged" "hoax" and that the father of one of the victims was an "actor employed by the Obama administration to take away your guns."

Has Trump blamed "accidentally" calling for a Hitler-like salute on bad acoustics, leap year or Mexico? - LOLGOP

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Business/Tech News

Marco Rubio called out Donald Trump for his clothing collection that is being made in China. But trump defended his Chinese workers, saying "I treat those kids like they're my own."- Jimmy Fallon

Obama Said NO To A Koch
The Obama administration has rejected a plea by billionaire investor William Koch to refund as much as $14 million in royalties on a now-shut Colorado mine, according to a letter explaining the decision.

A new report claims that a knife was found buried at O.J. Simpson's estate. They're now analyzing the knife for evidence, but experts warn that it might not be related to the crime. You know, because it could be one of those regular knives people bury in the backyard.- Jimmy Fallon


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Monday, March 7, 2016

Trump to GOP: Unite Behind Me Or Else


Trump to GOP: Unite Behind Me Or Else
Donald Trump demanded that Republicans unify behind his campaign on Saturday night, arguing that conservatives who don’t back his campaign should fear the consequences of a third-party bid.

Hey GOP. While you were waiting for Obama to come for your guns, Trump came for your party.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Will North Korea Use Nukes Today?
South Korean and U.S. troops began large-scale military exercises on Monday in an annual test of their defenses against North Korea, which called the drills "nuclear war moves" and threatened to respond with an all-out offensive

You stopped Trump and got Cruz! = I cured my gout with Syphilis!- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

What? Fox News Host Asks Legitimate Question!
Fox News host Chris Wallace confronted former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney on Sunday over whether his “legitimizing” of Donald Trump in 2012 had elevated the status of the billionaire candidate to front-runner in 2016.

Remember when Republicans said they didn't want to politicize the poisoning of a city but then politicized the size of their penises?- LOLGOP

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Donald "Pisello" Trump
The daughter of a reputed New Jersey mob figure says her late father had a longtime relationship with Donald Trump that included gambling millions of dollars at one of his casinos, flying on his helicopter and partying aboard his private yacht.

Good to see Ted Cruz has cornered the right-wing millionaire transgender reality star vote.- John Fugelsang

Little Marco Is On The March In Florida
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) has cut Donald Trump's lead in Florida to single digits, according to a Monmouth University Poll released Monday.
Trump leads Sen. Marco Rubio by 8 points in the senator's home state, 38 percent to 30 percent.

Rock The Voter News

"I will build a wall"
"I will defund Planned Parenthood"
"Gays are waging jihad on America" 
--Ted Cruz, the GOP's best hope to stop Trump
- The Daily Edge

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Business/Tech News

Trump is the authentic conservative because he isn't the tool of billionaire donors, he is a billionaire donor tool. - LOLGOP


Muslim Tyrant Pushes For More Wall Street Regulation
President Barack Obama huddled Monday with top financial regulators to push for still tougher oversight of Wall Street to head off another financial crisis.

Every single person on this subway is staring at their phone and I'm so appalled I have to tweet about it.- John Fugelsang


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Friday, March 4, 2016

The GOP Slugfest


Donald Trump defends size of his penis
Donald Trump assured American voters Thursday night that despite what Marco Rubio had suggested, there was "no problem" with the size of his hands -- or anything else.

The GOP debate was similar to watching a cock fight, without the cocks, just dicks.

83 years ago today, FDR said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" but he hadn't seen last night's debate.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

North Korea got nuclear weapons under George W. Bush, which is obviously Bill Clinton's fault.- LOLGOP

The Warring Republicans
 With U.S. Republicans sharply split over a front-runner they cannot unite behind, a new group is trying to push the country's top elected Republican, Paul Ryan, into the White House race.

The worst part of #GOPDebate had to be the screams from the graves of Eisenhower & Lincoln.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

O'Reilly Can't Hold His Liquor? He's Shamed The Irish!
Fox News host Bill O’Reilly’s post-debate show on Thursday drew more attention than usual online, in part because several observers speculated that the Factor host was not in a condition to perform his duties.

We'll miss you, Dr. Ben Carson. The human Quaalude. - cafedotcom tweet

Caitlyn Jenner is brave but she's also become everything the GOP wants in a female voter. - rich, white, older AND she doesn't have a uterus. - John Fugelsang

Overcharging The Messenger 
Michigan's health department has demanded thousands of dollars to release documents related to one of the worst outbreaks of Legionnaires' disease in U.S. history, which some experts say could have been prevented had state officials acted sooner.

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When they do the live action version of 'Frozen' I want Megyn Kelly for Queen Elsa. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

While The GOP Is Infighting... President Obama mocked Republican presidential campaign and the news cycle Friday in an effort to draw attention to something he says is more important to the American people: jobs.

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Hi, it's cold and I don't read much so that proves 97% of the world's scientists are wrong about climate change.- John Fugelsang

Good thing no one ever asks Republicans why Obamacare has led to the best job creation of the century.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

#GOPDebate - It's like 'The Apprentice' but with fascism.- John Fugelsang

Sports Authority Not The Authority On Retailing
Sports Authority will close 19 stores in California as part of its bankruptcy proceedings. The Englewood, Colo.-based sporting goods retailer filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection Wednesday and said it would close or sell about 140 stores, or ..


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Odd News
Time To Deflate Photo

A picture of the saltwater lake  La’nga Co in Tibet. It's Sanskrit name translates to "lake of the demon", as the lake is devoid of fish and plants. Scott Kelly tweeted this picture in January. NASA/Scott Kelly
