Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Road To Hell Is Paved with Good Intentions

Around 9:30 this morning my Internet cut out, again. Oh Joy.

Soon after I received a call from my Swiss girlfriend asking me to accompany her for a mammogram she needed. I jumped at her request. I had tired of fighting the Internet and wanted out.

Well, we headed to Mother Theresa Hospital, yes, that Mother Theresa and she had her mammogram. Well, the doctor wanted a additional sonogram done as he was suspicious.

My girlfriend has a 50/50 chance of cancer in the lump they found. She is going for a biopsy and removal of the lump in 2 weeks. She's 80 and laughed it off. The doctor felt even if it is cancer the removal of the lump should be enough. She thanked the doctor who was so pleasant and spoke perfect English. And then she turned to me and thanked me for being there. I understood exactly how she felt.

We were starving at this point, it was well after 1pm. So we headed to a Pizza Hut, yes, an American restaurant in Costa Rica! And I had spaghetti not pizza! Everything was delicious including the NY Cheesecake.

And of course the city we were in was getting ready for a big old parade, with dancing horses, dancing people, blaring music, street vendors, people lining the streets with was a fiesta!

My girlfriend and I slipped into some stores near the Pizza Hut to escape the building crowds and reconnoiter. We decided it was a big deal to be in a big city since we are the hicks in the sticks when it comes to shopping for anything.

As we turned the last of many corners I saw the magical words twinkling on a sign before me....PAYLESS SHOES...yes, OMG, another American store. I wanted to prostrate before it.

If you want to make a million bucks, open a decent shoe store chain in Guanacaste province. I left PAYLESS with a darling pair of quality canvas ballerina shoes with ARCHES for $20! All the other stores here mostly sell cheap crap shoes . Or one must pay almost double the price for name brand shoes. Seriously, it is a huge problem here. This is a society that walks, or rides a bike or a bus, few people here own a car. They and me deserve good shoes.

So my sweet girlfriend, optimistic as she is, joked all the way back home but looked at me very seriously at one point and said, "It was a good day with some bad news but you have good shoes and I have pizza leftovers in my purse." I burst out laughing.  I love that Swiss dry sense of humor.

Yep, these shoes are made for walking.

And life is pure and simple here.

Except Internet access at mi casa.

I will try and post a new edition tomorrow. Thank you for your patience, dear viewers.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Ay yi yi

Thank you for stopping by.

I will have a new edition tomorrow, Saturday, 2-27-16!

The Internet gremlins visited me again.  :(

See you tomorrow!

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Latinos and Trump


Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has endeared himself to supporters with harsh rhetoric on immigration, but he may have alienated even more Hispanic voters as a result...

If you don't trust the government to do background checks but think it can round up millions easy, you just hate Mexicans.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Cuban government recently returned a missing U.S. missile that was sent to Europe for training, but was accidentally shipped to Cuba. So the good news is that the missile was returned to America. But the bad news is THAT CAN HAPPEN!- Jimmy Fallon

Ex-Mexican Prez To Trump: 'I'm Not Going To Pay For That F*cking Wall' 
Vincente Fox told Fusion's Jorge Ramos that Trump should pay for the U.S.-Mexico border wall, the Republican's marquee foreign policy plan, because "he's got the money."
"Democracy cannot take us to crazy people," Fox responded when asked if he was afraid that Trump would win the election.

Republican Shenanigans

At a rally in Las Vegas last night Donald Trump told supporters he’d like to punch protesters in the face. Though he looks more like the kind of guy who would stroke a white cat while somebody else punched you in the face. - Seth Myers

Rubio Endorsed By Texas Paper
Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) has won the endorsement of a major Texas newspaper days ahead of the state’s presidential primary.
The San Antonio Express-News editorial” lauded Rubio’s comparative experience over Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and bashed his rivals as “boorish, angry and divisive.

 Click here

Yesterday, a group of more than 20 unions released a statement supporting Hillary Clinton for president, including the Bricklayers Union. Then Donald Trump was like, “Et tu, wall builders?”- Jimmy Fallon

Well, Of Course, Ted Cruz Is Blocking Flint's Aid
Ted Cruz is standing in the way of a bipartisan Senate bill to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Flint, Mich., and other communities that need to upgrade their drinking water infrastructure.

Rock The Voter News

Abortion Is Legal, But Access, Not So Much.
Abortion providers across the US are closing at a record pace, according to data analysis from Bloomberg Businessweek, and the closures are not limited to the conservative states

 Click here to meet C.W.

NASA said this week it has received a record high number of 18,000 applications for their astronaut training program. NASA said it shows a growing interest in space exploration. Then people said, “Nah, we just wanna get off the planet before this election.”- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Well, Bob, since you hate Unions so much I'm sure you won't mind working through the weekend, right?- John Fugelsang

Halliburton Cuts Jobs Due To Low Oil Prices
The shrinking of the oil industry picked up speed this week after Halliburton Co. announced it's cutting another 5,000 workers, or 8 percent of its remaining global workforce, to survive a lengthening crude market downturn


Fight The Right Fundraiser

No donations since yesterday.


Odd News
Time To Deflate Photo

Texas Track Club of Abilene, 1964. This photo was part of a Sports Illustrated shoot in 1964. The hairspray weight must have had an effect upon their performance.
