Thursday, February 25, 2016

Latinos and Trump


Poll: 8 in 10 Hispanics don’t like Trump
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has endeared himself to supporters with harsh rhetoric on immigration, but he may have alienated even more Hispanic voters as a result...

If you don't trust the government to do background checks but think it can round up millions easy, you just hate Mexicans.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Cuban government recently returned a missing U.S. missile that was sent to Europe for training, but was accidentally shipped to Cuba. So the good news is that the missile was returned to America. But the bad news is THAT CAN HAPPEN!- Jimmy Fallon

Ex-Mexican Prez To Trump: 'I'm Not Going To Pay For That F*cking Wall' 
Vincente Fox told Fusion's Jorge Ramos that Trump should pay for the U.S.-Mexico border wall, the Republican's marquee foreign policy plan, because "he's got the money."
"Democracy cannot take us to crazy people," Fox responded when asked if he was afraid that Trump would win the election.

Republican Shenanigans

At a rally in Las Vegas last night Donald Trump told supporters he’d like to punch protesters in the face. Though he looks more like the kind of guy who would stroke a white cat while somebody else punched you in the face. - Seth Myers

Rubio Endorsed By Texas Paper
Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.) has won the endorsement of a major Texas newspaper days ahead of the state’s presidential primary.
The San Antonio Express-News editorial” lauded Rubio’s comparative experience over Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) and bashed his rivals as “boorish, angry and divisive.

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Yesterday, a group of more than 20 unions released a statement supporting Hillary Clinton for president, including the Bricklayers Union. Then Donald Trump was like, “Et tu, wall builders?”- Jimmy Fallon

Well, Of Course, Ted Cruz Is Blocking Flint's Aid
Ted Cruz is standing in the way of a bipartisan Senate bill to provide hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for Flint, Mich., and other communities that need to upgrade their drinking water infrastructure.

Rock The Voter News

Abortion Is Legal, But Access, Not So Much.
Abortion providers across the US are closing at a record pace, according to data analysis from Bloomberg Businessweek, and the closures are not limited to the conservative states

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NASA said this week it has received a record high number of 18,000 applications for their astronaut training program. NASA said it shows a growing interest in space exploration. Then people said, “Nah, we just wanna get off the planet before this election.”- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Well, Bob, since you hate Unions so much I'm sure you won't mind working through the weekend, right?- John Fugelsang

Halliburton Cuts Jobs Due To Low Oil Prices
The shrinking of the oil industry picked up speed this week after Halliburton Co. announced it's cutting another 5,000 workers, or 8 percent of its remaining global workforce, to survive a lengthening crude market downturn


Fight The Right Fundraiser

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Odd News
Time To Deflate Photo

Texas Track Club of Abilene, 1964. This photo was part of a Sports Illustrated shoot in 1964. The hairspray weight must have had an effect upon their performance.


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Trump Wins Nevada

Trump: ‘I Love the Poorly Educated’
After his Nevada caucus win, presidential candidate Donald Trump, said: “We won the evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated! I love the poorly educated.

"Trump says what we think." - people who don't think. - John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

U.S. officials say that ISIS is facing a severe strain on its cash supply. ISIS blames it on poor oversight, economic sanctions, and betting all their money on the Carolina Panthers.- Conan O'Brien

Trump/Scott 2016?
On Monday, Rick Scott said he wasn’t ready to endorse in Florida’s presidential primary election on March 15, but there are those who believe he might be leaning towards Donald Trump.
That speculation was sparked last month, when Scott penned an op-ed in USA Today, a column in which he wrote very favorably about the New York City billionaire real estate developer.

George W. Bush was a little confused why Jeb quit because he was losing. Because as far as George W. Bush is concerned, you still become president even when you don't get the most votes.- James Corden

Republican Shenanigans

There is a way to stop Trump, but it involves persuading the fifty million dumbest voters to leave the country.- Andy Borowitz

The Vagina Regulators Are Also Pharmacists!!
The Oklahoma Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld a law aimed at limiting the use of abortion-inducing drugs, overturning a lower court decision that said the measure was unconstitutional because it did not apply to other medication.

Starting with Reagan, Quayle, George W Bush, Palin and leading inexorably to Trump, the GOP has come to revere ignorance as the most important quality in a candidate. I don't understand why America's kids are loading up on student debt if the actual ideal of our society is to be as ill-informed as possible.- Andy Borowitz

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If I were a zillionaire, I run ads reminding America what's at stake in the Supreme Court -- Roe, VRA, marriage, Social Security, the planet. - LOLGOP

Dirty water at Fort Myers Beach
 Cheryl Cagle Jones/Facebook

Florida Is Killing Itself 
Just in time for tourist season, both of Florida's coasts are being flooded by dark, polluted water that's killing ocean creatures and turning away would-be swimmers, fishermen, and other visitors.

John Kasich over the weekend said lots of women have left their kitchens to work on his campaign. Yeah, that will certainly help the upcoming election of 1956.- James Corden

Rock The Voter News

Meanwhile, The Adult In D.C. Is Carrying Out His Constitutional Duty
Move quickly — but not too quickly.
That’s the strategy President Obama and his top aides appear to be adopting as they work through the process of nominating a successor to the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

You almost need a Ouija board to understand the shots Sanders and Clinton lob at each other. Trump called Cruz a "weak little baby."- LOLGOP

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When asked about the possibility that Mexico might not agree to pay for his border wall, Donald Trump said, "The wall just got 10 feet higher.” People in Mexico were like, “OK, well, our tunnels are exactly the same."- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Government regulators have released a new statement saying that no hover board scooter currently on the market meets proper safety standards. The other thing hover board scooters don’t meet: women.- Seth Myers

Iran's Conservative Media Ups Reward For Author Rushdie
The fatwa issued 27 years ago by Iran's then-supreme leader calling for Salman Rushdie to be killed seems like a relic of a bygone era.
But not to a group of hard-line Iranian media organizations that announced it has raised $600,000 to add to a bounty for the death of the British novelist for writing "The Satanic Verses."



Thank you!


Odd News
Time To Deflate Photo

My viewers are so much smarter than moi!

Hi Lisa,

Again many thanks for all your great work!

It looks like you didn't realize the photo of the Schafberg
(literally "Sheep Mountain") in Austria is kind of an Internet joke.
Someone just exerted quite a lot of lateral compression on the original
photo to make everything look much steeper than reality.

You can find the original photo here:

It's still pretty steep, though.

Take care. You are wonderful!

Joerg the Swiss guy


I'm a regular visitor to AHNC, and I always find the site informative and
hilarious. But, judging by the others I've seen, I think your "Time to
Deflate" photo of Schafberg mountain needs an inflate.



Thank you for writing and setting AHNC straight!

Below is the photo that Joerg linked to...

Inflated or deflated this is a gorgeous place. Photo by Tomas Vocelka.

Here's Today's Time To Deflate Photo

The Baby Tortoise Army!


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

No Hearing For Obama SCOTUS Nominee


Key GOP Senators Emerge From Meeting: No Hearing For Obama SCOTUS Nominee
Key Republican senators on the Judiciary Committee emerged from a closed door meeting in Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's office Tuesday united in their determination not to consider any nominee to replace Antonin Scalia until the next president takes office.

GOP: We can't shut the government down but we can shut down Obama!

Obama signs executive order relocating Congress to Guantanamo. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If we close Guantanamo where will we keep the people who tweet bad things about President Trump? - LOLGOP

Presidential Punch?
So much for that acting presidential “soon” talk.
On the eve of the Nevada caucuses, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump told the crowd at a rally in Las Vegas on Monday night that he wanted to punch a protester who was being escorted from the event in the face.

There's no reason for any Republican candidate to drop out. For instance, Ben Carson doesn't even know he's still running. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Sure, Jeb Bush ended his presidential campaign, but at least he kept his dignity and rescued the family name.- Tea Party Cat

Pinkie Pig Offers Hillary Underwear
Joe Arpaio said Monday at a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that he would give Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton a free pair of "pink underwear" if she'd visit his Tent City jail.

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1 Obama promises to close Guantanamo
2 Voters elect him
3 GOP blocks him from doing it
4 GOP reminds you Obama broke promise to close GITMO - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Cuba's Had A Lung Cancer Vaccine For Years, And Now It's Coming To The U.S.
President Barack Obama will become the first president to visit Cuba in almost 90 years when he and first lady Michelle Obama travel to the island nation on March 21. But one of the most exciting things about the thawing of relations between Cuba and the U.S. is happening stateside right now: the possibility of clinical trials on a drug to prevent lung cancer, and possibly other cancers, too.

Look, none of the other black presidents ever nominated a Supreme Court justice in the last year of their term, so Obama shouldn’t either!!!- Tea Party Cat

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If you're looking for the guys who say America is a Christian nation, they're cheering a guy screaming about punching and torturing people. - LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Bill Gates: "FBI should get access to iPhone. I'd let them into any Windows Phones they've purcha- no? Okay that's... (sigh) that's fine."- The Daily Show Tweet

Waterworld Wasn't Just A Movie
The oceans have heaved up and down as world temperatures have waxed and waned, but as new research tracking the past 2,800 years shows, never during that time did the seas rise as sharply or as suddenly as has been the case during the last century.

Jeb Bush spent $130 million running for president, when he could of been helping Kanye get out of debt instead.  What a waste.- Adam Wolf Tweet


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