Republican candidates make final pitch to Nevada voters
Speaking to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" Monday, McCarthy said Trump's victory and Rubio's second-place finish in South Carolina dealt a blow to Cruz's strategy to win the nomination. The California congressman predicted voters in Florida, Rubio's home state, would determine whether Rubio continues or the Trump easily rolls on to the nomination.
Even before Trump stomped him, Jeb blew his answer on the Iraq War, which -- like -- he should have probably known would come up.- LOLGOP
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Russia will do 'whatever necessary' to ensure Damascus observes ceasefire: Putin
- Islamic State rigs currency rates in Mosul to prop up finances
- Missing Radioactive Material Found Undamaged In South Iraq
- U.S. businessman jailed in Iran breaks hunger strike: mother
- China signals no South China Sea backdown as foreign minister goes to U.S.
- Colorado school district closed over 'threat of significant violence'
The guys who want to carpet bomb cities think it's evil to fund STD tests at Planned Parenthood.- LOLGOP
Christians Squeezed For Ransoms
The Islamic State group has collected millions of dollars in ransom for a group of Assyrian Christians it kidnapped in Syria a year ago, Christian officials and an opposition group said.
W. spent $4 trillion on war in Iraq and we got ISIS
Jeb spent $130 million running for President and we got Trump. - The Daily Edge
Republican Shenanigans
- Leaked Audio Catches Mika and Joe Chatting With Trump During Break 'Nothing Too Hard, Mika'
- Donald Trump cites a hoax email chain as a valid national security policy
- Trump says he "can" behave presidentially and will start to do so "pretty soon"
- Trump: Jeb would have won four years ago
- GOP to black voters: Clintons "only with you when they need you"
The reason that Ted Cruz lost the Evangelicals in S.C. is because he is a world class LIAR, and Evangelicals do not like liars!- Donald Trump Tweet
Trump Threatens Cubs' Owners
Donald Trump is threatening one of the Republican Party's mega-donor families after it was revealed as the funder behind a super-PAC set up to destroy Trump's candidacy.
"I hear the Rickets [sic] family, who own the Chicago Cubs, are secretly spending $'s against me," the billionaire GOP front-runner tweeted on Monday. "They better be careful, they have a lot to hide!"
Official countdown to Jeb being the new spokesperson for reverse mortgages...- Tina Dupuy

A news channel that keeps on telling you it's balanced is kinda like a guy who keeps on telling you he's straight.- John Fugelsang
Rock The Voter News
- Obama calling senators as he works toward nominating Scalia replacement
- Bernie Sanders to hold rally at UMass Amherst
- Hillary Clinton is winning among voters who don't want Sanders revolution
In my view, people have a right to make a telephone call today without that information being collected by the government.- Bernie Sanders Tweet
What Racial Profiling?
A Florida police department is facing racial profiling charges after stopping a man 258 times and repeatedly charging him with trespassing at the convenience store where he works.

Seriously how much longer can Trump go without commenting on Hillary Clinton's looks? - John Fugelsang
Business/Tech News
- Gold dips 2 percent on stronger dollar, shares
- Obama: China knows it cannot sustain export-driven growth model
- U.S. residents drove 3.1 trillion miles last year
- Gunmaker to ask judge to dismiss lawsuit over 2012 Connecticut school massacre
- Pennsylvania family fails in court to save sugar maples from pipeline
Scientists Warn All Plant Life Dying Within 30-Yard Radius Of Ted Cruz Campaign Signs - The Onion
Wall Street Cuddles Up To
Republican Marco Rubio's presidential run has drawn more money from Wall Street donors than any other candidate, according to a Reuters review of campaign finance disclosures, shoring up his position as his party's establishment alternative to front-runner Donald Trump.
Camille Cosby is the Carmella Soprano of the comedy world.- John Fugelsang
Fighting The Right Fundraiser