Thursday, February 4, 2016

Clinton, Sanders clash over what it means to be progressive


Clinton, Sanders clash over what it means to be progressive
Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders traded barbs Wednesday night over who best embodies progressive values.

George W. Bush is going to be campaigning with Jeb Bush so F the haters who say your dreams can't come true.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam


Separation Of Church And State Idiots
A Republican state representative in New Hampshire on Wednesday submitted testimony to a state House committee hearing arguing that giving public assistance to Muslims amounts to treason.

Republicans want Rubio so they can say their candidate *also* has to do everything backwards and in heels. - Tina Dupuy

Republican Shenanigans

Rand Paul pulls out with Santorum right behind him.  
Ok, I'm done now. - John Fugelsang

Vast Right Wing Conspiracy Continues...
Journalist Bob Woodward of Watergate fame argued Wednesday that presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is struggling to overcome opponent Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) because Clinton “shouts” too much.

Caucus night in Iowa and Ted Cruz was the winner on the Republican side with 28 percent of the vote. Donald Trump came in second with 24 percent, and Marco Rubio is right behind him with 23 percent. Third is pretty good considering the fact that most Iowa voters think that Marco Rubio is a game you play in the swimming pool. - Jimmy Kimmel

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A member of Marco Rubio’s inner circle said his boss benefitted from the Trump-Cruz fight because, "Marco is everyone’s second choice." That explains Rubio’s new campaign slogan, "I’m the Least Worst."- Conan O'Brien

“I’ve been told that some [Muslims] fear to leave [their homes]; some don’t want to go shopping for their families; some don’t want to go about their ordinary daily routines because, by wearing cover, they’re afraid they’ll be intimidated. That should not and that will not stand in America.”
“Those who feel like they can intimidate our fellow citizens to take out their anger don’t represent the best of America, they represent the worst of humankind, and they should be ashamed of that kind of behavior."
George W Bush, speech at Mosque, Sep 18 2001.

Rock The Voter News

As president, Trump would only visit a mosque to supervise the roundups. - LOLGOP

Chris Christie Withheld Emails On Bridgegate!
Attorneys for a former Christie appointee who is battling criminal charges over the incident said in a court filing on Wednesday that they had "newly discovered" that the governor's office had withheld "critical documents" originating from the days around the lane closures in September 2013 that gridlocked the town of Fort Lee. Claims made by Christie's lawyers for why these documents should be kept secret do not "pass the red face test", according to the filing. Among the documents are emails between Christie's press secretary Michael Drewniak and David Wildstein, a state official who has pleaded guilty to conspiracy, which were withheld on the basis of attorney-client privilege despite neither man being an attorney. A spokesman for Christie did not respond to a request for comment.

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Business/Tech News

It will be great when President Trump loses wars he started and then explains why they weren't fair in sad Twitter rants.- LOLGOP

Smirking At Congress
Former Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli kept a smirk on his face Thursday while testifying before the House Oversight Committee, where he repeatedly invoked his Fifth Amendment right to decline to respond to the legislators' inquiries.

I'd like to see Andrew Jackson give up his seat on the $20 bill for Rosa Parks. - John Fugelsang


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Ryan quotes Braveheart: 'Unite the clans'


Ryan quotes Braveheart: 'Unite the clans'
In a speech Wednesday, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will call on fractured Republicans to join together to fight to take back the White House in 2016.
"To quote William Wallace in Braveheart, we have to unite the clans,” Ryan will say in a keynote address at the annual policy summit hosted by the conservative outside group Heritage Action.

Unite the clans? Gee, is that code for "klans?" smh

No matter how much we've overestimated Trump, we'll never match how much he's overestimated himself. - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I just heard Ted Cruz's first words on his Iowa caucus win: "To God goes the glory."  
That's Republican for "Allahu Akbar!" - Hend Amry

EPA Says Michigan Mislead Them About Flint
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) head Gina McCarthy said Michigan state officials misled her agency in the run-up to Flint’s lead contamination crisis.

Scary that Marco Rubio, a man who says women should be forced to have their rapists' babies, is considered a more moderate GOP frontrunner.  - OhNoSheTwitnt ‏

Bacon Bible Beating
It’s always amazing how many folks who claim to be Christians are exactly nothing like Jesus. On Tuesday, an 11-year-old Michigan girl burst into tears intermittently as she testified in court that her father, 45-year-old Jonathan A. Powell,  beat her with frozen bacon as he quoted the Bible.

Republican Shenanigans

My favorite Bible story is when Jesus feeds the multitudes after administering a drug test to make sure they deserve food.- John Fugelsang

He's so mad he may shoot someone!
Donald Demands Recount, Revote Or Nullification!!!!
Donald Trump on Wednesday morning published several tweets accusing Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) of "fraud" and said that the Iowa caucuses either need to be redone or "nullified," citing reports that the Cruz campaign disseminated misinformation about Ben Carson and sent out mailers suggesting Iowans violated election law.

I hope Trump wins, but even Reagan lost Iowa. ON TO NH, WHERE I'LL BE SPEAKING AT A TRUMP EVENT TOMORROW! - Ann Coulter tweet

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Just a little reminder from Congress that if any Republican wins in 2016, they're coming right for your insurance. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

GOP: We Need To Investigate Obama From This Other Angle
Upset with what they see as "executive overreach" from the Obama administration, Republicans are forming a task force to challenge the president’s power.

President Obama is planning to visit a U.S. mosque for his first time as president. When asked why, Obama said, "I wanted to go to the one place in America where I won’t see Donald Trump."- Conan O'Brien

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 "I'll beat her rear end on that stage and afterward she'll be relieved that I didn't serve her with a subpoena." - Chris Christie on Hillary

Chris Christie in partial uniform, minus his cup.

Business/Tech News

"Jeb can fix it" sounds like a local roto rooter or someone's uncle's YouTube channel.- Jimmy Kimmel

Bacardi  Wants Its Cuban Rum Factory Back
 Bacardi filed suit Monday against the United States demanding an explanation of its decision to let Cuba sell Havana Club rum in the United States once the U.S. trade embargo against the communist island is lifted.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Trump Turns On Iowa Voters: They Didn’t Give Me Any Credit!


Trump Turns On Iowa Voters: They Didn’t Give Me Any Credit!
Donald Trump slighted Republican voters on Tuesday after coming in second place in the Iowa caucus, writing on Twitter that he didn't get "any credit" for "self-funding" his presidential campaign.

Trump the "Milli Vanilli of politics." - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

FBI Investigating Flint
The FBI is joining with other federal agencies in investigating the circumstances behind how lead got into Flint, Mich.’s drinking water.
The law enforcement agency’s addition to the ongoing probe adds a new level to the potential outcome of the high-profile water pollution scandal.

Ted Cruz is a bunch of silly putty stuck to the skeleton of a Salem witch trial judge who was killed in a fire lit by his favorite slave.- Rob Delaney

Republican Shenanigans

"they told me I had no chance."  - Marco Rubio.  (They were right.) - John Fugelsang

Jeb Spent $2800 A Vote In Iowa
Jeb Bush's sixth place finish in Iowa came with a shocking price tag.
He may have only amassed 2.8 percent of the vote among Iowa caucus goers Monday night, but he paid $2,800 for each vote, according to a tabulation compiled by the Huffington Post.

Just told my barber I want my hair to be “Megyn Kelly in the front, Donald Trump in the back.”- Conan O'Brien

Huckabee Quits, No One Notices
Republican White House hopeful Mike Huckabee has suspended his campaign after winning barely two percent in the Iowa caucuses that launched the 2016 presidential race.

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Kid Rock endorses Trump &  says let “Motherf**king Business Guy” be POTUS.  
Y'know, like George W. Bush.
Who Kid Rock also endorsed. - John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Rubio gets more credit from the GOP for losing Iowa than Obama does for preventing  a depression, insuring 17 mil and taking Iran's uranium. - LOLGOP

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Run along now, Carly, and try to get a real job at some company you can destroy... #IowaCaucus. - Barracks O'Bama tweet

Business/Tech News

Hey, you know what else is good for capitalism? A living wage workforce that can afford to, y'know, buy sh*t. - John Fugelsang

Scientists in Britain have been give the go-ahead to edit the genes of human embryos for research purposes, using a technique that some say could eventually be used to create "designer babies".
