Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Protect Public Land


Federal agents block off occupied Oregon refuge after leaders arrested, one killed in shootout
Federal agents on Wednesday sealed off an Oregon wildlife refuge occupied by armed protesters, hours after authorities arrested several members of that group and killed one of the most prominent occupiers.

Ammon Bundy and his ilk have hated the federal government ever since they told them they can no longer own people.- Tina Dupuy


The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

I just realized that when these Bundy guys are convicted of felonies they can no longer own guns because sometimes everything is great.- Alex Halpern

Homeless Used As Targets?
 Two people were killed and three others wounded as shooting erupted Tuesday night at a Seattle homeless encampment known as 'The Jungle,' officials said...Assistant Seattle Police Chief Bob Merner said at a news conference the victims lived at the encampment. He said of the shooting that police "have reason to believe it was very targeted."

But we should note that even the Republican frontrunner thinks Fox News is biased. So there's at least one thing we all agree on. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump got endorsed by Sarah Palin and the next thing you know he's dropping out of something. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Let The Games Begin!
Fox News is firing back at Donald Trump for the Republican presidential front-runner’s decision to skip Thursday night’s debate, accusing Trump’s campaign manager of threatening anchor Megyn Kelly.

Megyn Kelly needs to just moderate a debate where the candidates all fight in a steel cage while wearing Reagan masks.- John Fugelsang

Trump isn't threatened by Megyn Kelly because she's a woman. He's threatened because she's attractive and dared to contradict him in public.- Warren Holstein

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Planned Parenthood Fake Videographers To Speak Today 
The attorneys for the anti-abortion activists indicted for their undercover videos of Planned Parenthood are expected to speak about the charges Wednesday afternoon.

Rock The Voter News

The latest CBS poll has Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton by 1 percent in Iowa, though another poll has Hillary beating Bernie Sanders with a folding chair.- Seth Myers

Duck, Donald!
Police in Iowa have arrested a man accused of throwing tomatoes at GOP front runner Donald Trump at a Tuesday night rally, the Des Moines Register reports.

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Winter storm Jonas slammed the East Coast, some places got up to 3 feet of snow, and more than 12,000 flights were canceled. After a really warm December, this was kind of a relief. Climate change has not ended winter, it just packed the whole damn thing into one weekend. - Stephen Colbert

I hope Megyn Kelly isn't recruited by ISIS. President Trump will be hiding under his desk in the Oval Office while she destroys America!- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Business/Tech News

Shonda Rhimes is set to executive produce a show on ABC that picks up at the end of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." So I guess no one at ABC read the end of "Romeo and Juliet."- Jimmy Fallon

Boeing Keeps A Low Profile 
This week’s CAPA Iran Aviation Summit was the first international conference held in Tehran since the lifting of nuclear sanctions on January 16th. As noteworthy as the long list of western attendees, however, was the one all-important delegation that failed to turn up. Boeing BA, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer and potentially one of the prime beneficiaries of a revivified Iranian economy, failed to make an appearance.

Humans used to think the Earth was flat. Then they got smarter. Now the idiots think the Earth is flat again.
Time is a flat circle. - The Good God Above


Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Videographer Gets Hand Slap


Creator of anti-Planned Parenthood videos faces felony charge
A Houston grand jury that was investigating accusations of criminal misconduct against Planned Parenthood on Monday instead indicted the leader of an anti-abortion group that recorded covert videos of the organization’s employees.

These pro-life nuts stir up their base and someone gets shot or bombed. All this bozo was charged with, so far, was trying to buy baby parts.

If you have any more footage of yourself committing a crime against Planned Parenthood, please send it to your local police. Thanks! - LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Trump: Unafraid of ISIS, terrified by Megyn Kelly. - Andy Borowitz

So, Rumsfeld Knew There Were No WMDs? HUH?
On September 9, 2002, as the George W. Bush administration was launching its campaign to invade Iraq, a classified report landed on the desk of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It came from Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and it carried an ominous note.
“Please take a look at this material as to what we don’t know about WMD,” Rumsfeld wrote to Air Force General Richard Myers. “It is big.”

Two pieces of Rumsfeld news today:
1. the man suppressed 2002 intelligence reports on Iraq
2. how adorable he made a solitaire app - Kelsey D. Atherton

Republican Shenanigans

A researcher found lyrics to a song that Woody Guthrie wrote over 50 years ago about Donald Trump's father, Fred Trump. I believe it was called, this land is my land and this land is my land, and this land is also my land.- Jimmy Fallon

Sarah Palin's Ex-Aide Says Palin Is "Incredibly Withdrawn"
Nicolle Wallace, once an aide to Sarah Palin, trashed the former vice presidential nominee in an op-ed for The New York Times.
Wallace, who served as a senior adviser to the campaign of John McCain and Palin in 2008, writes in a Times op-ed published Monday that Trump "has made a shrewd bet" on voter anger in accepting her endorsement last week, in his latest maneuver for support in Iowa and beyond.

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Jerry Falwell, Jr.'s endorsement today of Donald Trump can be explained, not because the businessman is a Christian, but because Christianity is a business.- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Rock The Voter News

Roachman: FBI Ready To Indict Hillary
The FBI is "ready to indict" Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information on a private email server during her time as Secretary of State, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said.

I am not a religious man. But, as a political satirist, I have to admit that the fact that Trump and Palin are now involved in this election makes me feel almost evangelical. - Andy Borowitz

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Birds Of A Feather, Flock Together
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is heading to Iowa to endorse Donald Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner's campaign announced on Tuesday.
The Arizona sheriff has been a vocal opponent of the Obama administration for years and is known for his tough take on tackling crime and hardline stance on illegal immigration.

Donald Trump: “Just look at these polls. I’m more popular than Jesus Christ. I’m more popular than The Beatles. It’s amazing!”- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

Experts at this week's world economic forum that said in the future, cell phones will likely be tiny computer chips implanted in our brains. Great, now I have to worry about leaving my brain in the couch.- Jimmy Fallon

Meanwhile, The Adults Are Tackling This Scary Virus That Is South Of The Border
U.S. health officials are stepping up efforts to study the link between Zika virus infections and birth defects in infants amid predictions for widespread circulation of the mosquito-borne virus within the United States during warmer months.


Monday, January 25, 2016

Blizzard Shuts Down East Coast


East Coast digs out after blizzard as flights, transit remain snarled
Millions of people along the East Coast continued to recover from the historic blizzard that pummeled the seaboard over the weekend, even as governments and schools throughout the Northeast were closed Monday and transportation remained snarled...

Conservatives would acknowledge climate change if we blamed it on the poor. - Victor Tran

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Once, Americans turned to each other when they fought Hitler.  Now Americans turn to Hitler comparisons when they fight each other. - John Fugelsang

Let The Investigation Begin!
Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette on Monday named a special prosecutor and investigator to look into possible crimes in the city of Flint's water crisis.

The Afghan War is like a reality show that everybody hates, nobody watches, it costs too much & keeps getting renewed.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to admit you're voting for Donald Trump and remove all doubt.- LOLGOP

Trump's Spokesperson Is Perfect For Relaying His Message!
Katrina Pierson, the national spokesperson for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, on Sunday defended her call for a “pure breed” president by arguing that she was a “half-breed” like President Barack Obama.

Marco Rubio: "I bought a gun on Christmas Eve to protect my family from ISIS. And a pair of high-heeled shoes so I'd look taller doing it."- The Daily Edge

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Michael Bloomberg gave us Rick Snyder who gave Flint lead in their water. You've been generous enough, Mike. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Jeb tweeted today that if Donald Trump is the nominee Hillary Clinton will be elected president and we can't let that happen. Jeb is painting himself as the only candidate who can beat Hillary. Meanwhile his brother George is at home painting portraits of his dog.- Jimmy Kimmel

I Have A Dream That Someday A Woman And Her Doctor Can Discuss Her Ladyparts Without Government Interference
The U.S. Supreme Court refused on Monday to review lower court rulings overturning North Dakota's ban on abortion at six weeks of pregnancy — before many women know they are pregnant.

US Marine Amir Tekhati is freed after years in Iranian prison and goes home to...wait for it... #Flint. - Kona Lowell

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Journalism Prof Who Doesn't Believe In Journalism Charged With Assault
A misdemeanor simple assault charge was filed Monday against a University of Missouri assistant professor who received nationwide attention when she called for "some muscle" to help her remove a student journalist from a protest site on campus...

1 in 5 American children are now on food stamps which is why we must cut food stamps to reduce their dependency on food. - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Bloomberg unveils campaign slogan: "The only thing that can stop a bad billionaire is a good billionaire."- Andy Borowitz

Iran Is Looking For Business
 Iranian President Hassan Rouhani flew to Italy on Monday at the start of his first official visit to Europe, looking to sign multi-billion dollar contracts to help to modernize Iran's economy after years of crippling financial sanctions.
