Federal agents block off occupied Oregon refuge after leaders arrested, one killed in shootout
Federal agents on Wednesday sealed off an Oregon wildlife refuge occupied by armed protesters, hours after authorities arrested several members of that group and killed one of the most prominent occupiers.
Ammon Bundy and his ilk have hated the federal government ever since they told them they can no longer own people.- Tina Dupuy
The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam
- Leading Iraqi Shi'ite says Islamic State shrugging off U.S. air strikes
- Israel feels the heat of U.S., EU and U.N. criticism
- NATO looks to combat Russia's 'information weapon': document
- Documentary on radical Islam raises hackles in France
- Anger grows in Italy over covering nudes for Iran's Rouhani
I just realized that when these Bundy guys are convicted of felonies they can no longer own guns because sometimes everything is great.- Alex Halpern
Homeless Used As Targets?
Two people were killed and three others wounded as shooting erupted Tuesday night at a Seattle homeless encampment known as 'The Jungle,' officials said...Assistant Seattle Police Chief Bob Merner said at a news conference the victims lived at the encampment. He said of the shooting that police "have reason to believe it was very targeted."
But we should note that even the Republican frontrunner thinks Fox News is biased. So there's at least one thing we all agree on. - LOLGOP
Republican Shenanigans
- Whistling protesters bombard Trump with interruptions
- MSNBC Viewers Dump Morning Joe As Scarborough Is Lowest Rated Cable Morning News Show
- Scarborough: 'I'd rather set myself on fire' than attend debate with Megyn Kelly
- Trump Says He'll Stop Calling Megyn Kelly A 'Bimbo' Now
- Cruz Challenges Trump To ‘Mano-a-Mano’ Debate Before Iowa Caucuses
- Jeb Bush rises to second place in New Hampshire pol
Donald Trump got endorsed by Sarah Palin and the next thing you know he's dropping out of something. - OhNoSheTwitnt
Let The Games Begin!
Fox News is firing back at Donald Trump for the Republican presidential front-runner’s decision to skip Thursday night’s debate, accusing Trump’s campaign manager of threatening anchor Megyn Kelly.
Megyn Kelly needs to just moderate a debate where the candidates all fight in a steel cage while wearing Reagan masks.- John Fugelsang
Trump isn't threatened by Megyn Kelly because she's a woman. He's threatened because she's attractive and dared to contradict him in public.- Warren Holstein
Planned Parenthood Fake Videographers To Speak Today
The attorneys for the anti-abortion activists indicted for their undercover videos of Planned Parenthood are expected to speak about the charges Wednesday afternoon.
Rock The Voter News
- Clinton on nominating Obama to the Supreme Court: "A great idea"
- Clinton holds 22-point lead in new national poll
- Sanders Won't Attend New Democratic Debate Unless Sanctioned By DNC
The latest CBS poll has Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton by 1 percent in Iowa, though another poll has Hillary beating Bernie Sanders with a folding chair.- Seth Myers
Duck, Donald!
Police in Iowa have arrested a man accused of throwing tomatoes at GOP front runner Donald Trump at a Tuesday night rally, the Des Moines Register reports.
Winter storm Jonas slammed the East Coast, some places got up to 3 feet of snow, and more than 12,000 flights were canceled. After a really warm December, this was kind of a relief. Climate change has not ended winter, it just packed the whole damn thing into one weekend. - Stephen Colbert
I hope Megyn Kelly isn't recruited by ISIS. President Trump will be hiding under his desk in the Oval Office while she destroys America!- Mrs. Betty Bowers
Business/Tech News
- Oil jumps after Russia dangles prospect of OPEC cooperation
- Florida League of Cities Drops Opposition To Fracking Bill
- Barry Diller: I’d Cross the Street to Avoid Donald Trump
Shonda Rhimes is set to executive produce a show on ABC that picks up at the end of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." So I guess no one at ABC read the end of "Romeo and Juliet."- Jimmy Fallon
Boeing Keeps A Low Profile
This week’s CAPA Iran Aviation Summit was the first international conference held in Tehran since the lifting of nuclear sanctions on January 16th. As noteworthy as the long list of western attendees, however, was the one all-important delegation that failed to turn up. Boeing BA, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer and potentially one of the prime beneficiaries of a revivified Iranian economy, failed to make an appearance.
Humans used to think the Earth was flat. Then they got smarter. Now the idiots think the Earth is flat again.
Time is a flat circle. - The Good God Above