Thursday, January 21, 2016

Sarah has a problems with presidential campaigns

Sarah Palin, in speech at Trump rally, blames President Obama for son Track’s PTSD and domestic violence arrest
Trump backer Sarah Palin charged Wednesday that President Obama didn’t do enough for troubled U.S. war veterans — and more specifically, her recently arrested son.

Just when you thought she couldn't get "stupider" she does. There are those who thought Sarah sounded drunk when she endorsed Trump, I disagree, she sounded as though she was on coke or Maui Wowee, rambling and rambling on.

NOTICE: Short short edition today. Mea culpa.

Iranian prez says 'death to America' & it's 'terrorism.'  McCain says 'bomb bomb Iran' & it's 'just playing to his base.'- John Fugelsang

A millennial (my kid) sent me this toon. 

Trump fans who believe he'll build a border wall, deport 11 million & ban Muslim tourists are like that tragic girl who wants to be lied to. - John Fugelsang

Dole reacts moments after Cruz knocked him down.

Bob Dole Disses Cruz
Former Republican presidential nominee Bob Dole is warning GOP voters that putting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz at the top of the ticket would be “cataclysmic” for the party.

Study shows 10% of USA college grads believe Judge Judy serves on the Supreme Court.  

ISIS, you're trying too hard. - John Fugelsang

More Emails That Are Not Hillary's!
In an effort to offer answer mounting questions about who is at fault for the contamination of Flint’s drinking water, Governor Rick Snyder broke with his exemption from Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act and released emails he sent and received regarding Flint during 2014 and 2015.

Before Facebook we had absolutely no way of reconnecting with the people who beat us up in Jr. High.- John Fugelsang

Take care my snowbound friends, you don't want to end up like this poor fellow!


Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sarah Palin's son Track arrested at her home


Sarah Palin's son Track arrested at her home, girlfriend 'concerned' he 'would shoot himself' 
The day before former Alaska governor Sarah Palin offered her high-stakes, high-profile endorsement of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, her son Track Palin was arrested on domestic-violence charges after a fight with his girlfriend, who said she was concerned he would take his own life with an AR-15 rifle.

Sounds as though Track may be having emotional problems. PTSD? I'm being serious, not snarky. He is a war veteran after all.

Announcement before Trump rally: "If a protester starts demonstrating...please do not touch or harm the protester…" - CSPAN

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

BREAKING: British Parliament Votes to Extend Ban on Trump to Include Palin- Andy Borowitz

Israeli Name Calling Incident
The US State Department has moved to back America’s ambassador to Israel, Daniel Shapiro in a febrile and escalating row over his remarks on Monday that Israel applied law in the occupied West Bank differently to Palestinians and Israelis...Shapiro was also publicly lambasted on Israeli television on Tuesday by a former aide to Netanyahu who used the deeply offensive Hebrew word yehudon – which translates as “little Jew boy” – to disparage the ambassador. 

Europe Is Overwhelmed With Refugees
German Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman said on Wednesday Berlin still favored a joint European solution in the refugee crisis after Austria announced plans to introduce a limit on the number of people allowed to claim asylum.

Trump on Palin: "She and I share the same love of this nation's television cameras."- Andy Borowitz

Republican Shenanigans

Sarah Palin endorses the guy who smeared the guy who made Sarah Palin famous. - John Fugelsang

No Deja Vu For Sarah?
Donald Trump on Wednesday morning refused to say whether he would pick former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin as his running mate, less than a day after she formally endorsed his presidential campaign.

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More Proof The Planet Is Heating Up
Earth’s 2015 surface temperatures were the warmest since modern record keeping began in 1880...Globally-averaged temperatures in 2015 shattered the previous mark set in 2014 by 0.23 degrees Fahrenheit (0.13 Celsius). Only once before, in 1998, has the new record been greater than the old record by this much.

South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham on Friday endorsed Jeb Bush for president. Though I imagine getting an endorsement from Lindsey Graham is about as helpful as being backed up in a bar fight by Lindsey Graham.- Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

Hillary Versus Bernie
Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders traded jabs Tuesday over the decision by progressive groups like Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign to endorse Clinton.

Palin endorsement of Trump was "hard for me to watch." -  Meghan McCain, John McCain's daughter

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Business/Tech News

How Much Would Donald Trump's American-Made iPhone Actually Cost?
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s latest idea for how to make America great again? Force Apple to build its products in the US.

Khloe Kardashian has announced she’ll be hosting a new talk show where she drinks cocktails with her guests. The show will be called, "Throwing Up With The Kardashians."- Conan O'Brien


Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A lighter shade of pale.


Trump Tells Washington Post He'll Sue Over Story On Casino's Bankruptcy
Donald Trump told a Washington Post reporter that he would sue the paper if the Post chose to run a story about the real estate mogul's casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, that went bankrupt in 1991.

"Nixon is too great a man to be mixed up in anything like Watergate." - John Wayne, 1972

This quote is from John Wayne's 1971 Playboy interview 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Like Ted Cruz, Al Qaeda attacked NY for its values, too. More proof that ISIS & the American Taliban are virtually indistinguishable. - Jim David

The War On Water Drinkers
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) called the water contamination crisis in Flint "a disaster" similar to Hurricane Katrina in an interview with National Journal published Monday.

1. Elect a Republican CEO promising to run government like a business 
2. Sit around and wait for his Katrina. - LOLGOP

Rick Snyder says he took action on Flint water crisis as soon as he was made aware of it, give or take 15 months - The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump at Liberty University: "Jesus was good. I prefer guys who don't get crucified, I wouldn't have been crucified, but he's nice." - Rex Huppke

Carson Staffer/Volunteers Injured In Car Crash, Campaign Suspended
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson cancelled all South Carolina campaign events on Tuesday after three campaign volunteers and a staffer were injured in a crash on an icy road in Iowa

The GOP's best example of Obama being a tyrant is that he's NOT deporting grandmothers.- LOLGOP

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Kasich Is 7 Points Behind Trump
Former reality-television star Donald Trump remains the Republican frontrunner in New Hampshire, followed by a surging Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) in second place, according to an American Research Group poll released Tuesday.

"We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote" 
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963
"Yes we can" -- GOP, 2016
- The Daily Edge

Rock The Voter News

According to his critics, Sanders is cynically exploiting so-called "truth-based" voters to boost his Presidential bid.- Andy Borowitz

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"[Hillary Clinton] has actually been the only -- the only -- candidate, whether we're talking Democratic or Republican, to reach out and talk with us." - Flint, Michigan Mayor Karen Weaver

Business/Tech News

RNC severs ties with NBC for February debate, amid concerns that moderators may refer to "facts" about economy, science, even geography. - The Daily Edge

How Will Wall Street React To This News?
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will endorse Donald Trump Tuesday evening in Iowa, a major boost for the Republican frontrunner just 13 days from the caucus.

An extensive action figure collection remains the most effective form of birth control.- John Fugelsang


How I want my viewers to feel.