Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A lighter shade of pale.


Trump Tells Washington Post He'll Sue Over Story On Casino's Bankruptcy
Donald Trump told a Washington Post reporter that he would sue the paper if the Post chose to run a story about the real estate mogul's casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, that went bankrupt in 1991.

"Nixon is too great a man to be mixed up in anything like Watergate." - John Wayne, 1972

This quote is from John Wayne's 1971 Playboy interview 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Like Ted Cruz, Al Qaeda attacked NY for its values, too. More proof that ISIS & the American Taliban are virtually indistinguishable. - Jim David

The War On Water Drinkers
Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder (R) called the water contamination crisis in Flint "a disaster" similar to Hurricane Katrina in an interview with National Journal published Monday.

1. Elect a Republican CEO promising to run government like a business 
2. Sit around and wait for his Katrina. - LOLGOP

Rick Snyder says he took action on Flint water crisis as soon as he was made aware of it, give or take 15 months - The Daily Edge

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump at Liberty University: "Jesus was good. I prefer guys who don't get crucified, I wouldn't have been crucified, but he's nice." - Rex Huppke

Carson Staffer/Volunteers Injured In Car Crash, Campaign Suspended
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson cancelled all South Carolina campaign events on Tuesday after three campaign volunteers and a staffer were injured in a crash on an icy road in Iowa

The GOP's best example of Obama being a tyrant is that he's NOT deporting grandmothers.- LOLGOP

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Kasich Is 7 Points Behind Trump
Former reality-television star Donald Trump remains the Republican frontrunner in New Hampshire, followed by a surging Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) in second place, according to an American Research Group poll released Tuesday.

"We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote" 
-- Martin Luther King, Jr., 1963
"Yes we can" -- GOP, 2016
- The Daily Edge

Rock The Voter News

According to his critics, Sanders is cynically exploiting so-called "truth-based" voters to boost his Presidential bid.- Andy Borowitz

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"[Hillary Clinton] has actually been the only -- the only -- candidate, whether we're talking Democratic or Republican, to reach out and talk with us." - Flint, Michigan Mayor Karen Weaver

Business/Tech News

RNC severs ties with NBC for February debate, amid concerns that moderators may refer to "facts" about economy, science, even geography. - The Daily Edge

How Will Wall Street React To This News?
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin will endorse Donald Trump Tuesday evening in Iowa, a major boost for the Republican frontrunner just 13 days from the caucus.

An extensive action figure collection remains the most effective form of birth control.- John Fugelsang


How I want my viewers to feel.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Martin Luther King would be pleased


Confederate Flag's Removal Turns King Day Into Celebration
For the first time in 17 years, civil rights leaders gathered at the South Carolina Statehouse to pay homage to the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. without the Confederate flag casting a long shadow over them.

Today we honor a man who challenged us to bend the arc of the moral universe toward justice. Let's keep working to realize Dr. King's dream.- President Barack Obama

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.”  - Rev. Martin Luther King

Aaaand, Here Come The Republicans All Jealous About Iran
Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan vigorously denounced the nuclear deal with Iran that was implemented Saturday, vowing US lawmakers would "do everything possible" to prevent Tehran from getting the atomic bomb.

BREAKING: Jade Helm II well underway, Federal officials disclose. 1st phase: Lure extremists to remote federal lands and gently detain them. - tomricks1 tweet

Meanwhile, The Adults In D.C. Got This Done
Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post reporter who was freed Saturday after almost 18 months of incarceration in an Iranian prison, met with Post editors Monday for the first time since his release and said he was “feeling good” ...

Republican Shenanigans

Marco Rubio purchased a gun to protect his family from ISIS, so we’re all safe now. Thanks, Rubio!- Tea Party Cat

Wildlife Welfare Refuge Standoff
Harney County, Oregon—the site of a two-week long, militia-led standoff against the federal government—is "the most government-dependent county in Oregon," according to a report from the New York Times.

Today Donald Trump speaks at Liberty University, founded by a segregationist who defended apartheid. Happy #MLKday to irony everywhere.- John Fugelsang

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Obama To The Rescue
 U.S. President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in Michigan on Saturday and ordered federal aid for state and local response efforts in the county where the city of Flint has been contending with lead-contaminated drinking water.
Michigan Governor Rick Snyder had asked the president to declare both an emergency and an expedited major disaster in Genesee County to protect the safety of Flint residents.

We have former secretary of state and Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton on the show tonight. Backstage she told me she's a huge fan of the show and I was like, "I know, I read it in your emails."- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

California's Methane Leak Delayed Because They Don't Know WTF To Do
A gas leak at Los Angeles's Porter Ranch has caused thousands of residents to fall ill or be displaced since its discovery in late October 2015.
On Saturday, plans to capture and burn the leaking natural gas have been put on hold due to the risk of a catastrophic explosion.

Jeb Bush has released a new ad showing clips of mean things Donald Trump has said on the campaign trail. He also released his new campaign slogan "I'm telling!"- Seth Myers

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Brits Pass On Banning Trump
LONDON (AP) — Donald Trump doesn't have many fans in Britain's Parliament.
But a debate among lawmakers on calls to ban Trump from the country revealed little appetite to close Britain's doors to the provocative Republican U.S. presidential contender.

Business/Tech News

The richest 1% now has as much wealth and more Republicans than the rest of the world' combined.- LOLGOP

The State Of The US Stock Market
The second trading week of 2016 was not much better than the first as the stock market extended its January decline. The S&P 500 lost 2.2%, extending its January drop to 8.0%.

President Vladimir Putin said that Russia has invented the world's most effective drug to fight Ebola. Yeah. When asked if he tested it on rats, Putin said, "You could call them that. Sure, yeah, yeah. They're rats."- Jimmy Fallon


I hope you had a good time today. 
Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, January 15, 2016

GOP Debate Results

GOP debate winners and losers
With less than three weeks left before the Iowa caucuses, Republican presidential candidates clashed for the sixth time on a debate stage Thursday night in North Charleston, S.C.

Carson's worried about "the party damaging itself"? Dude. At this point it would be like the Titanic hitting another iceberg. #GOPDebate - @goldengategirl tweet

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The upside of the Oregon situation is a bunch of guys you don't want around anyway have now barricaded themselves in the middle of nowhere. - goldengateblond tweet

Republicans Can't Help Their Lying. It's A Mental Condition.
A Bundy-backing former fire chief has thrown cold water on claims by a Nevada Republican who says FBI agents are posing as militiamen near an Oregon nature preserve.

"Ammon Bundy, the leader of the militia, has compared his occupation of the wildlife refuge to that of Rosa Parks. And I think we all remember when Rosa Parks got on a public bus, sat down, then whipped out an AK-47 and threatened to kill anyone who made her change seats." –James Corden

This Is Old News.
Guns purchased legally in the U.S. don’t only end up in the hands of American criminals; they may also be finding their way into the possession of Mexican drug trafficking organizations. Guns bought mostly in the Southwest United States account for roughly 70 percent of the guns seized in Mexico between 2009 and 2014, according to a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office

Republican Shenanigans

"While commenting on the State of the Union, Donald Trump said President Obama is 'living in a fantasy land.' Donald Trump then went to sleep in his solid gold bed with his supermodel wife." –Conan O'Brien

Another Win For Planned Parenthood
Kansas' medical board is taking no action against a Planned Parenthood clinic after completing an investigation into whether illegal sales of fetal tissue are occurring after abortions...

The Queen of England promises to “take back” America if Trump is elected. The D.C. Brief

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Rock The Voter News

This is Muslim Americans' country too. The next president should know that—and act like it. #GOPdebate - Hillary Clinton

THE GOP Is On Its Last Legs
RNC Committee official warned that Donald Trump and his supporters were destroying the GOP.
Holland Redfield, an RNC committeeman who represents the Virgin Islands, is shown at a closed-door breakfast meeting Thursday urging party chairman Reince Priebus to stand up to the GOP frontrunner...

"Republicans control both houses so it's going to be very difficult for the president to pass any new legislation. The only bill more unpopular than a bill from President Obama right now is a Bill Cosby." –Jimmy Kimmel

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Jeb Bush is the universe's way of trying to teach conservatives about the need for euthanasia.- LOLGOP

Meanwhile, Back In Guatemala
GUATEMALA CITY – Jimmy Morales, a former TV comic elected Guatemala’s new president on a wave of public revulsion against widespread graft, took office Thursday in a ceremony attended by leaders from the Americas.

"Don't mess with Texas? No, don't f**ck with New York." - Lewis Black

Business/Tech News

You'd think Ted Cruz would be a bigger fan of "New York values." He got a giant loan from Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs. #GOPDebate - goldengateblond tweet

Stocks & Oil Volatile
U.S. stocks sank in volatile trading on Friday, with the S&P 500 hitting its lowest since Aug. 24 and the Dow dropping more than 400 points, as oil prices dived below $30 per barrel. Intel tumbled 9 percent to $29.66 after its results and forecast raised concerns about the chipmaker's growth.

"I try to push the worry down and pull the Spanx up!” –Julia Louis-Dreyfus


I had a lovely lunch with some viewers of AHNC who were visiting Costa Rica. We went to one of my favorite spots in Tamarindo, tucked away right on the Pacific. They are so smart and funny. A lovely memory to keep.

And a view from the other side!