Monday, January 11, 2016

Sean Penn says he has "nothin' to hide" about his interview with El Chapo


Sean Penn says he has "nothin' to hide" about his interview with El Chapo
Almost as soon as Rolling Stone’s first scoop of the year, an interview with the Sinaloa Cartel's bloody kingpin known as "El Chapo," was published late Saturday night, the critiques began rolling in.

Mexico said Sean Penn's interview with El Chapo led to his arrest. Big deal. Trump would get El Chapo to build a wall & make him pay for it, with tunnels and all!

ISIS chief abruptly cancels meeting with Sean Penn. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Clearly you're freer in Mogadishu than Copenhagen because there are more guns and fewer regulations.- LOLGOP

Rubio To Skip Classified Hearing For Fundraiser! Why Of Course He Did!
Marco Rubio is scheduled to attend a fundraiser in the Florida Keys Monday night one hour into a classified hearing on North Korea's recent missile test as the Florida senator continues to face criticism about his attendance record.  

When Trump says “America’s gotten soft” the reply should always be, “So Donald, how many mani-pedis have you gotten in your private jet?” - Erik Bransteen

Republican Shenanigans

The only thing about Ted Cruz and citizenship we should be discussing is how he's against it for everyone but himself.- LOLGOP

No Birthers In Senate? Where Did They GO?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said the Senate will not weigh in on the constitutionality of Sen. Ted Cruz's (R-TX) presidential run during an interview with ABC's "This Week" on Sunday.

Birtherism is the plague and Republicans won't wash their hands. - LOLGOP

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Unicorns, sea monsters, elves. Three things you're more likely to find than a "good" Republican. - Kona Lowell

Another Reason Why An Abortion Should Be Between A Woman And Her Doctor Only
Doctors must send ultrasound images of women seeking abortions to state officials under a newly enacted law in North Carolina.

Rock The Voter News

An autograph expert said that Hillary Clinton's autograph is the most valuable of all the candidates. For instance, a Hillary Clinton-signed hat is worth about $1500 dollars, while a Jeb Bush-signed hat is worth...whatever the hat cost originally, minus a few bucks for the Jeb Bush signature.- Jimmy Fallon

Both Parties Hit Near Historic Lows
The percentages of everyday Americans describing themselves as “Democrat” or “Republican” are near historic lows for both political parties, according to a new poll.
Roughly 29 percent of respondents in a Gallup survey released Monday identify as Democrats,

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"We can't believe Trump is doing so well when he hasn't run any TV ads," said the TV media during its 24/7 Trump coverage.- caligirl tweet

Business/Tech News

Obama's job-killing policies a complete failure, reports Fox News, as US posts best 2 years of job growth since the '90s. - The Daily Edge

Down and Down It Goes, Where It Stops Nobody Knows
A brutal new year selloff in oil markets quickened on Monday, with prices plunging 6 percent to new 12-year lows as further ructions in the Chinese stock market threatened to knock crude as low as $20 a barrel.

David Bowie was 69. Donald Trump is still 69.
Think about that when you consider the range of things you can do with this life.- LOLGOP

“Don’t you love the Oxford Dictionary? When I first read it, I thought it was a really really long poem about everything.” ― David Bowie


Friday, January 8, 2016

Ryan: Why didn't Obama cry over ISIS beheading?


Ryan: Why didn't Obama cry over ISIS beheading?
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) suggested Thursday that President Obama should have gotten as emotional over the deaths caused by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists as he did over gun violence.

The people who smeared Obama for crying over dead children would now like to scream at you about their love for the unborn.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

#TedCruz just said "You don't want a lunatic or a zealot to have nuclear weapons." With a straight face yet.- Kona Lowell

Benghazi Rerun From 2 Years Ago! But Live!
 Former CIA Director David Petraeus's testimony to the House Benghazi committee Wednesday was consistent with what he told congressional investigators more than two years ago when he debunked several conspiracy theories 

I noticed that Fox News is not demanding Obama call the assholes in the Oregon bird refuge "Right-wing Christian terrorists."- Kona Lowell

Instead Of Velvet Glove Treatment, How About Kicking Their Asses Out?
The leader of a group of armed protesters occupying a U.S. wildlife refuge in rural southeastern Oregon on Thursday rejected a sheriff’s offer of passage out of the state to end the standoff.

I think we’ve found the one group of guys from Oregon who don’t smoke pot.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

"My life is a nightmare that will not end."- Jeb Bush

Crowd Control, Trump Style
Republican front-runner Donald Trump directed security to kick out Bernie Sanders supporters from his Vermont rally and to confiscate their coats.
"Throw them out into the cold," Trump ordered security, as protesters shouted "Bernie! Bernie!" during his rally Thursday night in Burlington, Vt.

"Criminals don't follow laws" is the "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" of conservative politics, except presidential candidates say it.- LOLGOP

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Ted Cruz Fighting Urge to Call For His Own Deportation. - cafedotcom tweet

White House Scoffs At Obamacare Repeal
The White House scoffed Wednesday at congressional Republicans’ efforts to repeal ObamaCare.
Asked what Republicans accomplished by sending a repeal bill to the president’s desk for the first time, White House press secretary Josh Earnest offered a one-word answer. 

CNBC: US leads world as #JobsReports crushes expectations
CNN: 5.8M jobs created in last 24 months
FoxNews: No salt found in Obama's tears. - The Daily Edge

Rock The Voter News

Remember how Mitt Romney strapped a dog to the roof of his car? That seems quaint now.- Conan O'Brien

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No More Mao?
A giant golden statue of Chairman Mao in China’s Tongxu County that captivated the Internet in recent days appears to have been suddenly torn down.

The KKK has gone to the Supreme Court to adopt a highway. Well, technically, just the white stripe in the middle. - Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

My plan to defeat ISIS? Get them to eat at Chipotle. - Conan O'Brien

No More Hawaiian Sugar Cane
The owners of Hawaii's last sugar plantation say they're getting out of the sugar-growing business. Miles of sugar cane fields once spread across the islands, providing work to thousands of immigrants and shaping Hawaii life. Soon, they'll be gone. 

If weed is a gateway drug then beer is the well-lit accessible walkway that leads right to the gate. - John Fugelsang


Thursday, January 7, 2016

I wish Al Gore would fix my Internet

Oh, just shoot me.

After multiple attempts this morning of trying to stay online for more than 10 minutes, I gave up and called a taxi to get the hell out of here. Either that or I would have run down the street pulling my hair out!

It was a good choice, I bought groceries, Luna's heartworm pills, the post office (Thank you Arkansas for the Christmas gift!!) was so nice to get out.

Tomorrow there will be a new edition! Unless you don't do this...
