Friday, January 8, 2016

Ryan: Why didn't Obama cry over ISIS beheading?


Ryan: Why didn't Obama cry over ISIS beheading?
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) suggested Thursday that President Obama should have gotten as emotional over the deaths caused by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorists as he did over gun violence.

The people who smeared Obama for crying over dead children would now like to scream at you about their love for the unborn.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

#TedCruz just said "You don't want a lunatic or a zealot to have nuclear weapons." With a straight face yet.- Kona Lowell

Benghazi Rerun From 2 Years Ago! But Live!
 Former CIA Director David Petraeus's testimony to the House Benghazi committee Wednesday was consistent with what he told congressional investigators more than two years ago when he debunked several conspiracy theories 

I noticed that Fox News is not demanding Obama call the assholes in the Oregon bird refuge "Right-wing Christian terrorists."- Kona Lowell

Instead Of Velvet Glove Treatment, How About Kicking Their Asses Out?
The leader of a group of armed protesters occupying a U.S. wildlife refuge in rural southeastern Oregon on Thursday rejected a sheriff’s offer of passage out of the state to end the standoff.

I think we’ve found the one group of guys from Oregon who don’t smoke pot.- Conan O'Brien

Republican Shenanigans

"My life is a nightmare that will not end."- Jeb Bush

Crowd Control, Trump Style
Republican front-runner Donald Trump directed security to kick out Bernie Sanders supporters from his Vermont rally and to confiscate their coats.
"Throw them out into the cold," Trump ordered security, as protesters shouted "Bernie! Bernie!" during his rally Thursday night in Burlington, Vt.

"Criminals don't follow laws" is the "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" of conservative politics, except presidential candidates say it.- LOLGOP

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Ted Cruz Fighting Urge to Call For His Own Deportation. - cafedotcom tweet

White House Scoffs At Obamacare Repeal
The White House scoffed Wednesday at congressional Republicans’ efforts to repeal ObamaCare.
Asked what Republicans accomplished by sending a repeal bill to the president’s desk for the first time, White House press secretary Josh Earnest offered a one-word answer. 

CNBC: US leads world as #JobsReports crushes expectations
CNN: 5.8M jobs created in last 24 months
FoxNews: No salt found in Obama's tears. - The Daily Edge

Rock The Voter News

Remember how Mitt Romney strapped a dog to the roof of his car? That seems quaint now.- Conan O'Brien

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No More Mao?
A giant golden statue of Chairman Mao in China’s Tongxu County that captivated the Internet in recent days appears to have been suddenly torn down.

The KKK has gone to the Supreme Court to adopt a highway. Well, technically, just the white stripe in the middle. - Conan O'Brien

Business/Tech News

My plan to defeat ISIS? Get them to eat at Chipotle. - Conan O'Brien

No More Hawaiian Sugar Cane
The owners of Hawaii's last sugar plantation say they're getting out of the sugar-growing business. Miles of sugar cane fields once spread across the islands, providing work to thousands of immigrants and shaping Hawaii life. Soon, they'll be gone. 

If weed is a gateway drug then beer is the well-lit accessible walkway that leads right to the gate. - John Fugelsang


Thursday, January 7, 2016

I wish Al Gore would fix my Internet

Oh, just shoot me.

After multiple attempts this morning of trying to stay online for more than 10 minutes, I gave up and called a taxi to get the hell out of here. Either that or I would have run down the street pulling my hair out!

It was a good choice, I bought groceries, Luna's heartworm pills, the post office (Thank you Arkansas for the Christmas gift!!) was so nice to get out.

Tomorrow there will be a new edition! Unless you don't do this...


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Militia occupation leader in Oregon: We're like Rosa Parks


Militia occupation leader in Oregon: We're like Rosa Parks
One of the leaders of the small, armed group occupying a remote national wildlife preserve in Oregon has likened the occupiers to civil rights icon Rosa Parks.
Ammon Bundy -- the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in an armed standoff with the government over grazing rights -- has said his group will stay at the preserve as long as it takes to see what it considers justice served.

The Oregon "militia" would only be like Rosa Parks had she pulled a gun and stolen the bus, all because she refused to pay the fare. - Mrs. Betty Bowers

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

On “Face the Nation”, Donald Trump accused Ted Cruz of copying his immigration reform plan, specifically his idea of building a giant wall. Then China said, “Uh, hello?”- Jimmy Fallon

TRUMP: China Controls North Korea
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday said China should rein in its ally North Korea after Pyongyang said it successfully tested a hydrogen device..."Nobody is discussing it with China. China has total control. Believe me – they say they don't – they have total control over North Korea and China should solve that problem,"

North Korea has a nepotistic Obama-hating unqualified lunatic w/bad hair for a leader.  Clearly, America needs one too. - John Fugelsang

How White A Domestic Terrorist Is Treated
A man arrested for making threats of violence against a biotech company named in an anti-abortion propaganda video has been freed by a judge while he awaits trial, the Sacramento Bee reports.
Scott Anthony Orton, 57, of Puyallup, Washington, is accused of urging people to kill employees at StemExpress, a Northern California biotech firm. The Bee reports Orton offered rewards for others to kill company owner Cate Dyer or her employees, or said he would do so himself. Orton has a history of using Fox News’ website to call for the murder of liberals.

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump released his first TV ad. The ad will air on the big four networks during prime-time, cable channels during the day, and on Univision when Hell freezes over.- Conan O'Brien

The fact that you're allowed to arm yourself while calling Obama a 'gun-grabbing tyrant' kinda proves he's not. - John Fugelsang

STOP THE PRESSES! GOP Shows Compassion!
Republican presidential hopefuls called for a more compassionate discussion around drug addiction Tuesday, with emphasis on substance abuse as a curable disease, not a moral failing.

If your response to calls for gun control is “Should we get rid of cars too?” the answer is, for you, yes. You should not have a gun or car. - Rob Delaney

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Donald Trump said yesterday that if he’s elected, he would “probably not talk as much.” That’s right, if Donald Trump is elected, even HE will be speechless.- Seth Myers

Rock The Voter News

Benghazzzzzzi Is Back For the 5,345,789,222 Time!
Now that 2016 has arrived, the Benghazi committee is back to work this week, scheduled to interview former Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus behind closed doors Wednesday and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta Friday.

People who say Obama fake-cried are essentially accusing him of being as indifferent to mass killings as they are. - John Fugelsang

"Stupid #StopGunViolence hashtag! We don't want gun laws that could help protect American lives, we're PATRIOTS!" - John Fugelsang

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Feds Investigating Chipotle
Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc said it was served with a grand jury subpoena in relation to a criminal investigation into a norovirus contamination at one of its restaurants in California in August.

Business/Tech News

Thanks to Congress, meat producers no longer have to tell consumers where their meat comes from. Upon hearing this, Arby's said, "Waaay ahead of you, man."- Conan O'Brien

Low Seed Sales At Monsanto Causes Job Cuts
Monsanto said Wednesday it will eliminate another 1,000 jobs as it expands a cost-cutting plan designed to deal with falling sales of biotech-corn seeds and other financial headwinds.

After being arrested for crashing his car into a shopping mall, a Florida man explained to police that he was trying to time-travel. Which is crazy. If you want to travel 50 years into the future, just leave Florida.- Seth Myers

I loved that movie, the acting, not the subject content.
