Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Trump Mocks Hillary For Bodily Function


Trump mocks Clinton's 'disgusting' bathroom break during Dem debate
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump late Monday mocked Hillary Clinton for visiting the bathroom during last weekend’s Democratic presidential debate, saying it was “disgusting.”

Trump also divorced his previous wives when he discovered they too were going to the bathroom but hiding it from him!

Attention Women of America: I urge you to use the bathroom before Trump is President. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

1. Complain about "czars" for 7 years.
2. Fall in love with a guy endorsed by Putin.

War On Christmas In The Holy Land!
Christians warned Tuesday that a general strike threatened by Israel's largest labour union could disrupt travel for thousands of pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land for Christmas. Barring a last-minute wage deal, the Histadrut labour federation says its...

Every time Wayne LaPierre talks about 'personal responsibility' an angel coughs up blood.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Saudi Backlash At Trump
Saudi Arabia-based retail chain Jarir Bookstore has removed books written by U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump from its shelves, it said on Tuesday, part of a backlash against his proposal to stop Muslims from entering the United States.

Ted Cruz is like a salesman who keeps calmly explaining why you need an above-ground pool & you keep explaining you live in an apartment. - John Fugelsang

Trump To Ring In The New Year At Fox News
Fox News is hoping Republican front-runner Donald Trump sets off some fireworks of his own when he joins the network’s live New Year’s Eve celebration on December 31.

Paul Newman at the 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington D.C.

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Just remember, Trump isn't running for President, he is running to be the next Rupert Murdoch.- Lizz Winstead

Rock The Voter News

Next up on Fox News: Chelsea Clinton is having another baby as a way to distract from her mother's murder of 4 Americans in Benghazi.- Tea Party Cat

Support For Abortion Rises
Support for legal abortion in the U.S. has edged up to its highest level in the past two years, with an Associated Press-GfK poll showing an apparent increase in support among Democrats and Republicans

If Hillary's use of the bathroom disgusts Trump I really hope he doesn't find out what Chelsea is about to do. - Andy Borowitz

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Happy Birthday to Pope Francis, who turned 79 years old. People asked if he wished for world peace when he blew out his candles, and the Pope said, “Nope - a hoverboard!” Very hard to get.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

According to the Wall Street Journal, people in China aren't that familiar with the "Star Wars" movies. Though they might be familiar with some of the toys. Spoiler alert. The elves don't make them!- Stephen Colbert

Mystery Meat Coming Soon!
Thanks to a label that reads “Product of the USA,” consumers have been able to find out a package of steaks or pork chops in the freezer section at their local grocery store came from America. But soon meat lovers will be hard-pressed to figure out whether the animals on their dinner plates were raised and slaughtered—in the States or halfway around the world.

"Spaceballs: The Farce Awakens." Quick, somebody get me a meeting with @MelBrooks! - Jeff Tiedrich


Welcome Back and Happy Holidays!

When I'm without Internet access my life almost comes to a complete standstill.
I hate when that happens!

Monday, December 21, 2015


No Internet today.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be back online.

Deep apologies fro any humor inconvenience.

Friday, December 18, 2015

The Bromance Continues...


Trump On Putin’s Alleged Killing Of His Critics: ‘At Least He’s A Leader’
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump heaped praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin during a call-in interview to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Friday, confounding the show's co-hosts when he brushed off their concerns about Putin's alleged killing of his critics.

Scarborough highlighted the wrong targets. Trump is the kind of billionaire Putin would arrest and then confiscate his property.
Putin would have Trump for breakfast and still need to stop at IHOP. - Comment by DJD on Talking Points Memo

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The War on Christmas is so long, pointless and unwinnable that we have to assume George W. Bush started it.- LOLGOP

Monkey See, Monkey Do
A rash of email and phone threats of violence hit schools on Thursday from New Jersey to Washington, D.C., and from Florida to California, but most were deemed to be hoaxes and schools opened. 

Love the smell of Jeb Bush burning his donors money. - LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump basically wants to be the president of Russia.- LOLGOP

Government Shutdown Avoided
Congress gave final approval Friday to one of the most ambitious legislative packages in years -- a $1.1-trillion funding bill with nearly $650 billion in tax breaks and dozens of other policy initiatives.
The measure now goes to President Obama, who is expected to sign it into law.

Trump. The candidate who unites white supremacists with people who didn't know they were white supremacists.- LOLGOP

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Rubio: All Talk No Walk
Sen. Marco Rubio missed Friday’s Senate vote approving a massive $1.8 trillion end-of-the-year spending bill and tax package — a day after he suggested that he could try to slow the legislation down. 

A president named ‘Hussein’ and legal weed have driven conservatives insane. - Michael Moore

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Still Running Despite Losing Putin Endorsement. - cafedotcom tweet

WaPo Columnist Attacked Online By Trumpies
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote: “Let’s not mince words, Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist.”
I cited a long list of incidents in which he targeted women, Latinos, African Americans, Muslims, Asians and the disabled. Here’s what I heard back from Trump’s defenders:

 Click here to meet C.W.

Remember when you thought that another Bush brother was the worst the GOP could do?- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Toyota Recalls 1993 Camry Due To Fact That Owners Really Should Have Bought Something New By Now. - The Onion

Google Not Pleased With California
Google is sparring with California over its proposal to require a licensed driver be behind the wheel of self-driving cars.
“This maintains the same old status quo and falls short on allowing this technology to reach its full potential, while excluding those who need to get around but cannot drive,” said Google’s Chris Urmson, who directs the autonomous car program, in a post on Medium.

This coffee is so strong it could be my password. - Steve Mieczkowski


Happy Holidays.
Eat Drink and Be Mary.