Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The GOP Debate


The Internet, scare tactics and big fat juicy lies: Here are the top 10 bullsh*t moments of the GOP debate
Another week, another republican debate. It was CNN’s turn again to throw some people up on stage and see what happened. On the whole, CNN did a much better job than others have at holding candidates accountable for attempting to interrupt, going over their allotted time and behaving inappropriately. T

Someone should count up how many war crimes Republicans proposed last night.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Next time someone tells you ISIS wants to 'conquer America' just try to imagine those guys even conquering Detroit.- John Fugelsang

*uckabee Wants Syrian Refugees In Rich Liberal Neighborhoods
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that if Democrats want to welcome Syrian refugees into the country, that those refugees should first have to settle in wealthy liberal strongholds, including where Hillary and Bill Clinton have a home

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Gun violence kills more people in the US every day than terror has since 9/11. But it's more important to be afraid of the people we bomb.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Fiorina Unveils Plan to Turn Dalmatian Puppies into Magnificent Coat. - Andy Borowitz

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Trump Will Not Seek Independent Run
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recommitted to his promise that he would not mount an independent bid in the November 2016 election if he does not secure his party's nomination next year.

I love when Jeb Bush calls Trump "not serious" as if GOP voters are about to grab their pearls and exclaim, "WHY I HAD NO IDEA!"- LOLGOP

Bernie Wins Twitter During GOP Debate
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) again enjoyed some of the highest engagement on Twitter during the fifth Republican presidential debate on Tuesday night. Sanders saw the largest growth in followers on the social media...

Rock The Voter News

The decision about abortion must remain a decision for a woman and her doctor to make, not the government.- Bernie Sanders

Racism Towards White Immigrants
CHAFFORD HUNDRED, England (Reuters) - Ella Vine no longer speaks her native Polish at bus stops and train stations in Britain because there have been times she has been told to "shut up", or worse, by fellow passengers.

Remember when Al Gore sighed at a debate and it was the most inappropriate thing ever?- The Rude Pundit

Donald Trump: “Obama is such a loser! I could’ve negotiated such a great deal in Paris on climate. I’d get the Earth to pay to cool itself.”- Tea Party Cat

Business News

1984: If Libs say trickledown will ruin middle-class in 30 years, call 'em Commies. 
2014: If middle-class ruined, blame Libs. - John Fugelsang

Israel Builds Desalination Plant In California
Israel's IDE Technologies, which opened this week a billion-dollar desalination plant in California, is helping to plan 10 new facilities throughout the United States.

They're predicting the film, STAR WARS could gross more than $2 billion. The United States just promised $800 million as part of the Paris agreement to fight climate change, which means we're spending more than twice as much to see "Star Wars" as we are to save the actual world.- Jimmy Kimmel


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Donald Trump tells supporters he would have saved Paris from terrorists with his ankle gun


Donald Trump tells supporters he would have saved Paris from terrorists with his ankle gun
At  a campaign stop in Las Vegas on Monday, Republican 2016 frontrunner and former reality TV star Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters that things would have gone differently if he’d been in Paris on the night of the terror attacks that killed 130 people last month.

If this country actually elects a f*cking reality show host President it's time for a constitutional amendment forbidding Americans from ever watching TV again.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Conservatism - n. the ability to convince men who are eating, voting and arming themselves to death that they should be afraid of foreigners. - LOLGOP

LA Shuts Down Schools
 Los Angeles, the second largest school district in the United States, shut down all of its schools on Tuesday after officials reported receiving an unspecified threat and ordered a search of all schools.

A Trump supporter yelled, “Light that motherf*cker on fire!,” which is also Trump’s key foreign policy proposal.- LOLGOP

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of thirty-five years of Republican scorched-earth policies.- Jeff Tiedrich

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Republican Shenanigans

Here's the thing: Even if Trump isn't a fascist, his supporters would like him to be. - LOLGOP

Planned Parenthood Win!
 A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked Ohio officials from taking legal action against Planned Parenthood to enforce fetal tissue disposal rules, and Republican state lawmakers proposed new regulations for such disposal.

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Looking forward to Jeb Bush having to spend the rest of his life hiding from the guys who gave him millions to watch him lose by 35%.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

"I never said that."

— Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Kurt Vonnegut and Mark Twain
-Jeff Tiedrich

Rich People's Worries
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump says water regulations are making it difficult for him to keep his famed mane clean.

#BREAKING: Obama Pledges No Boots On Ground In War Against Christmas. - Jeff Tiedrich

Business/Tech News

Racists Are Paranoid
Some are reacting angrily to the fact that the CEO of Sam’s Club, who is an African-American woman, talked about the importance of diversity, saying it’s evidence she discriminates against white men.

I got an abyss app for my phone and now I just gaze into that.- Jeff Tiedrich


Thank you to all eleven people who wished AHNC a Happy Birthday! 
Thank you for remembering.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Haleakala Crater, Hawaii. There are about 10 volcanoes here in Costa Rica and I have no desire to see them up close, but that's just me.


Monday, December 14, 2015

15th Anniversary!!


15 years ago today, I bought the domain name after the U.S. Supreme Court told Florida to stop counting their votes and Dubya happened. 
Fast forward to 2015 and Trump happened. 
My work is not yet done!

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Today is the third anniversary of the US doing nothing about guns after Newtown. - Andy Borowitz

NRA War On The USA Continues. They're Winning.
U.S. gun control activists called for expanded background checks for firearms purchasers and for a ban on sales to people on federal watch lists on Monday, in a protest marking the third anniversary of the massacre at a Connecticut elementary school.

The one thing that would bring most of America together is enjoying the fit Trump will pitch as it becomes clear he's losing.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump needs to retract his remark that Cruz is "a bit of a maniac." Cruz is a ginormous maniac. - Andy Borowitz

Maine Doesn't Need A Stephen King Horror Story, They Have Their Own Governor!
The federal government has warned that Maine could face sanctions after breaking federal and state laws by mismanaging its food stamp program under Gov. Paul LePage (R).

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REMINDER: The guys who are about to nominate Donald Trump for president have keen minds for sniffing out hoaxes.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

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Republicans Accuse Obama of Leading International Conspiracy to Save Planet - Andy Borowitz

Florida Keys Flooding
 Extreme high tides have turned streets into canal-like swamps in the Florida Keys, with armies of mosquitoes and the stench of stagnating water filling the air, and residents worried rising sea levels will put a damper on property values in the island chain.

Republicans want to elect someone president who probably shouldn't have his own Twitter account.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

If you think climate change is a hoax but there is a War on Christmas, you probably shouldn't have your own credit cards.- LOLGOP

China Decides On Yuan 
Ahead of the much-anticipated U.S. rate hike this week, the People’s Bank of China said it would manage its yuan to track a currency basket rather than its long-held stance of pegging to the dollar.

Welcome to the SATs - your score today may determine which College Loan you'll be paying well into your 40s. Let's begin.. - John Fugelsang


Thank you for 15 great years!