Friday, November 20, 2015

The Refugees are Coming! The Refugees are Coming!


Obama administration asks top court to revive immigration plan
The Obama administration on Friday asked the U.S. Supreme Court to revive President Barack Obama's executive action to protect millions of illegal immigrants from deportation, saying Republican-led states had no legal basis to challenge it.

While Obama has an immigration plan, the other party doesn't. Why is that?

Let's put the Christ back into "Christ would probably have reluctantly accepted a 12-18 month refugee vetting process."- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The people who say Obama's a Muslim thought Cheney was a Christian.- John Fugelsang

Conservative: Bomb Mecca
As conservative politicians ratchet up hatred of Syrian refugees seeking asylum in the U.S. to escape persecution from radical jihadists, a conservative columnist claims that he is “sick and tired” of being pushed around by the followers of Islam and suggests a final solution: “Bomb Mecca off the face of the earth.”

I don't hate America, I mock Amurka.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump's support keeps growing, with the latest poll from New Hampshire showing him ahead by 22 points. That's higher than the age of his next wife. It's only slightly more than the number of candidates for president.- Stephen Colbert

Obama's Gonna Make Us Memorize The Koran!
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who is pursuing an ever-more unlikely bid for the presidency, responded to Friday’s terrorist attack in the West African nation of Mali on social media with a non sequitur about something President Obama never said. “After today’s attack in Mali, the Obama-approved domestic anti-terror plan: Give up your guns and memorize a Koran verse,” Huckabee wrote.

Due to more Mexicans leaving US than coming & record deportations we're forced to replace immigrant panic with refugee panic.- the media.- John Fugelsang

It will be a big, beautiful database and I'll make the Muslims pay for it. - LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Donald Trump's small-government conservatism: deport 11 million people and put millions more in government database.- Nicholas Thomas

Hillary's Anti-Terrorism Plan
This week we had a chance to watch Hillary Clinton respond in real time to a complex foreign policy challenge. On Thursday, six days after the Paris attacks, she gave a comprehensive antiterrorism speech at the Council on Foreign Relations.

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Trump ran into a little trouble before a speech in Knoxville. Someone noticed that the sign in front of Trump's podium actually misspelled the word “Tennessee” and only had one “S.” Or as Trump calls it, “A naked dollar sign.”- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

We need to provide more job training in this country so that people without marketable skills won't resort to running for President.- Andy Borowitz

Marijuana and Money
The top Democrat in the Senate is getting behind an effort to allow financial transactions for marijuana in states where the drug is legal.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) this week signed onto a bill that would provide marijuana businesses with access to the banking system.

The White Student Union is outraged at the woefully inadequate foam on these lattes.- John Fugelsang


Finally, a complete edition posted!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Aguille du Midi Mountain, France. It's all scenic and spectacular, till the trap door opens


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Guess which mood I was in today with spotty Internet connection?


Guess which mood I was in today with spotty Internet connection?




d) All of the above

The answer is d. You win a partial edition of AHNC!!


Jesus H. Christ Offers GOP Politicians a Christianity Refresher Course - Political Garbage Tweet

Ted Cruz: Insult  Me To My Face Obama!
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) addressed President Obama directly while speaking to reporters Wednesday, telling him to "come back and insult me to my face."

GOP Worried That Morons They Courted For Eight Years Could Cost Them Next Election. - Political Garbage Tweet

Palin: Jesus Loves The 2nd Amendment 
Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) said Thursday that Jesus Christ is a defender of the right to bear arms.
“Jesus would fight for our Second Amendment,” she wrote on her Facebook page.

Palin: Jesus would fight for the Second Amendment
Me: I turn my cheeks to her, guess which ones? - All Hat No Cattle

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The danger of letting refugees into this country is they could turn into Ted Cruz.- Tina Dupuy



Time To Deflate Photo

Vogue Magazine, Iran in 1968.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The U.S. anti-Syrian refugee movement will cause more anti-American backlash


The U.S. anti-Syrian refugee movement will cause more anti-American backlash 
So far, not one Paris attacker has been found to be a Syrian refugee. Instead, they have each been French and Belgian nationals—In other words, domestic terrorists.

If Muslim Americans want basic rights conservatives will fight for, they just need to be born a gun.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

FOX reminds you we must never blame all cops or gun owners for the acts of a few.   
But some of those Muslim refugees might be terrorists.- John Fugelsang

GOP/NRA Arm Terrorists. But That's Not Any Of My Business.
The NRA — and their gun-loving Republican cohorts — are refusing once more to stop terrorists intent on getting armed in the U.S.A.
A legal loophole allows suspected terrorists on the government’s no-fly list to legally buy guns, but a bill to fix that will likely wither on the vine.

The people whose stupid war gave us ISIS would like to berate you now for not supporting more stupid wars.- John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

GOP Governors try to invoke the “We’re real scared of Muslims” clause of the Constitution.- Cafe Tweet

Trump calls for surveillance of all Christians after latest school shooting. Correction-- surveillance of all MUSLIMS after PARIS shootings.- Tea Party Cat

Fox and Friends Go After Obama, Again.
White House press secretary Josh Earnest sparred with “Fox and Friends” co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck Wednesday over what she termed President Obama's “cavalier” and “aloof” response to the Paris terror attacks. 

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ... and I'll wet my pants in fear."
— Republicans
- Jeff Tiedrich

Way To Go Chi-town!
The Chicago city council on Wednesday passed a symbolic resolution in favor of accepting Syrian refugees into the city despite Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner's (R) announcement that the state would stop accepting them, NBC Chicago reported.

Rock The Voter News

"But what if we allow #SyrianRefugees into the country and they rub Ebola all over my guns?"- Jeff Tiedrich

New study suggests that Ben Carson is nearly as uninformed as the people supporting Ben Carson.- LOLGOP

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Republican Party unveils new slogan for 2016: "Mommy! We're all gonna die!"- Kona Lowell

Business/Tech News

Republicans Finally Have An Economic Plan, A Stupid Plan But A Plan Nonetheless
The White House on Tuesday issued a veto threat for a Republican-backed bill to make the Federal Reserve set interest rate policy using a mathematical rule, a proposal Fed Chair Janet Yellen said would "severely damage" the U.S. economy.

In Pope Francis' latest weekly address, he criticized people who use their phones at the dinner table. Which begs the question: Who is on their phone while they eat dinner with the Pope?- Jimmy Fallon



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Elvis Presley with a young polio patient in 1958. I bet that little girl was never the same again.
