Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fox's Krauthammer Admits Every GOP-Led Congressional Investigation "Has Failed Or Backfired"


Fox's Krauthammer Admits Every GOP-Led Congressional Investigation "Has Failed Or Backfired"
CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Look, this not going to end well. Republicans have demonstrated, if they ever demonstrated anything, Republicans in the Congress have shown that they have no ability to conduct successful investigations of this administration. Everything they have touched has failed or backfired. Even Benghazi..

Republicans impeached Bill Clinton in 1999 and they won stole the 2000 election. That is what the Tea Party wants to repeat.

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Donald Trump said in an interview this weekend that Iraq is the “Harvard of terrorism.” And he’s got a point: The only reason George W. Bush got into Iraq is because his dad went there.- Seth Myers

China Is Pounding Its Chest
A state-run Chinese newspaper has claimed the country is "not afraid to fight a war" with the U.S.
"In face of the U.S. harassment, Beijing should deal with Washington tactfully and prepare for the worst," according to the editorial in the Global Times, which came just a day after an American destroyer sailed into disputed waters in an open challenge to Beijing. The newspaper is known to represent the more extreme and nationalistic views of China's political establishment.

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb Bush, who will never be elected, says Rubio can't be elected b/c he's too much like Obama, who was elected twice. - John Fugelsang

Uh Oh. 1000 KKK Identities To Be Released
As the first anniversary of the Ferguson protests approaches, a group identifying itself as the hactivist collective Anonymous has issued a threat to members of the Ku Klux Klan: We've gained access to yet another KKK Twitter account. Using the info obtained, we will be revealing about 1000 klan member identities.

Anonymous is vowing to unhood 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members. The GOP must be terrified.- Warren Holstein

After a great evening and packed auditorium in Iowa, I am now in Colorado looking forward to what I am sure will be a very unfair debate!- Donald Trump Tweet

The Last Republican Speaker Of The House Pleads Guilty
Former Rep. Dennis Hastert (R-IL), who served as speaker of the House from 1999 until 2007, has pled guilty to evading currency-reporting requirements, a charge related to his alleged payment of millions in hush money to someone blackmailing him about "past misconduct." That misconduct, multiple news sources have reported, relates to sexual abuse of a student during Hastert's time as a high school gym teacher and wrestling coach.

"The evangelicals let me down a little bit this month. I don't know what I did" - Trump in Iowa

Ben Carson now holds a 14-point lead over Donald Trump in Iowa. Experts say Carson appeals to Iowa’s conservatives, Iowa’s evangelicals, and both of Iowa’s black people.- Conan O'Brien

Rock The Voter News

Happy birthday to Hillary Clinton, who turned 68. When asked what her favorite gift was, she said, "Donald Trump."- Jimmy Fallon

Good For Los Angeles!
Handgun owners in Los Angeles would have to keep their weapons locked in a box or disabled with a trigger lock under a measure aimed at protecting children...

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I never thought I'd get to watch the slow-motion destruction by hubris of a Bush brother before he could do serious damage.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Ben Carson thinks guns can solve everything and has no idea what the debt limit is. He is the exact voter who would vote for Ben Carson.- LOLGOP

414% Interest Rates In Brazil!
The interest rates levied on credit cards in Brazil rose 10 percent in September compared to the previous month, reaching 414 percent a year, the Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) reported Tuesday.

In the past five years, at least six Americans have been shot by dogs

Researchers somewhere studied 75 brands of hot dogs and found some of them contained human DNA ... I guess my bologna really does have a first name.- Stephen Colbert



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Granville-Paris Express Train crashes through the Paris Station and flies through the air, 1895.


Tuesday, October 27, 2015



Jeb Bush rolls out proposals for Social Security, Medicare
Raising the retirement age, implementing means-testing and encouraging more retirement plans for workers are among the solutions that Jeb Bush is proposing Tuesday to help stabilize and preserve Social Security and Medicare for seniors.

Jeb Bush wears his hoodie for his buddy Zuckerberg.

Get ready for a brand new "raw" Jeb.  He was so frustrated, he decided to take control and rip the tassels off his loafers.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If China sent a warship to the Gulf Of Mexico, I think we'd probably be a little pissed off. - Politics and Hip Hop

Trump Is Finally Right!
For the first time perhaps ever, Donald Trump was right about something. There exists irrefutable evidence that George W. Bush and his national security team was repeatedly warned about the impending September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and failed to do a damn thing in the face of those warnings. “Warnings,” plural, is appropriate grammar here since it wasn’t just the single President’s Daily Brief (PDB) dated August 6, 2001 that should’ve raised serious concerns at the White House


Re: Budget deal: Why does the Pentagon need an additional $40B? Why aren't deficit hawks asking how we're going to pay for that?- Politics and Hip Hop Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Lobotomized brain surgeon is GOP frontrunner.- Lizz Winstead

Cops Want Background Checks For All Gun Purchases
Police chiefs from across the United States called on Monday for universal background checks for firearms purchases, saying opinion polls consistently show that most Americans support such restrictions.
The proliferation of firearms is one of the factors behind a rise in homicide rates in many U.S. cities this year...

Low Energy Ben Carson Edges Out High Energy Trump
Ben Carson has edged out fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump in a new national poll, taking the top spot from the real estate mogul for the first time in months.

"I don't get why my poll numbers are dropping" said Donald Trump who has managed to upset every minority and empathetic white man in America. - OhNoSheTwitnt

Rock The Voter News

Trey Gowdy as a running mate? Who's helped her more? - LOLGOP

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Hobby Lobby Smugglers?
The Christian family behind the arts and crafts chain Hobby Lobby has been under federal investigation for years on suspicion of trying to import potentially illicit cultural artifacts from Iraq

Business/Tech News

House Prices Are Up
The S&P Dow Jones Indices reported on Tuesday that U.S. home prices rose 5.1 percent from a year ago, matching analyst expectations.

The Mafia have just gone digital. They've started a division called Pay Up Pal. -



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Zermatt, Switzerland.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Limiting Political Corruption Inquiries


Wisconsin Governor Signs Bill Limiting Political Corruption Inquiries
 Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, who gave up his quest for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination last month, signed into law on Friday a measure that limits a longstanding tool against political corruption that has been used in investigations of Mr. Walker and his allies.

I am officially launching the ‪#‎DraftMicheleBachmann‬ movement to restore sanity to the GOP race. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Rubio is getting some traction, he's in third place in his own state vs a reality TV star and someone who suspended campaign to sell books. - Zaid Jilani ‏

The Party's Over
Americans' support for the Tea Party has dropped to its lowest level since the movement emerged on the national political scene prior to the 2010 midterm elections. Seventeen percent of Americans now consider themselves Tea Party supporters, and a record 54% say they are neither supporters nor opponents.

The Chinese community, the Communist Party has banned gluttony, excessive drinking and adultery. Now hey, if you guys don't want American tourists, just say so!- Conan O'Brien

Donald Trump: Wearing a burqa 'easier' for women than makeup

Republican Shenanigans

I'm nostalgic for the days when being insane was something a politician tried to hide instead of flaunt.- Andy Borowitz

Ben Carson Went After His Momma With A Hammer
Ben Carson has answered critics who say he lacks energy for the Republican presidential fight, saying that in contrast to his softly spoken demeanor as an adult he was “very volatile” as a teenager, when he “would go after people with rocks, and bricks, and baseball bats, and hammers”.

“We have a breaking story. Donald Trump has fallen to second place behind Ben Carson. We informed Ben, but he was sleeping.”- Donald Trump

Republican Jabs Sarah Palin
According to a former White House chief of staff, the GOP’s current dysfunctional state — that finds them unable to agree on a new Speaker of the House and watching outsiders Donald Trump and Ben Carson become their top 2016 presidential contenders —  can be laid at the feet of Sarah Palin.

Jeb is the Quayle of Bush.- John Fugelsang

Rock The Voter News

Jeb plans Bernie Sanders-inspired comeback using new campaign hashtag #FeelTheBush. - John Fugelsang

Sanders Appears On "The View"
"The View" co-host Joy Behar is "feelin' the Bern."
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) appeared on the talk show Monday, but gave Behar a surprise backstage. 

 Click here

The members of the House Freedom Caucus are from districts so white that their lawn jockeys have lawn jockeys.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Ford Motor Company Versus Donald Trump
Ford Motor Company is disputing GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump’s claims that he altered the automaker's future expansion plans in the U.S. and Mexico.
“Ford has not spoken with Mr. Trump, nor have we made any changes to our plans,” it said in a statement released Monday.

Car in front of me at red light has a bumper sticker says 'honk if you love Jesus.'  So I honk. Then he gives me the finger.- John Fugelsang


So sorry for the late post. Internet problems, sigh.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

This monument is the work of Russian artist Zurab Tsereteli and is located in Bayonne, New Jersey, facing the Statue of Liberty. "To the Struggle Against World Terrorism" was conceived as the events of 9/11 unfolded and  Zurab Tsereteli walked the streets of Moscow. Struck by the outpouring of grief he observed, a memorial with an image of a tear formed in his mind.
A gift from Tsereteli and the Russian people, the memorial is made of steel sheathed in bronze. Standing 100 feet high. In it hangs a 40-foot stainless steel teardrop, representing sadness and grief over the loss of life, but also hope for a future free from terror. Etched in granite on an 11-sided base are the names of the nearly 3,000 killed in the 1993 World Trade Center bombings and terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Peace through art.