Friday, October 16, 2015

DNC officer: Chairwoman's statements 'flat out not true'


DNC officer: Chairwoman's statements 'flat out not true'
A vice chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) says the chairwoman, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fla.), did not consult others about the party's primary debate schedule, as she claims, and is questioning her leadership...“This is a chair of the Democratic Party wrongly stating that she consulted with all of the party officers. I was not consulted. I know that [Rep.] Tulsi Gabbard [D-Hawaii] was not consulted. And this is becoming about much more than debates.”

The fact that it isn't called the Bush Crash of 2008 is a testament to how much the right shapes our narratives.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Closed Door Benghazi Meeting? Closed door?
Hillary Clinton’s close aide Huma Abedin fielded questions from the House Select Committee on Benghazi today, sitting for several hours for a closed-door interview with members of Congress and panel investigators.

I like hearing calls for Huma Abedin's head from guys who didn't mind Reagan arming the Iranians after they helped kill Marines in Beirut.- John Fugelsang

I like hearing how we shouldn't believe the job numbers from people who believed the color coded terror alerts.- John Fugelsang

Pro-ISIS Hacker Caught 
Malaysian authorities have arrested a hacker accused of passing stolen information about U.S. service members to the terror group the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Republican Shenanigans

87% of Americans support expanded background checks for gun purchases which means only 13% of Americans love America.- John Fugelsang

Republican Chaos Continues
Pressure is building on Republicans to find a way to tackle the debt limit.
With the House still clueless about who its next Speaker will be, Congress has just 10 legislative days to tackle a topic at the center of some of the most pitched fiscal battles of the last several years.

Ben Carson has put his campaign on hold for 2 weeks for a book tour, in case you thought your contribution wasn't a complete waste of $.- John Fugelsang

Fox News Faker
A former cable news commentator was arrested on Thursday for allegedly fabricating a 27-year career with the CIA.
According to the Justice Department, 62-year-old Wayne Simmons used the false story to try and gain security clearances and government contracts, including a successful overseas posting to advise military personnel.

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Says No To Greedy CEO
Sen. Bernie Sanders's (I-Vt.) presidential campaign is rejecting a donation from much-maligned Turing Pharmaceuticals CEO Martin Shkreli, who has been under fire over drug prices.
Shkreli tried to donate $2,700, but the campaign said no thanks.

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Joe Puts The Bide In Biden
A top adviser to Vice President Biden sent a letter to former staffers Thursday indicating his decision on 2016 will happen soon and laying out the themes of a possible presidential campaign

Business/Tech News

New research shows that China has a bigger middle class than America, and more people in China are living what we would call the “American Dream.” That’s when you know things are bad - when even the American DREAM is made in China.- Jimmy Fallon

Climate Change Disease?
A mysterious disease has been sweeping through the sugar cane fields of Central America, with more than 20,000 laborers dying from it over the past decade. As of 2012, it had killed the husbands of more than 100 women of the 250 families living on one island in Nicaragua, giving rise to the grim nickname “Island of the Widows.”

According to the Bible Jesus is the leading cause of alcohol at parties.- John Fugelsang



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The mystical Antelope Canyon in Arizona, USA. Stunning.


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The last Speaker of the House...


Hastert attorney says former speaker intends to plead guilty
An attorney for Dennis Hastert told a federal judge Thursday that the former House speaker intends to plead guilty in a federal hush-money case linked to allegations of sexual misconduct from decades ago.

Know who else avoided military service in Vietnam? EVERY GODDAMNED REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE SERVED. - Jeff Tiedrich

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

"As Commander in Chief, I will not allow Afghanistan to be used as safe haven for terrorists to attack our nation again." - President Barack Obama

The Immigrant Crisis In Europe
German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed Turkey's "key role" in solving Europe's refugee crisis ahead of a weekend visit to Ankara, as her government tightened asylum rules on Thursday to stem an influx of new arrivals.

The question is: Who will hurt the GOP more? Trump by being racist and terrible. Or Bush by dragging George W. out of mothballs.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Jeb Bush says #DemDebate candidates would figuratively be a 3rd Obama term; as opposed to, say, a literal 4th Bush term.- John Fugelsang

Trump Bullies Out In Force
During a Donald Trump campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia, on Wednesday, the real estate mogul's supporters got into a physical confrontation with protesters who joined the event to object to Trump's immigration policies.
At the event of nearly 5,000 people, about 20 protesters, some of whom were students at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), began heckling Trump when he began talking about immigration,

The US has 5% of the world's population and 100% of the political parties that think Barbara Streisand and the Pope invented climate change.- LOLGOP

News: Hillary won the debate!

My friends: Bernie won the debate!

Trump: I won the debate!

Huckabee: Asian people eat dogs!- OhNoSheTwitnt

Rock The Voter News

*steps out of the shadows of a underground parking lot in Washington DC*
[whispers] This Benghazi committee may not be about Benghazi...- LOLGOP

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More Than 400 U.S. Cities Will Be Underwater No Matter What We Do
An alarming new study has found that, no matter what we do to fight climate change, it is already too late for more than 400 U.S. cities — including Miami and New Orleans — which will be overcome by rising sea levels caused by anthropogenic climate change. Under a worst-case scenario, New York could be unlivable by the year 2085. Most of the population in those cities live within five feet of the current high tide line.

Business/Tech News

Love it when people who believe in no minimum wage accuse others of wanting "free stuff."- LOLGOP

Whaaaat? Wall Street Bonuses Cut?
Oct 15 Wall Street bankers and traders are likely to get smaller bonuses this year as trading revenue plunges.
Goldman Sachs said on Thursday that it set aside 16 percent less money for compensation in the third quarter compared with the same period in 2014.

Playboy magazine is going to stop publishing nude photos of women starting next year. So now if you want to see a naked woman you'll have to go to HBO, Showtime, Cinemax, the Internet, Burning Man, a PETA protest, perfume ads, or ESPN The Magazine.- Seth Myers



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Sean Connery, Mr. Universe competition, 1953.
I never knew that Sean Connery was Mr. Universe before Mr. Bond!


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Guess who showed up at the Democratic Debate?


Your Guide to Everything (Absolutely Everything) That Happened in Last Night’s Democratic Debate
The 2016 Democratic presidential candidates held their first debate last night in Las Vegas, a lively affair in which the candidates largely came across as civil and well-informed. Hillary Clinton seems to have won the night by demonstrating the kind of confidence and competence that made the idea of Joe Biden entering the race seem unnecessary, but she had her weak moments as well.

What a great debate. The grown ups were on the stage.  I loved hearing all the positions everyone took to help clarify their beliefs and my decision on who I would vote for president.

Then an hour after I awoke this morning the power went off. So, today will be a short but hopefully sweet issue!

Mike Huckabee, America's Drunk Racist Uncle, just in time for Thanksgiving. - Jeff Tiedrich

Huckabee Voluntarily Loses Asian Vote
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee sparked backlash on social media during the Democratic presidential debate Tuesday night for a tweet alluding to dog meat..."I trust @BernieSanders with my tax dollars like I trust a North Korean chef with my labrador! #DemDebate," Huckabee said in his tweet, which was shared more than 6,000 times.

Castration Anxiety is basically the governing philosophy of the Republican Party. - LOLGOP

Feeling The Bern
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) raised $1.3 million in four hours after the first Democratic presidential debate started on Tuesday night, according to his campaign.
His campaign blasted out an email seeking donations from his line defending Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server as secretary of State.

Kudos to the guy who embalmed Lincoln Chaffee. - Jeff Tiedrich

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OK, this is not a joke, but hear me out. Having watched all three debates so far, I think Fox is doing a better job than CNN. The CNN moderators were rude to both Republican and Democratic candidates. A question like "Will you say anything to get elected?" Is embarrassing only to the person asking it. - Andy Borowitz



Time To Deflate Photo

What a great shot of a Vietnamese fisherman. I hope he caught something.
