Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Going for the W? Having George W. Bush stump for Jeb


Going for the W? Having George W. Bush stump for Jeb 
 Jeb’s campaign is trying to figure out a strategy for deploying George W. Bush as a campaign surrogate in South Carolina. Jeb’s brother, for all his failures, remains a beloved figure on the right, which has largely convinced itself that all the economic and foreign policy wreckage he left behind can be blamed on Barack Obama.

That awkward moment when Jeb Bush is saying he's his own man and then he asks his brother to help him campaign. - Tea Party Cat

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

GOP is investigating the wrong scandal.
There hasn't been a Benghazi since Benghazi.
There's a mass shooting once a day. - The Daily Edge

Thank God Obama Didn't Listen To The Chickenhawks
In a little-noticed White House video released last month, Obama insisted that he even knows exactly how many wars the United States would be in if he had listened to his hawkish GOP critics.

I better flood the world again before humans blow it all up. - The Good God Above Tweet

Republican Shenanigans

Speaker of the House John Boehner is stepping down. Probably wants to spend more time tanning with his family. - Will Durst

U.S. Congress + 40 Hour Work Week = HaHaHaHa
Rep. David Jolly (R-Fla.) wants the House schedule to more closely resemble a typical American workweek.
Jolly, who is running for Senate, has introduced a resolution to change House rules so that the chamber must be in session for at least 40 hours a week while lawmakers are in Washington. 

I read that Donald Trump's hotel chain may have experienced a data breach that may have exposed people's debit and credit card information to hackers for more than a year. When asked how he planned on fixing the situation, Trump was like, "I'm going to build a huge firewall."- Jimmy Fallon

Mexican Comedians Go After Trump
 Decked out in dark suits and outlandish blond wigs, a clutch of Mexico's most popular comedians lambasts Donald Trump as a dangerous buffoon in a new play that hits back over his anti-Mexican comments on the U.S. election campaign trail.

Who was supposed to bring the black person?

Rock The Voter News

The World Will End Wednesday Say Crazy Christians
While our planet may have survived September’s “blood moon”, it will be permanently destroyed on Wednesday, 7 October, a Christian organization has warned.

Halloween is this month. It’s the one day a year when children do what religions do 365 days a year: try to scare adults into giving them stuff for free! - Mrs. Betty Bowers

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I vill miss Eddy.

Snowden Wants To Leave Russia And Go To Jail
Edward Snowden says he has offered to return to the United States and go to jail for leaking details of National Security Agency programs to intercept electronic communications data on a vast scale.

Business/Tech News

Clinton took unemployment from 7% to 4%
Bush from 4% to 8%
Obama has taken it from 8% to 5%. Questions? - The Daily Edge

Be Careful Where You Fly Your Drone
The Federal Aviation Administration on Tuesday proposed a record $1.9 million fine against an aerial photography company for flying drones in crowded New York and Chicago airspace without permission.

"Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act." –Truman Capote


Here's my new 'puter! Thank you so much everyone!


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

I would love to be on that boat. I have no idea where this is but it looks lovely!


Monday, October 5, 2015

The Oregon Massacre Won't Shake NRA Stranglehold


The Oregon Massacre Won't Shake NRA Stranglehold
President Obama, stern and visibly shaken by the Oregon massacre, lambasted the NRA yet again for its suffocating grip on Congress. An equally shaken Democratic presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, said that she was sickened by the sheep-like willingness of Congress to do the bidding of the NRA.

This country has a gun problem, but it also has an IQ problem, and the second problem makes it harder to fix the first.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Americans Opposed to Being Shot Seek Representation in Washington. - Andy Borowitz

Benghazi Unraveling
Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Monday revealed portions of the transcript of previously secret testimony from a closed-door briefing with a former top aide to Hillary Clinton in an escalation of the partisan bickering on the panel.

If Jeb Bush’s flaming pile of a presidential campaign were a presidency, it would be W.'s.- The National Memo

Republican Shenanigans

Throwback Thursday
Speaker John Boehner is considering delaying the internal election for House majority leader and majority whip, leaving only the party vote for speaker to be decided on Thursday, according to multiple Republican sources with direct knowledge of the deliberations.

You know you break out in hot sweats when someone even suggests legislating your guns? Now imagine if you had a uterus. - LOLGOP

South Carolina Is Still Flooding
As the already soaked residents of South Carolina struggled to recover Monday from record weekend floods that caused at least eight deaths, meteorologists were warning them the downpour wasn't done.

Scientists say earth endangered by new strain of fact resistant humans.- Andy Borowitz

Death Valley Flooding
A system of slow moving thunderstorms caused flash flooding near Death Valley National Park Sunday afternoon.
According to the park’s Twitter feed, visitors were stranded throughout the park and several were stuck at the park headquarters at Furnace Creek due to debris cutting off California Highway 190 in both directions.

Rock The Voter News

Mitt Romney did a lot to help poor people -- for instance, he lost in 2012. - LOLGOP

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How come when politicians talk about 'sealing the border' they only mean keeping Mexicans out, never keeping jobs in? - John Fugelsang

Business/Tech News

Republicans are very excited about electing a new Speaker of Shutting Down the House.- LOLGOP

Bernie Blasts New Trade Deal
Sen. Bernie Sanders labeled a new trade deal finalized by the Obama administration on Monday as “disastrous,” and said he would work to defeat it.
Sanders, the Vermont senator leading Hillary Clinton in polls of New Hampshire, said the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal will lead to the loss of U.S. jobs, adding he was “disappointed but not surprised” by the decision to complete it.

The Kardashians are America's first family, McDonald's is our top restaurant & FOX is our #1 news channel. Any questions?''' - John Fugelsang



Soldiers working on a locomotive, Chicago, 1945.

Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Shelter forest on both sides of the Taklimakan Desert Highway in China, is the world’s longest road through a moving desert.    By Xu Xinwen


Friday, October 2, 2015

More US Citizens Die Daily Than U.S. Soldiers


Oregon gunman in massacre had cache of 13 weapons, U.S. agent says
ROSEBURG, Ore. (Reuters) - The Oregon gunman who carried out an execution-style massacre at a college classroom had a cache of 13 weapons, body armor and ammunition, authorities said on Friday as they sought a motive for the bloodiest U.S. mass shooting this year.

Countries that don't have regular gun massacres obviously don't have violent movies and video games or mentally ill people.- John Fugelsang

I could probably address gun violence if I wasn't completely swamped trying to legislate your vagina.- Republican God

Imagine A Black Vet Trying To Deal With This Nonsense
What happens when a state with a tough voter ID law suddenly makes it much harder for minorities to get driver's licenses? We are about to find out in Alabama.
Facing a budget crisis, Alabama has shuttered 31 driver's license offices, many of them in counties with a high proportion of black residents. Coming after the state recently put into effect a tougher voter ID law, the closures will cut off access -- particularly for minorities -- to one of the few types of IDs accepted.

Heart Of Stone
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush reportedly told a South Carolina crowd on Friday that gun control is not the answer to reducing gun deaths in the U.S. because "stuff happens."

Suppose it was a terrorist attack that killed 10 people in America and a politician said government can’t overreact cuz "stuff happens"- Sam Stein

Rope A Pope Fails
Pope Francis did not ask to meet a Kentucky county clerk who had been jailed for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples and did not offer her unconditional support, the Vatican said on Friday.

People say Jeb Bush's affect and delivery are terrible. But let's be fair: his policies and beliefs are far worse.- LOLGOP

Jeb Bush: "Every life must be protected. Except from bullets."- The Daily Edge

 Click here

Hillary Must Be Shaking In Her Boots
…"The liberals like Hillary Clinton would have you believe all sorts of lies about my mother. But, behind closed doors, we find out all sorts of truths, including the fact that Hillary fears my mom's power," Bristol Palin added. "Maybe that's because she knows deep down that millions of Americans know that what my mom talks about in public is right and what Hillary pretends to stand for is wrong."

I read that after facing protests, Whole Foods announced that it will no longer sell food that has been prepared by prison inmates. Customers were like, “This is great news — wait, WHAT?!”- Jimmy Fallon



Thank you everyone!!! I am going laptop shopping tomorrow! Will Post Pics!


You Can Now Buy Marijuana Legally In Oregon
Or sign up for a cannabis yoga session. Or have a house-call vapor party. It's all here.

Time To Deflate Photo

Precious painting. I wish I could give credit to this unknown artist.
