Friday, September 18, 2015

What's the difference between Iraq and Iran?


Jeb Bush tells Hannity: US should accept every Christian refugee
The United States should accept Syrian and Iraqi refugees as long as they are Christians and their lives are endangered, GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said, during an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity late Thursday.

The people who believe Obama is a Muslim also believed Dick Cheney was a Christian.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

FYI: If you're talking about rounding people up because they're Muslim, your big concern isn't "religious freedom."- LOLGOP

Welcome Mat Pulled In As Refugees Overwhelm SE Europe
 Across southeast Europe, nations closed borders, blocked bridges, shut down trains and built new razor-wire fences Friday in a rush to block tens of thousands seeking safety in Western Europe from crossing their territories.

Republican Party, your frontrunner is talking about rounding up law-abiding citizens now. Maybe take a few decades off.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

The New York Times is reporting that in recent speeches Donald Trump has seemed more composed and toned down, and has started using prepared notes. Now instead of just calling people “losers” and “morons,” he reads it off a card.- Seth Myers

Trump's Trump Card Are The Birthers
Donald Trump came under fire Friday morning for his handling of a question at a town hall about when the U.S. can "get rid" of Muslims, for failing to take issue with that premise and an assertion that President Barack Obama is Muslim.

The guy CNN hired to fact check ‪#‎GOPDebate‬ just called his wife to sob into the phone that he still has no idea when he'll get home.- John Fugelsang

Hillary Tells The Donald To Stop The Anti-Muslim Stuff
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton told her Republican counterpart to "cut it out" late Thursday night, after Donald Trump declined to correct an audience member who referred to President Barack Obama as a Muslim.

Rock The Voter News

"According to a new poll, almost half of Florida voters think their own candidates, Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, should drop out of the race. While the other half of Florida keeps asking what happened to Eisenhower." –Jimmy Fallon

GOP House Blocks Planned Parenthood Funding For A Year
The House on Friday voted along party lines to freeze federal funding for Planned Parenthood after weeks of escalating tension surrounding its use of fetal tissue.
In a 241-187 vote, nearly all Republicans and two Democrats approved legislation that would block Planned Parenthood's federal funding for one year, giving time for Congress to fully investigate claims of wrongdoing by the provider.

Bristol Palin is just mad nobody's offered her a job at Unplanned Parenthood.- John Fugelsang

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Twitter says there's a poll that says 43%of Republicans think Obama is a Muslim. The 1% counts on that 43%.- Paula Poundstone

Business/Tech News

Trump gave a speech from the deck of a battleship where he warned us about crime and drugs coming from down below. “The drug cartels are going wild. They cannot believe how stupid our government is. They are making a fortune. The drugs come in, the money goes out, daily.” He's right, we have to start making drugs in America again, American drugs.- Jimmy Kimmel

A Political Punch In The Face? Why,Yes, Alcohol Was Involved.
A top official for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is accusing a rival staffer with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) of punching him in the face...John Yob, the national political director for Paul’s 2016 presidential campaign, says the incident occurred early Friday morning in a bar on Mackinac Island, Mich.



Please. :)


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

 Mt. Fuji, Japan.


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jeb Admits He Smoked Marihoochie During Debate


Fox Host: Jeb Bush Is A "Beta Male" Compared To Trump
ANDREA TANTAROS: Alright, so was it a good night for Jeb, exclamation point? I mean, I think the first clip that we played, Jonah, I don't know, that was awkward, when you ask someone to apologize and Donald Trump didn't. That made him look really weak. And then the second one, the rambling about the Bush advisers and how many people. I mean I wondered if he was still hitting the Mary Jane.

Only early "Saturday Night Live" viewers will get my phototoon above. :)

Jeb Bush revealed he smoked pot in high school, but did not disclose what drug his brother was on when he invaded Iraq.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

They're at the library of a man who armed both Saddam and the ayatollah. Irony just hanged itself in a cheap hotel.  #GOPDebate - John Fugelsang

Great Job AP!
 More than 2,000 fishermen have been rescued this year from brutal conditions at sea, liberated as a result of an Associated Press investigation into seafood brought to the U.S. from a slave island in eastern Indonesia.

Republican Shenanigans

I enjoyed Fiorina's smackdown of Trump as much as anyone. But let's be honest: when the biggest moment of a debate is one candidate rebuking another for making fun of her face, we are not exactly in Lincoln-Douglas territory.- Andy Borowitz

The World Is Ending: 10 GOP Congressmen Believe In Climate Change!
Nearly a dozen Republican members of Congress will break ranks with leaders of their party on Thursday, and call for action against climate change.

A conservative super PAC just announced yesterday that they plan to spend $1 million on campaign ads attacking Donald Trump. Trump was like, “Make it $2 million and I'll STAR in them!"- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

When I took office, 800,000 Americans lost their jobs each month. Our businesses have now added 13.1 million jobs over 66 straight months. - President Obama

Latino Republicans. Yes, They Do Exist.
Bob Cortes, a Republican legislator in Florida, fears he is losing the Hispanic vote that helped get him elected. The culprits: Republican presidential candidates such as Donald Trump who are railing against immigration.
The upcoming visit by the most socially progressive pope in generations threatens to alienate them even more, driving a further wedge between Cortes’ party and the Hispanic voters it needs to win back in order to retake the White House.

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U.S. Appeals Court: Rosaries To Stay In Ovaries
 A U.S. appeals court has ruled that President Barack Obama's healthcare law violates the rights of religiously affiliated employers by forcing them to help provide contraceptive coverage even though they do not have to pay for it.

Given a choice, I'm pretty sure most Americans would prefer to shut down the Republican Party over Planned Parenthood.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

In China, people are selling their kidney to buy an iPhone 6. What's going to happen when the iPhone 7 comes out?- Conan O'Brien

Boehner Declares Martial Law To Stop Government Shutdown
The House voted Thursday to give GOP leaders flexibility next week in fast-tracking a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown.
Democrats protested over the move, known as martial law, which allows the House to consider a rule that establishes procedural guidelines for debating legislation on the same day it is produced by the House Committee on Rules.

"Real country music, not what they call country today, which is basically a bad rock band with a fiddle."- Tom Petty.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Elephant Foot Glacier, Greenland.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Mike Huckabee thinks Syrian refugees aren’t fleeing ‘tyranny’ — they’re just looking for ‘cable TV’


Mike Huckabee thinks Syrian refugees aren’t fleeing ‘tyranny’ — they’re just looking for ‘cable TV
Mike Huckabee thinks it’s “judicial tyranny” to order a county clerk to follow a court ruling that extends marriage equality rights to same-sex couples, but he’s not sure Syrians are fleeing the brutal “tyranny” of Islamic State militants.

The remaining candidates are gearing up for the second Republican debate, which will take place this Wednesday on CNN. It starts at 8 p.m. and ends when Donald Trump runs out of air.- Jimmy Fallon

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

If Trump were running Jade Helm 15, America would have conquered America and given it back to America.- LOLGOP

Texas Messing With Muslim Teen
Ahmed Mohamed was wearing a NASA T-shirt when he was placed in handcuffs and led out of his high school.
The 14-year-old had brought a homemade digital clock to MacArthur High School in the Dallas suburb of Irving, Texas.
Now, the teenager, who described his hobbies as "inventing stuff" is suspended and may be charged with making a hoax bomb

Trump's foreign policy is to act really scared of foreigners.- LOLGOP

Hungary Unwelcomes Refugees
Hungarian police fired tear gas and water cannon on Wednesday at several hundred migrants protesting at being unable to cross the border from Serbia, AFP reporters said.

Republican Shenanigans

Tonight's #GOPDebate features religious conservatives trying to control America warning us about the religious conservatives controlling Iran.- John Fugelsang

Alienate Women, Check. Alienate Immigrants, Check. Alienate Unions, Check.
US presidential candidate Scott Walker said if he is elected next year he will seek to eliminate federal government unions and the agency that investigates labor disputes, as well as helping states let public employees opt out of union membership.

This weekend was the annual National Federation of Republican Women Convention. Or as Donald Trump called it, a total dog show. He would do that and his approval rating would go up 15 points.- Conan O'Brien

If 99% of us voted, it wouldn't matter what the 1% wanted.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

Texas is criminalizing clocks so they can roll them back to 1953. - Tina Dupuy

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"One of President Obama's problems is that he is out of touch with reality," GOP chief Reince Preibus said. "Donald Trump spent fourteen seasons hosting a reality show."- Andy Borowitz

Marine Life Has Dropped By Half
Populations of marine mammals, birds, reptiles and fish have dropped by about half in the past four decades, with fish critical to human food suffering some of the greatest declines, WWF warned Wednesday.

Business/Tech News

Facebook adds a "Dislike" button.  Because what the internet really needs is more negativity.- John Fugelsang

Fighter Jet Maintenance Costs
The U.S. Air Force will likely have to spend billions of dollars in coming years to keep its fleet of Boeing Co F-15 fighter jets flying longer, and upgrade their capabilities, a top general said Tuesday.

If you really care about 'saving marriage' then stop fighting gay weddings and start fighting straight divorce. - John Fugelsang



Odd News

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Koh Samui, Thailand. Oh, yeah, I could do that.
