Friday, September 11, 2015



‘Go back to your country, Bin Laden': Elderly Sikh severely beaten ahead of 9/11 anniversary
Just days before the US commemorates the September 11 terrorist attacks, an elderly Sikh-American has been hospitalised after an assailant attacked him in Chicago, dubbing him a "terrorist".

I'm no fashion expert, Ms World Trade Center protestor, but your 'never forgive' sign clashes with that crucifix you're wearing.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.- TheGoodGodAbove Tweet

Yep, The GOP Wants WAR With Iran.
In an anticlimactic end to the acrimonious debate in Congress over the Iran nuclear deal, the House voted against the agreement Friday -- a largely symbolic move that won’t prevent the pact from taking effect next week.

"Congress was back in session after a five-week summer break. They have until September 30 to pass a budget to ensure that the government stays up and running, or else they will be forced to, well, I guess go back on vacation." –Jimmy Kimmel

Republican Shenanigans

The problem with America's Congress isn't that it's a Confederacy of Dunces, it's the Dunces of the Confederacy.- John Fugelsang

Of Course, More Wasted Tax Dollars By The GOP On Fake Scandals
The House will vote on two bills next week that come in response to a series of sting videos accusing Planned Parenthood of breaking the law, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) from the House floor announced Friday.

I'm so glad that the Republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood-- it must mean that they are planning to spend billions to feed, clothe and educate all those additional babies!- Andy Borowitz

"Political insiders are saying that Donald Trump's continued popularity is causing Mitt Romney to consider entering the GOP primary race. Wow, Mitt Romney. Just when you thought the GOP field couldn't get any more interesting, you were right." –Seth Meyers

Rock The Voter News

When Republicans say they're against political correctness; they really mean all correctness: science, civics, history, law--basic math.- Tina Dupuy

"If folks didn’t like this year’s Blue Devils, they were just being haters." —President Obama on how the 2015 NCAA Men's Basketball Champion Duke University Blue Devils represented their school on the court, in class, and through giving back to the community. Photo/White House

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When All Else Fails, Sue The President. It Worked So Well Last Time!
 House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that all options are on the table in the fight to stop the Iran nuclear deal from moving forward, including suing the president. 

Dear Rowan Co Taxpayers: Why pay #KimDavis OVER 5 TIMES your average salary to do a job that would get done better if you paid her nothing?- Mrs. Betty Bowers

Unemployment lower than at any time under Reagan. Instead of illegally trading weapons to Iran, we have a peace deal. "A disaster," says GOP. - The Daily Edge

Business/Tech News

Jeb Bush's new tax-cut plan says we must do more to help the millionaires & billionaires that are sufferin' in this country.- TeaPain Tweet

JEB: A Member Of The Trickle Down Club
In pitching his tax-cut plan, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush lamented the persistence of breaks that “apply to some but not to all.”
Still, his proposal to reduce taxes by at least $3.4 trillion over a decade leaves many credits, exclusions and exemptions untouched. Those include breaks for health care, retirement, life insurance, municipal bonds, home sales and child care.

When Donald Trump said Carly Fiorina is too ugly to be president, everyone laughed, none louder than his loyal sidekick Combover. - Tea Party Cat

FEEL THE BERN: Bernie Wants To Jail CEOs, Not Pot Smokers.
 Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders isn't terribly impressed with a new Department of Justice pledge to get serious about white-collar crime.

14 years ago today America was attacked by 0 Iraqis, 0 Afghans and 0 Iranians. Never forget.- John Fugelsang


I had a lovely birthday with good friends and good food at the Monkey Bar in Playa Flamingo.
Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes and gifts!

The Pacific view from the rooftop Monkey Bar. Sadly no sunset to see as it was and still is cloudy.

The Marina view from the Monkey Bar.

Chicken Cordon Bleu. Oui Oui!

My friends, left to right, Cookie, Yvonne, some lady who barged in and
Yerlin. I love my little birthday cake.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The White House this morning, honoring those lost on 9-11 fourteen years ago.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015



Trump, Cruz, Palin hold anti-Iran deal rally in DC
 Republican presidential rivals and friends-for-now Donald Trump and Ted Cruz on Wednesday savaged the proposed nuclear agreement with Iran, calling it an incompetently negotiated deal that will cost “countless” American and Israeli lives and should be discarded by the next president.

I believe we have an obligation to pursue diplomatic solutions before resorting to military engagement. #IranDeal . - Bernie Sanders

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Bush administration’s secretary of state, Colin Powell, has come out in support of the Iran nuclear deal, and is calling the agreement “remarkable” — while George W. Bush is calling the deal "nucular."- Seth Myers

This Is What China Thinks Happened In The Middle East
BEIJING, Sept. 9 (Xinhua) -- The West should regard the ongoing refugee crisis as a costly and painful lesson of its hegemonistic foreign policies and interventionism in the Middle East that have not only brought wars and chaos to the region, but also boomeranged.

I voted against the war in Iraq.  Sadly, much of what I feared in fact did happen. I do not want to see it happen again. #IranDeal - Bernie Sanders

Republican Shenanigans

If you don't feel comfortable signing a license to let gay people get married, that's all right. Just quit. This was a Supreme Court decision. You're a government worker. This is like refusing to issue drivers licenses because you're Amish.- Jimmy Kimmel

Yep, The Republican Answer To Everything Is To Shutdown The Government
Congressional Republicans showed no signs on Wednesday of having a clear plan for averting a U.S. government shutdown in three weeks over funding for Planned Parenthood, though senior party leaders have made clear they want to avoid that scenario.

Republicans considering a government shutdown to solve the problem of the government being open.- LOLGOP

Mike Huckabee and Kim Davis prove it's easier to loudly worship Jesus than to follow his inconvenient teachings.- John Fugelsang

Obama Does A Two Step Exposing Cheney
The two-and-a-half-minute video titled "Former Vice President Dick Cheney: Wrong Then, Wrong Now" -- which was featured prominently on the White House homepage Tuesday -- spares no punches.

Rock The Voter News

Republicans have to imagine disaster fan fiction to motivate their base. Democrats just describe what actually happened before 2008.- LOLGOP

Bernie Wants To Fix Our Broken Prison System!
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) says he's introducing a criminal justice reform bill this week, calling the current system "broken."
"My legislation will eliminate federal, state and local contracts for privately run prisons within 2 years. It will reinstate the federal parole system. It will increase oversight and eliminate the overcharging of prisoners by private companies for banking and other services," Sanders, who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said in a statement on Tuesday.

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A new report found that the U.S. economy created 173,000 jobs last month. The most common job created this summer was a teacher. The second most common? Republican presidential candidate.- Jimmy Fallon

Business/Tech News

Time Warner will offer a channel completely dedicated to the Pope’s upcoming visit to the U.S. Which is fitting, when you figure Time Warner customers are the only ones who say “Jesus Christ” as much as the Pope.- Jimmy Fallon

For The iPhone Lovers Out There...
Apple CEO Tim Cook unveiled the latest iPhone Wednesday that aims to keep the sales boom generated by the original iPhone 6 and 6 Plus going.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Full moon rising over Mount Hood,Oregon.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Trump: I Never Went To Vietnam, But 'I Felt That I Was In The Military'


Trump: I Never Went To Vietnam, But 'I Felt That I Was In The Military'
Donald Trump believes that because he attended a military high school, he has an understanding of what it is like to be in the military, despite deferring the Vietnam War draft for medical reasons.

Fact checking Dick Cheney's Iran speech: Nope. None.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Republicans vow to wage war on God's creation until humanity's either dead or Raptured. - The Daily Edge

Kim Davis Is Free Again! Praise The Lord And Pass The Popcorn!
The attorney for Kim Davis, the Kentucky clerk who was jailed last week for refusing to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has been ordered released, her attorney, Roger Gannam, told Yahoo News.

BREAKING: Kim Davis free from jail, says she plans to “get married a few more times before returning to job denying gays marriage licenses.”- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

When Huckabee is president everyone can break any laws they feel like except the federal troops stopping women from having abortions.- Tina Dupuy

Jeb Jabs Rivals In New Ad
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is targeting Donald Trump and other rivals for the GOP nomination in his first television ad of the presidential campaign.

Donald Trump has finally signed the Republican pledge saying that he will not run as a third party candidate if he doesn't win the Republican nomination. He signed it Jeb Bush.- Jimmy Fallon

Again, The GOP Is Trying To Defund Planned Parenthood
Rep. Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) introduced a bill Tuesday that would cut off a key source of Planned Parenthood’s federal dollars, setting up a new opportunity for House GOP leaders to call a vote on defunding the group.

Rock The Voter News

No Apologies From Hillary
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton said Monday she does not need to apologize for using a private email account and server while at the State Department because "what I did was allowed."

Being the first female presidential frontrunner in American history is so easy that everyone in the media knows how to do it better.- LOLGOP

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BREAKING: Kim Davis Says She Will Break Her New Release Agreement
A federal judged ordered Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis be released from custody and her contempt order be lifted Tuesday, but her lawyers said the defiant clerk plans to continue blocking marriage licenses for gay couples when she returns to work.

Business/Tech News

Krugman Likes Some Of Trump's Ideas
Paul Krugman, the liberal economist and New York Times columnist, said Monday that leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is right on taxation and economic policy.

Labor Day. Ugh.
Why isn't there a Real Estate Mogul Day?
Or a Hedge Fund Guy Day?Or even a Corporations Are People Day?
So unfair.- Tea Party Cat


The Internet has been mostly working since yesterday afternoon. The owner found the problem, there were too many splitters on the cable. But being back's a miracle! 


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A vending machine that would give you an already lit cigarette for a penny, England. 1931.
We've come a long way, baby! Smoking is at its lowest levels in the USA.
