Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Iran Is A Done Deal


Obama gets Iran deal win as Senate Dems amass enough votes
President Barack Obama secured a landmark foreign policy victory Wednesday as Senate Democrats amassed enough votes to ensure the Iran nuclear deal survives in Congress, despite ferocious opposition from Republicans and the government of Israel.

JohnKerry: The people of Israel will be safer with Iran Deal. The same is true for people throughout the region. 

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Reagan would never have sunk to having his Iran arms deal approved by "Congress."- LOLGOP

Jeb Brings Out Big Guns Aimed At Trump
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is attacking fellow GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s fear of germs.

The guys who told us war with Iraq would lead to peace are now telling us that diplomacy guarantees war. It's almost as if war is the goal.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

HISTORY TRIVIA: A mountain in Alaska was called Denali until illegal immigrants renamed it Mt McKinley.Andy Borowitz

Today, Meet Trump Chump
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would enjoy playing a round of golf with President Obama for control of the Oval Office...

NBC considers rebranding "Meet the Press." Names being considered:
- The Ted Cruz Comedy Hour
- No Facts Allowed
- Chuck Todd Pet Detective - The Daily Edge

GOP fired up about “anti-police” rhetoric see no conflict in their 7 year, daily “anti-president of the united states” rhetoric- Jason Kaplan

Rock The Voter News

Tony Soprano Daycare Workers?
Two former daycare workers in North Jersey are charged with forcing children into a so-called "fight club" on the school playground.

When you say something racist and then try to justify why it's not actually racist that's called Foxplaining. - OhNoSheTwitnt

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Another Climate Record Broken. Oh My.
The current El Nino weather phenomenon is expected peak between October and January and could turn into one of the strongest on record, experts from the World Meteorological Organization said at a news conference on Tuesday.

NASA Deploys Congressional Rover To Search For Funding - The Onion

Business/Tech News

I support keeping the US minimum wage at $7.25hr  but only for Congress b/c those guys already live off their tips.- John Fugelsang

A lot of people are upset that our president is appearing on a reality show. A little over a year from now, we might have a president who hosted a reality show. So get used to it...You know, Donald Trump?- Jimmy Kimmel



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

A New York Hot Dog Stand in the 40's.


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Dick Cheney defends America’s use of torture, again, in new book


Dick Cheney defends America’s use of torture, again, in new book
Dick Cheney has defended the Bush administration’s approval of the use of torture again in a new book about American exceptionalism written with his daughter Liz Cheney.

These Republican attack ads are the best press Hillary Clinton has gotten this summer.-LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Obama's not going on TV & telling ISIL exactly what he & the Joint Chiefs are gonna do? Why is he such a weak leader?- John Fugelsang

Well, Well, Well, Jail Time For Anti-Gay County Clerk?
Lawyers filed a motion Tuesday morning to hold Kentucky’s Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis in contempt of court for refusing to obey the bevy of court orders against her and provide marriage licenses for same-sex couples.

KY County Clerk Kim Davis still won't issue marriage licenses to gay ppl b/c of God, who constantly creates gay ppl around the globe. - John Fugelsang

Republican Shenanigans

More Hillary Investigations!!! Yawn.
A conservative media group specializing in undercover investigations released a video on Tuesday purporting to show the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign breaking federal election law.

Trump is doing pretty well in the polls right now, and he’s pretty confident. Which may be why he’s said he doesn’t plan on running campaign ads that attack the other candidates. When asked who the ads would attack instead, he said "Their mothers! It's their fault those losers are here to begin with!"- Jimmy Fallon

In The 1950s The Catholic Nuns Taught Us That God Forgives All Sins
Pope Francis is applying his vision of a merciful church to women who have had abortions, easing their path toward forgiveness and saying he realizes some felt they had no choice but to make "this agonizing and painful decision."
In a letter published Tuesday by the Holy See, Francis said he was allowing all rank-and-file priests to grant absolution during the Year of Mercy he has proclaimed, which runs Dec. 8, 2015 until Nov. 20, 2016.

According to a new poll, Hillary Clinton has lost a third of her supporters in Iowa since May. There's still debate as to whether she lost them or just deleted them from her database.- Jimmy Fallon

Rock The Voter News

Meanwhile, Industrial Pollution Is Filling The Bellies Of Seabirds
Up to 90 percent of seabirds are likely to have plastic in their guts, and the risk of ingestion is growing—a result of ever-increasing industrial pollution in the world's oceans, according to a new study published Monday.

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Trump accuses Bush of encouraging immigrants to murder people. Bush rebuts by accusing of Trump of once having sane views. This is your GOP.- LOLGOP

Business/Tech News

Will The Sunshine State Citizens Be Allowed To Buy Solar Power?
The Florida Supreme Court heard arguments on Tuesday about the language of a proposed constitutional amendment that would let consumers buy electricity from independent solar power companies, rather than stay dependent on state-regulated utilities.

Florida is one of a handful of states where homeowners and businesses are not permitted by law to buy electricity directly from anyone other than a utility.

Kanye West to run for president in 2020. Donald Trump said it must be a joke because “Kanye is just a celebrity, he’s totally unqualified.”- Tea Party Cat

Leave it to Republicans to make a mountain's name out of a mole hill. - Tina Dupuy


I made a trip to the city today. Mea culpa that today's edition is late.


Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Just hanging around today.


Monday, August 31, 2015

The cause of gun violence...


NRA spokesman tells parents of slain Virginia journalists not to be ‘so emotional’
lion Noir, a spokesman and video host for the National Rifle Association (NRA), said in a video that the parents of murdered TV journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward should not let their emotions cloud their judgment when it comes to the availability of guns.

President Trump vows to change the name of "New Mexico" to "How Did You Get In Here?"- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

The Nazis were bad Christians just like ISIS are bad Muslims.  If you kill for religion you suck at religion.- John Fugelsang

Another Stupid Person With A Gun
George Zimmerman, the man acquitted in the shooting death of unarmed Florida teen Trayvon Martin, has apparently perfected the art of tough guy tweeting.

Scott Walker: “We need a wall on the Canadian border to keep out all those geese that migrate here and take jobs from American birds.”- Tea Party Cat

Republican Shenanigans

Right now members of the Republican National Committee are essentially the scientists in a movie realizing their creation has escaped from the lab.- Jimmy Kimmel

Trump: “Favorite Bible verse? When Jesus threw the Mexicans out of the Temple. And when He resurrected Lazarus’ company from bankruptcy.”- Tea Party Cat

It's OK When Republicans Use Private Email Accounts!
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) on Sunday was forced to take a break from criticizing Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton's use of private email to instead defend his own use of a non-government email account.

They did a nationwide survey that found that when voters think of Donald Trump, the most common word that comes to mind is "Arrogant." When the same voters think of Hillary Clinton, the most common word they use is "Liar." When they think of Jeb Bush, the first word that comes to mind is "Bush." Voters don't even care enough about Jeb Bush to come up with a word to describe him.- Jimmy Kimmel

How DARE the University of Texas remove a statue of Jefferson Davis over a little thing like treason and the death of 600,000 Americans!!!- Tea PartyCat

Rock The Voter News

Subject: Pope Francis Quote

Hello Lisa, I hope you are feeling well. I have at times donated to your  
website, as much as my limited retirement income allows. But I digress,  
your web site is great; refreshing, witty and insightful. However I must  
draw attention to your "quote" from liberal Pope Francis, he did not make  
that statement. As a recovering Atheist Catholic I so wanted to believe  
that Francis said such, but he did not. It's not clear where the quote  
originated, but there is no proof (nor is there precedent) for the claim  
Pope Francis voiced it.  I wish Francis would have stated such so I could  
quote it to my religious friends. On second thought they believe in myths  
and fables, so why not this quote? LOL Thanks Lisa. 
With respect, Randall

Dear Randall,
So good to hear from you. I'm OK and hope you are too. Thank you for the compliments about AHNC. Deep curtsy.
I am so glad my viewers are smarter than me. Thank you for taking the time to inform me of my error by posting the meme below.
I like this Pope a lot. I'm not a recovering Atheist Catholic as yourself, I'm more of a recovering Cafeteria Catholic. 

I want a government that's small enough to build walls around anything that irrationally scares me.- LOLGOP

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Here Comes The Hurricanes. Be Prepared.
Hurricane Fred strengthened early Monday in the eastern Atlantic as it approached the Cape Verde Islands, while the remnants of Tropical Storm Erika brought flooding to parts of South Carolina, according to U.S. forecasters.

Business/Tech News

All the new polls indicate that Donald Trump is getting more popular every day. Apparently his inspiring riches to riches story is really resonating with everyday Americans.- Jimmy Kimmel

Maybe This Massive Gas Discovery Will Lead To More Jobs, Less Violence In Egypt
The discovery of a huge natural gas field off the Egyptian coast is a major boon for the country that will help alleviate energy shortages and boost the economy, experts said Monday.

Proof that Native Americans are the lost tribe of Israel is found in the name Yosemite, which was the ancient greeting, "Yo, Semite!"- Kona Lowell



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Luna is working on her tan on my front porch.
