Friday, August 14, 2015

Kerry presides over raising of flag at U.S. embassy in Cuba


Kerry presides over raising of flag at U.S. embassy in Cuba
 Watched over by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, U.S. Marines raised the American flag at the embassy in Cuba for the first time in 54 years on Friday, symbolically ushering in an era of renewed diplomatic relations between the two Cold War-era foes.

SO disgraceful that we now have diplomacy with Cuba. President Trump would have sent those Cubans back to Mexico.- LOLGOP

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Jeb Bush: “Iraq is better without Saddam Hussein. Everyone thinks so-- even Iran and ISIS.”- Tea Party Cat

Step Right Up And Get Your Very Own Flamethrower
Flamethrowers were gruesome weapons of war and so controversial that the U.S. military stopped using them after Vietnam. Yet as crazy as it may seem, they are available for sale to the public.

It's impossible for me to get used to the idea of Jeb Bush being President when I still have not gotten used to the idea that George W. Bush was President.- Andy Borowitz

Fidel Castro to US: You owe us millions. 
US to Fidel Castro: Close, but no cigar. - JokeBlogger

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Trump says his favorite book is the Bible; and he especially likes it's main protagonist the Golden Calf.- John Fugelsang

Does A Hand On The Shoulder Count As A Hug?
Fox Host Apologizes For Telling The Truth
After reviewing the evidence, Fox News host Greta Van Susteren apologized on Thursday night to Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie for saying he hugged President Barack Obama almost three years ago.

How interesting that Planned Parenthood has better poll numbers than anyone voting to defund it.- Lizz Winstead

California To Be Affected By Illegal Alien Weather: El Niño
The current El Niño weather pattern could become the strongest on record and one of the biggest weather events of recent decades, federal forecasters said Thursday...The forecast could be good news for California, which could receive an unusual amount of much-needed rain in the middle of a four-year-long drought.

Rock The Voter News

Before 1965, African Americans faced poll taxes, literacy tests, or having to count jellybeans in a jar when they tried to register to vote.- President Obama

California To Ban Grand Juries For Police
Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation Tuesday making California the first state in the nation to ban the use of grand juries to decide whether police officers should face criminal charges when they kill people in the line of duty.

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GOOD NEWS! Police arrested dangerous unarmed black protesters in Ferguson so that peaceful armed white militias can roam free.- Tea Party Cat

Business/Tech News

80 years and the conservative movement is still trying to break Social Security. Hopefully we'll break conservatism first.- LOLGOP

Never Too Early To Start The War On Christmas
Summer vacation is almost over, the kids are returning to school, and Fox News is already hyping the return of the “War on Christmas.”

Florida is considering legalizing silencers so you can stand your ground without all the hoopla. - JokeBlogger



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Machu Picchu is an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains in Peru, above the Urubamba River valley. Built in the 15th century and later abandoned, it’s renowned for its sophisticated dry-stone walls that fuse huge blocks without the use of mortar, intriguing buildings that play on astronomical alignments, and panoramic views. Its exact former use remains a mystery.


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Top Army General: No, Trump, We're Not Going To Seize ISIL's Oil Supply


Top Army General: No, Trump, We're Not Going To Seize ISIL's Oil Supply
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno said on Wednesday that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's idea of using the U.S. military to seize oil reserves from the Islamic State terrorist group wasn't going to work.

The people who believe Obama's actually Muslim tend to be the same ones who believed Cheney was actually Christian.- John Fugelsang

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

McCain: “For those of us who have looked forward to bombing Iran for some time now, peace is a doomsday scenario.”- Andy Borowitz

I Bet The Ayatollah Is Laughing At The Whole USA
“They have no respect for John Kerry, who falls off bicycles at 73 in the middle of a negotiation that’s very important,” Trump quipped of the secretary of State’s role in this year’s nuclear talks with Tehran.

Trump: “When I’m in the White House, the leaders of ISIS are going to bear the brunt of the most vicious tweets the world has ever known."- Andy Borowitz

A literal racist clown is leading the GOP primary and the media is in full pearl clutch over Democrats.- LOLGOP

Republican Shenanigans

Trump's head is 'up his ass'- Jay Leno

Mexico: No Wall For Trump
The Mexican government says it won't help pay for a wall along its border with the U.S., a proposal pushed by Republican front-runner Donald Trump.
"Of course it's false," Eduardo Sanchez, a spokesman for Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, told Bloomberg for a story published late Wednesday.

I think conservatives will be fine with Ben Carson having experimented on fetal tissue as long as he didn't try to give it health  insurance. - LOLGOP

Bernie Sanders is now leading Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire. He's seven points ahead. So forget those emails from when she was secretary of state. I want to see the emails Hillary sent out this morning.- Conan O'Brien

Wilmore Defends Bernie
After tackling the first GOP primary debate earlier this week, Larry Wilmore’s coverage of “The Unblackening” turned to the Democratic race Wednesday night, and particularly Bernie Sanders’ struggles to connect with African-American voters.

Rock The Voter News

Bernie Sanders Rocked by Overdue Library Book Allegations. - Andy Borowitz

Dean Defends Hillary
Howard Dean believes "there's nothing criminal" about any of the correspondence Hillary Clinton kept on a private email server she used while in office, the former Vermont governor said Thursday.

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Imagine this: Jeb Bush is so scared of Donald Trump that he thinks Iraq is a better issue for him.- LOLGOP

NBC Doesn't Like Trump
An NBC executive told reporters Thursday that its show, "The Celebrity Apprentice" will return, but without its longtime host, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, according to a report on Universal ended its relationship with Trump earlier this summer after the businessman said Mexican immigrants are "rapists" and drug dealers.

Business/Tech News

We Built a $335 Million Power Plant in Afghanistan that Can Barely Turn on Lightbulb. Yeah, Bush Built It.
USAID is denying that a $335 million “vital component” of their mission to aid the massive energy deficit in Kabul, Afghanistan is an utter failure, but a new report contradicts that claim.

They say that alcohol, causes a lot of deaths but no one ever talks About how many births it causes.- Anonymous



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

The Lion Tree!


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Poll: Most want criminal probe of Clinton emails


Poll: Most want criminal probe of Clinton emails
More than half of registered voters say that a criminal investigation should be launched against Hillary Clinton over her use of a private email system while serving as secretary of State, according to a new poll.

Hillary Releases Twenty Thousand Spam E-Mails from Old Navy. - Andy Borowitz

The World Is A Safer Place Without Saddam

Goldilocks Bush:
My dad invaded Iraq too little.
My brother invaded Iraq too much.
I'll invade Iraq just right. - LOLGOP

Iraq War Vets Oppose Iran Deal
A group of Iraq War veterans who oppose the Iran nuclear deal launched its campaign this week, seeking to push back against the Obama administration's argument that the alternative to the deal is war.

According to an online poll, Donald Trump is still the front-runner in the Republican primary race. It's very impressive because it's the only race left that he hasn't offended yet.- Jimmy Fallon

Republican Shenanigans

Donald Defends Planned Parenthood?
Donald Trump sat down with Sean Hannity tonight and did everything from hit back at his conservative critics to defend Planned Parenthood to rip Hillary Clinton over her emails and foundation money.

You gun-safety people fail to realize that when the founders said 'well regulated militia' they obviously meant 'totally unregulated dudes.'- John Fugelsang

If white people were treated by the government the way black people are, Fox News would make sense.- LOLGOP

Rock The Voter News

California Burning Again
 A wildfire that forced some California residents to flee their home for a second time in recent weeks is rapidly growing, prompting authorities to order more evacuations.

This is an incredible explosion that happened in Tianjin, China a few hours ago. Cause undetermined at time of this post.

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The River The EPA Polluted Is Back To Normal? It's A Miracle!
Colorado state officials said pollution appears to have cleared from the Animas River after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) caused a massive mine waste spill.

Carly Fiorina: "I will destroy ISIS, the way I destroyed Hewlett Packard!" (standing ovation) - Andy Borowitz

Business/Tech News

Naming an airport after Ronald Reagan is a bit like naming a teen beauty pageant after Roman Polanski.- John Fugelsang

Panama Canal Drought
Panama's government has declared a state of emergency as it faces a drought that has prompted water restrictions, depleted reservoirs and affected shipping through its bustling canal.



Odd News

Time To Deflate Photo

Mother Nature's umbrella.
